your describing a drop catch there buddy
Ok, I had the terms mixed up (live catch being the reverse of a drop catch, but more angle dependent; I never really tried to do these "live catches" in real life (I did drop catches all the time, which are far easier to do, IMO), thus, I must be "accidentally" getting live catches all the time since I see it happen multiple times per game without even trying. That doesn't happen in real life remotely that often. Meanwhile, I have yet to get it to drop catch once and I've tried a few times now (no trouble in the real world with the ball at the right angle).
My issue with it happening too often is that these tables are already way WAY too easy compared to the real world counterparts (save the new F-14, which must be the first table I've played in TPA that has an actual real world slope setting on it). The problem is slope by far. Most real world tables had slopes akin to 6-9 degrees to make them difficult. But while difficult, it also made them FAST and fast + more difficult = feels like the real world games. I'm getting to the wizard modes on games like TZ every single time without even trying.... It's not fun to be THAT easy. A TZ game shouldn't last an hour without even trying. The other problem is way too many extra balls. I'd rather see replays/credits be the normal style of playing just because extra balls extend games that would never get extended in the real world.
How about a "Home" vs. "Arcade" setting? Keep the current games for the "Home" setting and use higher slopes and less extra balls for the arcade settings. That would make TPA 10x more fun for people like me that played these games to death in the real world and want a little bit of a challenge. Yes, I could play Theatre of Magic all day long on one credit in the real world, but I'm not THAT good on most other tables. I can get to wizard modes, but not on my first try. I have to warm up and get in the groove and even then, I wasn't even close to championship guys that go to PAPA etc. (and it's not hard for me to go to PAPA since it's only about an hour away for me).
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