New UI Discussion

Dec 7, 2013
I like how the current layout has the games logo, shot of the table, and artwork as background. I'm gunna miss that.

I just hope for clean, polished transitions, it's honestly not bad now just unpolished.

Regardless we shall see how it turns out. I'm for getting rid of chimes everywhere. They aren't needed in the operators menu, when I enter initials on non-DMD tables all I need is the sound of a flipper, not a chime. And when selecting menus, a Better sound effect or none at all would be better.

At the end of the day, so long as there's no HUD while I play I'm happy. The games themselves are perfect so I hope they don't mess with that aspect.

PS anyone have a solid release date yet?


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I'm pretty sure FarSight doesn't have a firm release date. People are always digging for release dates and then getting upset when those dates aren't met. Hopefully FarSight is learning to just not say anything until something actually hits the store.

Sun Vulcan

New member
Jun 28, 2012


Neil L

New member
Aug 5, 2012
This looks a lot better than the old one. Hopefully there will be a way to start a 2 player game without having to set the number of players every time, and seperate options for each table (camera/DMD/multiball cam/flipper options etc. also at the moment players 2, 3 & 4 don't use the same settings as player 1)
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New member
Jun 13, 2012
When are the going to add the arcade challenge mode back in??.....we need the virtual arcade back from The Williams Collection

I did enjoy challenge mode in the Wii games; also the fact that it still tracked table goals. Only issue I can see is that with dozens of tables you'd need to block out a big chunk of time to do one. I think you should be able to either pick a dozen machines do have a randomly generated challenge.


Jan 28, 2013
This looks a lot better than the old one. Hopefully there will be a way to start a 2 player game without having to set the number of players every time, and seperate options for each table (camera/DMD/multiball cam/flipper options etc.)

Neil, that's a very good point but I don't expect to see that happening with the UI update.

I agree that the camera positions should be standardized across all tables. I think there should only really be two sets of cameras, one set for standard body pins and another set for wide body's. The ability for the user to tweak a little would be most welcome! And then, like you say, the settings should be stored globally.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Looks nice. It does look like it's prioritised for touch devices, though. Will need to see how natural it feels with a controller.


New member
Feb 5, 2014
Neil, that's a very good point but I don't expect to see that happening with the UI update.

I agree that the camera positions should be standardized across all tables. I think there should only really be two sets of cameras, one set for standard body pins and another set for wide body's. The ability for the user to tweak a little would be most welcome! And then, like you say, the settings should be stored globally.

I'm pretty sure you read that backwards...

On phones and small tablets with limited screens it's *extremely* useful to be able to store per table camera settings. I'd favour storing them per orientation (portrait / landscape) as well, personally.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Per-table camera settings is long overdue and frankly given how little space that data would take up I'm surprised it didn't happen ages ago. I would agree that defining the flipper/button area on touch devices deserved a higher priority and it's nice to have seen that addressed.


New member
Aug 10, 2012
Is not it supposed to be the third season was to renewing interface arcade pinball?
have the ipad version and the menu is exactly the same. The truth is that there are already too many tables to handle and is quite cumbersome to choose them.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Is not it supposed to be the third season was to renewing interface arcade pinball?
have the ipad version and the menu is exactly the same. The truth is that there are already too many tables to handle and is quite cumbersome to choose them.

This will be the second UI refresh. This refresh was announced to come DURING season 3 so it will be soon.

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