New UI Discussion


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Who cares about the UI
I rather have the DX11 update anyday

It's actually VERY important. There are future features that will not work with the current UI so it must happen sooner than later. Believe me, the vast majority of players will like the new things coming out once they are made available. I don't think the current UI is bad at all but as the game continues to expand, the efficency of going through the tables and other options will continue to decline.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
C'mon FarSight, just swallow your pride and copy Zen's Pinball FX2 UI for table selection. It would make all of us who bought every table happy.


Jul 7, 2012
Time for a bump :) - From today's newsletter:

"We announced two Christmases ago that we were working on User Interface 2.0 for The Pinball Arcade. We know the fans have been waiting, and we know how you feel!


We are very proud to announce that a much improved and highly functional User Interface 2.0 is finally on the way!


These aren't just mock-ups either, they are screenshots of the new UI running in-game!


We will be rolling this functionality out to select platforms in the coming months!"


Looks good, like the humour!

I think the fake version of the Pinball Wizard music needs to go.
Wonder how much it would cost to license the real thing? Or to license an instrumental version of the real thing?
If it's too expensive I'd personally rather go without.
Also the swipe and select sounds need to be updated.
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Reagan Dow

New member
Jul 23, 2014
Can someone please post the news letter or at least a link to it. For some reason, for the first time I didn't get it.

Edit: FYI it showed up in my email a few hours ago. Now if only Apple would come through with their update........, D'oh!
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Staff member
May 8, 2012
I think the fake version of the Pinball Wizard music needs to go.
Wonder how much it would cost to license the real thing? Or to license an instrumental version of the real thing?
If it's too expensive I'd personally rather go without.
Also the swipe and select sounds need to be updated.

Fake Pinball Wizard was out of date when the app was released. 😉

I'd vote to just get rid of it altogether. It's not necessary.

And before anyone asks: recording ambient pinball noise as a replacement is also out due to issues with licensing the recorded sounds of the pinball machines. 😞


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Why the **** is that twat from transformers on a the main title this supposed to be some sort of wink wink nod nod....shame that meme is like 3 years old way to keep up with current events FS!

I hope they change the music with this update (i always like the 80's disco pop tune that had from there Wii Game) and add the virtual arcade back in please

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Why the **** is that twat from transformers on a the main title this supposed to be some sort of wink wink nod nod....shame that meme is like 3 years old way to keep up with current events FS!

That was the logo Pinball Arcade made for when Xenon was released. Starting with that table, the newsletter contained different TPA logos for each table.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
And before anyone asks: recording ambient pinball noise as a replacement is also out due to issues with licensing the recorded sounds of the pinball machines. ��

What about generic tri-chimes, slingshots and bumpers? Y'know, the same stock sounds used whenever you see a pinball on screen, no matter what year the table was made.

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