New XBox


New member
Apr 16, 2012
C'mon. In 2012, four of the top 10 best-sellers were FPS's. The idea that every game is an FPS is a wild exaggeration with no basis in reality.

Strategy games will always be tough on consoles because of the input devices but RPGs and adventure games are alive and well. It was a PS3-exclusive but the RPG Ni No Kuni has been a massive hit this year, for example.
Agreed, I'm no FPS buff by any stretch of the imagination, yet I have a ton of games I can play that are both critical as well as commercial hits. Ni no Kuni, Dark Souls, Dragons Dogma, Tomb Raider, Skyrim. Heck just look at the link in my signature for 50 days(!) worth of nonFPS games (ok plus HL2 and Bioshocks...Ill grant you that :))


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
You guys see the schedule for E3? Microsoft does their Xbox conference at 9 in the morning. Sony doesn't do theirs until 6 in the evening. On the one hand, that means MS essentially has the day to themselves for internet chatter as Sony won't be done until 11 o'clock on the east coast. On the other hand, Sony will get the last word in and possibly throw some trump cards down.

I know these conferences are well rehearsed so drastic changes to what they say are highly unlikely. You know MS is scrambling right now to put a different angle on the Xbone. I'm wondering what Sony has up their sleeve, other than the probable console reveal itself.

One thing is for sure...we aren't hearing dick about the prices yet. I'd put that as not being announced til August. I do have to laugh though. I get caught up in all these announcements and stuff, but I have zero intention of buying anything for 2 years.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I have zero intention of buying anything for 2 years.

Yup, aiming for a new purchase around Christmas 2014 myself. Dust should have been settled enough by then to make the choice clearer (games, reliability, prices etc), I just like they way Sony is heading much more as it's more into my personal wheelhouse.

I read an article yesterday that said MS paid $400 million for the NFL stuff. Wow.
Basically supports my point, that all that money is invested into something I have 0 interest in (similar if it was European sports mind you) and that isn't going towards games.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
DirecTV hasn't signed on yet for re-upping the NFL Sunday Ticket. Whaddya wanna bet Xbox goes after it?

And even after all the dust settles, I still won't buy an Xbox. I just have never liked anything about it. My buddy dropped his 360 off at my house over 6 months ago, and the only thing I've played on it is Portal (my PC sucked back then, now I can play proper on it). Sony still hasn't convinced me to buy a Vita yet, while my son's 3DS gets mad play.

You know how everyone always talks about the why's and why not's of backwards compatibility? Well, if I use my PS3 as much for playing Blu-Ray discs as I do for gaming. If the PS4 were b/c, that'd mean I could move the PS3 into the garage, or into another room and have the ability to play and watch movies elsewhere. But why do I need 2 blu ray players in my rack? I don't. So the justification of buying a PS4 loses momentum.

Oh man, I've completely lost the thread of where I was going with that! Oh well. Maybe my point was, Sony isn't gonna get my money immediately, and Xbox won't ever. Especially not with a creepy always on hooked up to the internet web cam staring at me.


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
1) I don't care for TV. PBS is my favorite station.
2) I don't care for movies. I am very selective about where my money goes to people who play pretend for a livin'.
3) I don't care for sports somewhat. I usually can keep up with what I like in the news. Playoffs are an exception.
4) I don't care too much for video games. I do have my favorites but, real pin ball and arcades have been where it's at for me. The only consoles I've really got into are an Atari, the PS2&3. And, I'm very selective about what I waste my time on.

Xbone doesn't fit the bill, ever. PS4 is a wait and see kind of deal. Ultimately, patience is your friend (and mine) on this matter. Consoles fit the trend of a downward spiral to keep people feeble. Vote with your wallet, or don't.

End drunken rant. My apologies.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Yeah, according to Microsoft, they will be showing off "14 new exclusives" at this year's E3. How many of them are actually games is yet to be seen.

I'm sure it will be more than capable of amazing graphics, etc, but what thy really need is a PSN Plus type service. Sony is kicking butt with that.

I also think it would be in Microsoft's best interest to kill the whole used game fee deal they are enforcing on players. It comes across as greedy and unnecessary and whatever money they make on this will be lost on players defecting to Sony. It already hurt their stock almost instantly after confirming "no used games, no backwards compatibly."

All I can say is they better put on a hell of an E3 show!
If they come in with Halo 5, Forza 6?, Star Wars Kinect 2, Madden 26, and a bunch of dancing games they are going to be in trouble.

I am planning on getting a PS4, but if the Xbox One has something ground breaking to offer I will buy that as well.
Something like this... a new Oculus Rift Version 2 bundled system with Half-Life 3 pack-in game.
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New member
Oct 20, 2012
Of all the new consoles...

WiiU-out 7 months, TPA submitted, but still no word on release.
Ouya-full support, but looks dithered and choppy.
Xboxone-can't even get new dlc for TPA on it's predecessor.
PS4-may be best hope for TPA on any console, but nothing else for it interests me.

I'll stick with android, but if I get the steam version, I'll need a new laptop. Tried zen pinball on steam, meeting every requirement save for my old video card-and since zen plays so horribly on it, I'm not optimistic TPA will work any better. A new computer will be my upgrade, not a new console at this time.
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New member
Oct 20, 2012
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New member
Sep 22, 2012
only way I might consider being an early adopter is if Xbox One gets an exclusive on Half Life 3 and they give away a gravity gun with every copy :)


New member
Apr 16, 2012
only way I might consider being an early adopter is if Xbox One gets an exclusive on Half Life 3 and they give away a gravity gun with every copy :)

Considering Gabe Newells stance towards Microsoft, I wonder which of the 2 is less likely to happen....


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Given that I trust people with way too much money to be inherently evil, there's no way in hell i'm even allowing Microsoft's system in my home. I just can't swallow that the thing will not function with the camera and microphone disabled. There is no...way...ever that any company could ever justify NEEDING a microphone and camera be in my livingroom.

MS has lost a customer here. Fortunately for Sony, the PS3 negated pretty well all the hate I harboured in them during the PS2 era.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I just can't swallow that the thing will not function with the camera and microphone disabled. There is no...way...ever that any company could ever justify NEEDING a microphone and camera be in my livingroom.
In George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, every household is required to own a TV (called a "telescreen" in the novel)...which is equipped with a camera and microphone for monitoring by the government.

I don't normally go in for conspiracy theories, but this is a bit much. Microsoft, if I want a microphone and camera in my house, I'll decide to put them there, not you. And I choose no.

Gord Lacey

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Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Just think what they could do with that microphone. Collect audio for shows you're watching (a moot point, since they want you watching TV through the system), but they could also collect data on movies, or other things going on in your place. Maybe recording conversations to look for brand names ("hey, Gord just mentioned going to get a Coke. Let's get Pepsi ads on his screen..."). Pretty powerful marketing tool (that almost everyone will be against).


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
In George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, every household is required to own a TV (called a "telescreen" in the novel)...which is equipped with a camera and microphone for monitoring by the government.

I don't normally go in for conspiracy theories, but this is a bit much. Microsoft, if I want a microphone and camera in my house, I'll decide to put them there, not you. And I choose no.

Maybe it's really called the XBOX One (Nine Eight Four)
Honestly, I'm always game for a good conspiracy theory. Not the crazy reptilian crap, but hey, the rich and powerful have nothing left to achieve than to gain more wealth and power and they pay all the strategists.

Conspiracy theorists might be a tad (or more) crazy, but politicians are known liars...who can one trust information from.
Enough of that though.

Here's my question for everyone. Would you have sexual relations with your GF, BF, Wife, Husband, concubine, FWB or whatever in your living room with that thing in there facing you?

Just think what they could do with that microphone. Collect audio for shows you're watching (a moot point, since they want you watching TV through the system), but they could also collect data on movies, or other things going on in your place. Maybe recording conversations to look for brand names ("hey, Gord just mentioned going to get a Coke. Let's get Pepsi ads on his screen..."). Pretty powerful marketing tool (that almost everyone will be against).

Frankly, I'm tired of ad supported, full priced software. I mean I can stomach ads around the boards in a hockey game (these days it would just look weird without them), and brand logos on jerseys etc. But I should never have to endure an advertisement, especially on a paid monthly subscription for online access, on a machine I paid hundreds of dollars for.

One exception: Games. This makes sense. I can buy games on the service. Show me what's out. Sure movies and new apps and stuff i can deal with...don't sell me coke or pepsi on my game console.

Gord Lacey

Site Founder
Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
It doesn't have to be an ad on the game console though. They could send advertising to your house in the form of coupons, or they could email it to you, or they could work it into their interactive TV thing... so many opportunities to get your eyeballs on the products they want to push.

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