Newsletter #13 riddle for April release


New member
Jun 13, 2012
We're not going to see Pin*Bot paired with Whirlwind due to them both being re-releases, but Whirlwind with Earthshaker sounds like a solid thematic pairing.


Jul 11, 2012
Your not going to see pin*bot and whirlwind paired because they're both a re-release and the pattern up to now is 1 old/re-release and 1 new. Hmmm going UP into space opposite going DOWN to the ground THE CHAMPIONSHIP PUB!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I've said all along I'd like to see Whirlwind and Earthshaker paired together, just for the fact that we'd see a table and it's sequel in one pack. I'd be doubly joyed because those 2 happen to be my favorites!

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I've finally cracked the case...

Into the darkness... That has got to be a reference to the box office receipts for Johnny Mnuemonic... Prepare for takeoff is a reference to how Keeanu Reeves career took off after the Matrix... It all makes sense now.

As for the other table... The opposite of space...Popeye Saves the Earth. God I feel stupid for not guessing that sooner. Ug gug gug gug gug gug.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
That would be a rough license, given Alec Baldwin is all over that table.

I wouldn't mind seeing Johny Nmuemonic and Shadow "de-licensed", and released on arcade. Taking out Keanu and Alec would actually be an improvement.

Back on topic. It's Nitro Ground Shaker, get it, ground is opposite of space and Orbitor 1, which takes you into the darkness.
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New member
Apr 2, 2013
I made my own thread and picked either Fishtales or White Water as new and Space Shuttle as a re-release. I'm not sure if they have a Fishtales but who knows they might suprise us, like when they said they bought a Cactus Canyon I did not expect that. I also want to apologize to PinWiz for making a thread I didn't know this existed, I'll be carful next time and look better for a guesing thread.

It won't be Fish Tales. I can't remember the name of the guy from Farsight I talked with at the DFW Pinball Convention but he said they had it on their radar because they had heard good things about it. I talked their ears off last year about it too. I think it will be Whitewater for sure. I told the guy I was talking with (Ken maybe?) about how much I enjoyed the Williams early to mid 90s pinball line and that I hoped they would make Whitewater at some point. He kind of gave me a look and a smile and when I asked if that was a nod to maybe it coming out soon he said he couldn't say either way. My only fear was he confused Whitewater with Whirlwind which is also from that same Williams era.

I pray we get Fish Tales at some point. That and Whitewater are 1a and 1b in my favorite pinball machine race. Would also love to see Junkyard come out in the near future.

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