Next dlc releases


New member
Feb 28, 2012
For the next tables, im guessing it will be one from Farsight's Hall of Fame collection and a new one we've never played before...


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I can see Circus Voltaire coming out as when i was still cruising their FB page I asked about making the backglasses more dynamic and they said that they were working on that for Circus Voltaire and would implement that into the existing games.

I would like a High Speed Collection...release 1 and 2 as a single pack.
Scared Stiff too, Super Mario Brothers, Bad Cats, Roller Coaster Tycoon

I have nothing against packs really, to pay 5$ for a single table and get one with it I might never play if i hadn't had it slipped in? That's not so bad IMO.

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I have a feeling in the next pack, one of the tables will be one from PHOF with the same name as a TV show with Danny Devito and Christopher Lloyd and the other will be motorcycle themed, telling from a post on facebook from someone who was looking for a way to get better keyboard control in the Mac Pinball Arcade.

Ark Malmeida

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Apr 3, 2012
I'll be very happy if Taxi is one of the next DLC tables. I spent plenty of nights at the local bowling alley feeding quarters into that machine!


New member
Apr 19, 2012
Ooooohh...Attack from Mars and Monster Bash together? That wpuld be one hell of an awesome pack.

I don't know about Harley Davidson...I'd much rather they get Monster Bash or CV out first as they'd have a much higher appeal with the general public, I think.
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Richard B

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Apr 7, 2012
They could do a Pin Bot / Jack Bot pack, which would save them money and time, since they largely use the same play field layout.

Brian Clark

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I'm a bit on the fence of Jack Bot. It's definitely a fun table, but I'm not sure if I like it as much as the other two games. I rather see Whodunnit first, which has similar gambling to Jack Bot. I don't think translating Jack*Bot is as easy as reusing the playfield from Pin*Bot. It has different roms, different plastics, and different rules.

David Pannozzo

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Mar 6, 2012
I take anything and if i don't like a game, i'll buy it anyway it might grow on me. I'm not fond of Black hole but i do play it every so often and don't mind it. I'm not fond of EM's either but i do welcome them in and i will buy them also. I want Farsight to make a lot of money so they can afford all those licensed games and adventually come out with the S.A.M. games which are mostly licensed so if you want farsight too make it buy all the games. I will buy them on my PS3 and of course i don't pay for the Vita version and then i will get them on my Xbox 360 and Nintendo 3DS once they put it on Nintendos handheld, so i do not whine i love pinball and that's all.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Well it is announced that Cirqus Voltaire and Funhouse are the next 2. That's a good combo in terms of theming and a true relief to me that it isn't Harley Davidson or Taxi. I like Taxi okay but it was one of my least favorite from the original PHOF collection.


New member
Apr 19, 2012
Cirqus Voltaire and Funhouse? Excellent choices, both.

It'll be interesting to see how System 11 games look and feel in this new game. Right now (on consoles, at least) all we have are a really old SS and three "modern" DMDs.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
Cirqus Voltaire and Funhouse? Excellent choices, both.

It'll be interesting to see how System 11 games look and feel in this new game. Right now (on consoles, at least) all we have are a really old SS and three "modern" DMDs.

Both Bride of Pinbot and Funhouse are Williams WPC (Alpha Numeric) rather than System 11, but I understand what you're saying about pre-DMD machines.


New member
May 2, 2012
Does John Popadiuk own shares in Farsight or something? I like his designs okay, but they're similar enough to each other that it seems peculiar for him to have 3 of the first 8 tables released in PA.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
Or Popadiuk and Lawlor were easiest to deal with and willing to "make this happen", so were the first they could strike (package)deals with.

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