Next KickStarter table Predictions?


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Well seeing as T2 is almost with us what do you think will be the next KS table and when do you think they will announce. For me i think they'll announce it in the month of December and think it will be one of the following:

Addams Family
Indiana Jones Pinball Adventure
Simpsons Pinball Party

What do you guys think?


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I think its pretty much been annouced as TAF hasn't it? After playing it recently for the first time and wondering what all the fuss was about I'd rather it was SPP though.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Regarding TAF, I don't know if anyone has mentioned this comment or if it really means anything. During PAPA 16 qualifications Lyman was playing TAF and lost the ball due to it flying off the wireform in an incorrect manner. Bowen commented that you won't see that in the Pinball Arcade. Josh Sharp, who was also commentating, added that you won't see it because you'll never seen TAF in the Pinball Arcade. Most of us know that Josh is the son of Roger Sharp, who is the WMS representative giving final approval for Bally/Williams tables before being released in the Pinball Arcade. Josh also works in the industry as well. Could what he said be true? That TAF is a lost cause? Or was he just making a joke and, actually, doesn't really know what is going on? I know what what we all really hope to be true.


New member
Jan 19, 2013
While, I haven't watched that part where he said that, I am inclined to believe that he was Joking. I don't see why he wouldn't want to see TPA get taf. If there will be a roadblock on acquiring taf, it would either be a legal complication or the kickstarter not raising enough money. We do know for sure that fs is actively working to get all the rights for taf, so I'm sure the next ks will be for that. If they still can't get a price for taf, then my next best guess would be The Simpsons, just because it's a really awesome game that can appeal to a very large audience.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I doubt he was serious. Even if WMS and its officials thought seeing The Addams Family on The Pinball Arcade was unlikely, from a business viewpoint they'd want to do everything they can to encourage it to happen. TAF on TPA would sell a lot of tables (= licensing $ for WMS), and attract a lot of new players who might become interested in the other Williams tables and buy them too (= more licensing $ for WMS).

The other possibility is that he was afraid people would misinterpret Bowen's comment that "you won't see that in TPA" as a sign that TAF is for sure coming to TPA, and Josh wanted to quickly throw cold water on the fires of speculation before they could ignite.

In any event, it's nice to see that TPA making it into the commentary.


New member
Mar 17, 2012
Regarding TAF, I don't know if anyone has mentioned this comment or if it really means anything. During PAPA 16 qualifications Lyman was playing TAF and lost the ball due to it flying off the wireform in an incorrect manner. Bowen commented that you won't see that in the Pinball Arcade. Josh Sharp, who was also commentating, added that you won't see it because you'll never seen TAF in the Pinball Arcade. Most of us know that Josh is the son of Roger Sharp, who is the WMS representative giving final approval for Bally/Williams tables before being released in the Pinball Arcade. Josh also works in the industry as well. Could what he said be true? That TAF is a lost cause? Or was he just making a joke and, actually, doesn't really know what is going on? I know what what we all really hope to be true.

To be fair the only thing Josh would have any info on would be the actual license to do the table from WMS which as we know TPA already has approval for and isnt the main hang up on bringing TAF to TPA, its all the likenesses and film ties etc that is the problem, and to be fair Josh would know **** all about this aspect. So i wouldnt take what he was saying as gospel


New member
Sep 13, 2012
I'd like the next two kickstarters to be The Addams Family and TSPP, mainly because I feel that both those kickstarters would generate much more than the target and help to bring other tables to the game.

EDIT: Oh, and because I really enjoy playing the physical versions of them too :D
Last edited:


Jul 11, 2012
was there a sarcastic tone when Bowmen commented? as in balls fly off all the time..."youd never see that in TPA" :p followed by Josh being sarcastic.


Jul 11, 2012
thats not family friendly, no way you get an E for everyone rating on that. Youd have to buy "PRO MODE" just to unlock its mature content. :p


New member
Feb 20, 2012
was there a sarcastic tone when Bowmen commented? as in balls fly off all the time..."youd never see that in TPA" :p followed by Josh being sarcastic.

I watched that part of the tourney and Bowen's comment was a sarcastic reference to TPA being programmed and the mechanical nature of pinball can never be fully translated. IE. things like the pinball hitting the playfeild glass, or flying off ramps, or diverters timing changing during any given game could never be replicated in digital.

Josh's comment was definitely meant to be a funny jab at the troubles FS has had in acquiring the license thus far, he was sort of laughing while saying it. I was pleasantly surprised to hear both Bowen and Josh throwing references to TPA through out the coverage. At one point Bowen remarks about playing Medieval Madness or taxi on the plane ride over.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I'd like the next two kickstarters to be The Addams Family and TSPP, mainly because I feel that both those kickstarters would generate much more than the target and help to bring other tables to the game.

EDIT: Oh, and because I really enjoy playing the physical versions of them too :D

+1, My thoughts exactly.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Hopefully it was sarcastic. It seems that Farsight has been devoting a great amount of resources to acquiring the licenses and if there is something that is not being shared with them to the point that they are wasting their time, that would be a tremendous blow and detrimental to the working relationship. It sounded optimistic that Farsight was getting close and they did say they would know more in about 2 weeks which was more than two weeks ago. Hopefully some news will be released in the next newsletter. If Addams Family is a no for now I am guessing Simpson's Pinball Party will be the next one.


New member
Mar 28, 2012
If it is Indy I would probably donate to the Kickstarter. TAF not so much. I played the real table and I though ti was meh. Much like TZ I think it's over hyped. LOTR would be great coinciding with the release of the 3rd film of the Hobbit series but that wouldn't be the next Kickstarter project.

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
I want Indy bad, but I agree with Adams and Simpsons for generating big pledges that can help other tables get onto TPA.

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