Without a doubt, Sorcerers Lair. I think it would make an excellent transition to a real table.
Maybe after removing the center (Excalibur) ramp. The left hole needs to be replaced.I also think that Excalibur would make an awesome real life table.
BUMP because of Marvel Pinball: Deadpool
- At the moment I believe this table to the best representation of a character. They perfectly got Deadpool's personality right and didn't turn him into a generic superhero.
- 6 comics to complete, may be 2-part modes like in the designer' previous table, Starfighter Assault
- Very flow-oriented
no problems so far!![]()
I think Rockey and Bullwinkle is actually the most realistic. It doesn't have any ghosts or other weird things dancing around. The playfield layout is actually almost a mirror image of the real Sorcerer pinball machine. Also, it's actually quite hard. I think my high score is only around 15 million. Too bad Zen didn't make more like that.
I agree with pretty much all of the criticisms. That's one reason I like Sorcerer's Lair so much - the scoring is balanced and makes sense. It's also the closest thing to a real pinball table in the whole series.
In addition to being one of the better tables in Zen/PFX2, its FREE!
My least favorite-despite having nearly as much good humor as Epic Quest, is Ms. Splosion Man. If a player of my mediocre Zen stature can easy score half a bil, it's way too easy IMO.
For me the answer to "Why Zen?" is simple: more tables. I recognize the faults of the series, I get sick of the 2-3 themes they tend to stick with (give me original themes over Marvel and Star Wars any day), and ultimately much prefer real tables (or TPA/VP/FP as a bandaid).... but really I just want more pinball. I don't care if the tables "suck" or if there are issues with physics, graphics, etc.... the more there is, the better. I certainly crave realistic quality over quantity, but if the only option is quantity over quality, then I'll take it. And if that can bring in a new generation of pin addicts, then I'm all for it. We NEED new blood if we want this style of gaming to survive.
Of course, I don't consider Zen tables low quality by any means. They're what I consider true "pinball 2.0", love it or leave it. Quite frankly, I'll take Zen's DMD displays and animated characters over the new TV displays (ala Wizard of Oz) any day. At least I can get a retro feel, despite the impossible mechanics, in Zen
But to each their own. If you don't like Zen tables, kudos. You should always have the right to your own opinion. I have no desire to sway people to think how I do, and hopefully you don't either. I'm posting simply to put my brainwaves out there with no expectation that others will agree. All of us here love pinball and have our own expectations of what it should be. Nobody is right or wrong with what they want from it.
Hey guys, if you're wondering the South Park pack is now 50% off for a limited time. If you haven't bought the tables yet, I suggest you do as they are possibly the best tables Zen has ever produced.![]()