No Good Gofers - Elvira

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
If I owned a NGG and the plastic looked like that, I'd head down my basement and get some headlight de-oxidizer to fix it. I can tell you seem angry, sorry for offending you, but I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

We have a NGG down here locally and unless you're blind, the clear plastic is very easy to see, but it's also very clear to see the detail underneath, because it's clear! Same with PBHOF. Again by darkening it out like this it just looks completely wrong. I didn't know Farsight was in the business of modifying tables. If so then they should add in stuff like a moving Tiger Saw in ToM, or add an eyeball plunger to Scared Stiff. Not table downgrades.

the ajp

New member
Jun 17, 2012
@shutyatrap .. agreed on the lone wolf comment .. i do the same .. Personally i think the new version looks a lot better than the PHOF version dark or not and everybody should wait to see what it actually looks like when it's released to see what it is really like instead of a you tube video which often gives off the wrong impression ..
Personally i want NGG to play more like the real table i know and love because the PHOF version played nothing like it .. but the physics are a lot better now so i am hopeful :)


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Grrrr. Arrgggg. I am trembling with anger.

Oh, and I believe headlight de-oxidizer will be available once you beat the wizard goals.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I think I should be taken more seriously since my scores are much higher across all games. JK. SHOTS FIRED!

In all seriousness I can live with the darker plastics, but it's good to know we all agree the table contrast needs improved. I'm firmly in the camp that prefers the higher contrast of the iOS versions of pretty much all tables though, so perhaps the daytime lighting mode when it is implemented will solve that issue. Still puzzled at the choice to darken the plastics but hey what can ya do.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I think I should be taken more seriously since my scores are much higher across all games. JK. SHOTS FIRED!

Well that's cause I haven't updated my scores in a while. Uh, yeah, that's the ticket!

Does bring up a related (and totally off topic for this thread) point. How do scores compare between PS3 and Xbox? Cause I've heard of some crazy scores on Xbox that are way beyond what I've seen on Playstation. You guys live on your own little island, we get to compare our scores with mobile platforms and their bug riddled cheater scores!

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I think I should be taken more seriously since my scores are much higher across all games. JK. SHOTS FIRED!

In all seriousness I can live with the darker plastics, but it's good to know we all agree the table contrast needs improved. I'm firmly in the camp that prefers the higher contrast of the iOS versions of pretty much all tables though, so perhaps the daytime lighting mode when it is implemented will solve that issue. Still puzzled at the choice to darken the plastics but hey what can ya do.

As far as the playfields contrast goes, I'd like it to look like this:

...and actually, it's not far from that, aside from a lack of GI, but the playfields are similar.

Some will say that's too dark, but that's why we need those day/night settings like you said. It's just a matter of opinion.


New member
Jul 11, 2012
I found NGG difficult to see what was happening on the PHOF. I hope it turns out a bit better for TPA. This is one of the tables the could have left out in my opinion, but I'm completely surprised and happy about the Elvira tables.

Captain Chris

New member
Jun 6, 2012
I found NGG difficult to see what was happening on the PHOF. I hope it turns out a bit better for TPA. This is one of the tables the could have left out in my opinion, but I'm completely surprised and happy about the Elvira tables.

I agree, though I'm glad it will be included in TPA! On PHOF the table was so bright that it was hard to see where the ball was going. It was a table I'd have to play sitting close to the TV to tell what was going on. There needs to be a happy medium I think. :)
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Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I just played the iPad version of NGG for the first time. I am really impressed. Looks very good. Table is nice and colorful. Glass is transparent enough to see what is below too. I wish they would tone down the blue ramps, but this is a minor complaint. Table is super.

EATPM is a masterpiece. I played the real thing last night and let me say that TPA actually captures the real feel of playing that game. If you only buy one table, this should be it. Yes, it is that good. Bravo boys! Take a bow. What a great table.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Party Monsters is amazing. Oh man, not only am I a huge Halloween/Goth fan but also an Elvira fan, but the table itself is just fun as hell, great color and fun factor. Love System 11 games, too.

Oh and that Synthisized music. Can't get enough. Great table. Haven't played NGG yet.

I always regret checking these tables out on my phone because it makes the wait for the console release that much more unbearable.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
I hadn't played either of these tables in real life, but I'm enjoying Elvira and the Party Monsters a lot. NGG, I haven't really wrapped my head around yet, but it sort of reminds me of Whirlwind, what with the spinning disc, ramps going all over and general Lawlorism. Seems like a kinder table than many of Lawlor's, though.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I think the total opacity of the ramps in No Good Gofers does look out of place; I'd like to see some transparency there. In the iOS bugs thread someone suggested it was for performance reasons - any truth to that?

I've never played either table full-stop and I'm enjoying both of them quite well. It's definitely been worth the wait for iPad owners with all the fixes - heck I'm even enjoying Creature from the Black Lagoon now!


New member
Mar 17, 2012

I have noticed there is no environment lighting around the flashers when they go off in the vid, on previous table the flashers usually light the side walls of the cab and the surround playfield, bit nothing on that vid. Seeing as NGG has one of the better lighting shows in pinball im rather underwhelmed with what i see in this vid, hopefully FS can work on their light tech and making more realistic....


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