Official - Creature from the Black Lagoon & Black Knight Are Next Tables


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Creature from the Black Lagoon is one of my all time favorites, and it's the first one of them to be emulated. I am so going to pound that table into submission.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
I'm curious. What are your other favorites then?

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed a lot of the tables that have been emulated thus far, they just weren't available to me when I was growing up. Like MM, the only time I got to play it was when I was in Canberra (Australia) for work, and even then the table probably wasn't in the best condition.

Fish Tales
Top Speed II
Teed Off
Twilight Zone
Apollo 13 (13 ball multiball, love to see that emulated!)
Cue Ball Wizard
Revenge From Mars (only played it once, but it was for 4 hrs straight).
World Cup Soccer 94

Generally we used to get lots of these through my local waterhole, and just request the 2 machines we wanted at that time. Sometimes we would get surprises like Shaq Attack, but although interesting early, once you have that sort of table down pat, it's pretty easy to murder and we wouldn't request it back.


New member
Apr 4, 2012
Great news that Creature is part of the next table pack, I'm off work for two weeks from tomorrow (but working overtime today, Sunday) so hope Creature comes out the this week on Android.

Gail R Schwartz

New member
Jun 26, 2012
Hi.was looking for revenge from mars. Guess it is coming in aug. I think I played creature from black lagoon. Long time ago. U guess I did?back then arcades were all over the place. Now? Don't even ask. Black knight I have on Williams phof disc. One of my looking for Addams family & baby pacman & kiss tables etc.


New member
Jun 12, 2012
revenge from mars is a pinball 2000 game (i didn't like it at all, same with fantom menace, urgh), and attack from mars is a 'normal' pinball machine...


New member
May 18, 2012
This is going to be a nice summer, a beach, a cocktail and two great new pin tables on my tablet. ;)

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
revenge from mars is a pinball 2000 game (i didn't like it at all, same with fantom menace, urgh), and attack from mars is a 'normal' pinball machine...

Attack From Mars is confirmed, Revenge is not and will likely never be, due to the difficulty in emulating the hardware.


New member
May 15, 2012
That will be a very nice table pack. I am really looking forward to CFTBL the most, although it will be nice to play Black Knight again. I would have rather seen BK2K since I have played a lot of games of BK on PHoF.

Jim O'Brien

New member
Feb 28, 2012
I would imagine Black Knight is going to be super fast on Arcade, way more than it ever was on PHoF so it should be interesting to see how it plays out. CFTBL is a great table and scores go pretty high on it because it is not that difficult. There is a real Black Knight table kind of close to where I live so I think I might go give it a go.


New member
Apr 5, 2012
So happy Creature is coming out sooner rather than later. My personal favorite table...spent a fair amount of lunch breaks saving that stupid girl and grooving to Red River Rock. Multiball doesn't play around. I would be more excited if I had full confidence I'd get to play it on Xbox 360.

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