OUYA Version 1.0.7 Discussion And Feedback

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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Please post your OUYA version 1.0.7 feedback here!

If you want to report bugs or other problems with this version, please use THIS THREAD and follow the guidelines in the first post.
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New member
Jul 16, 2012
the controller lag is pretty bad with the ouya controller, hopefully something can be done about that, some games seem to work flawlessly with it. I would love added support for plugging in a wired xbox 360 controller. currently plugging one in is no good because no buttons are assigned to be the flippers in pinball arcade. I read that ouya games have to add their own controller support by game and that it is not an overall system thing so it's essential that you add this. It would also be seriously great if the controls were customizable, in the options controls just tells you the controls without any options to do anything. a rotate screen button would be so awesome if it existed (turning the ouya on it's side isnt doing it ha). Due to the controller lag I haven't been playing enough to give any good info about bugs or glitches.


New member
Aug 14, 2013
I haven't experienced too much controller lag myself; I'm chalking that up to the fact that — unlike the Xbox 360 version — the flippers are mapped only to the shoulder triggers, and not the shoulder buttons. Pressing the analog triggers far enough down to register as a real press sometimes takes that split-second longer. Adding the option for mapping the flippers to the shoulder buttons would solve that mystery.

I'm also detecting a lot of sound lag… a flipper going off or a bumper being hit will be followed by the actual sound effect a hair longer than I'd like. It seems to be worse on some tables than others (it seems especially bad in the "pack-in" table, Tales of the Arabian Nights). Is anyone else experiencing this or is it just me (or my HDTV set-up)?
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