Patch 1.20 NA and 1.21 EU


New member
Apr 25, 2017
Some tables have the lighting on the backglass blown out like Scared Stiff and Lights...Camera...Action just to name a few and some tables have the actual cutouts (inserts) on the playfield blown out to where you can't see/read the textures on them when they are lit like on The Getaway : High Speed II and I'm not sure changing the bulb brightness will affect the lighting on the backglass or cutouts. There are more tables with these issues but I'll need time to go through them all which won't be til this weekend.

Swords of Fury ditto on backglass. On Circus the 2nd lightbulb is blown out from the left flipper and drives me nuts.

The M

New member
Aug 20, 2017
Wow! So happy to see this level of support. Thanks a lot Tom Devaney!!! Gives me hope for Pinball Arcade on PS4 ! I love the potential I see in the PS4 version and I think with the work you are doing it is going to be better. Looking forward to you final revisions and so glad that line in Addams Family along with other is finally gone now.


New member
Sep 12, 2012
I do have to ask -- is Tom the only guy at FS who works on the PS4 releases? I wonder what sort of QA team FS has at its disposal. If they don't do this already, I think they should give TPA with all its tables new and old to a panel of kids -- interns or relatives of FS staffers, perhaps. Let the kids play the tables to death and find the bugs before we paying customers do. I don't get frustrated about some of the more esoteric bugs, like a ball flying out of the table after you send it up the right ramp five times in a row or something like that, but I do get peeved about some of the more obvious bugs, like starting Elvira and Fireball in the recent update and crashing the game. THAT shouldn't happen when the game arrives in the hands of consumers...
Mar 9, 2012
I do have to ask -- is Tom the only guy at FS who works on the PS4 releases? I wonder what sort of QA team FS has at its disposal. If they don't do this already, I think they should give TPA with all its tables new and old to a panel of kids -- interns or relatives of FS staffers, perhaps. Let the kids play the tables to death and find the bugs before we paying customers do. I don't get frustrated about some of the more esoteric bugs, like a ball flying out of the table after you send it up the right ramp five times in a row or something like that, but I do get peeved about some of the more obvious bugs, like starting Elvira and Fireball in the recent update and crashing the game. THAT shouldn't happen when the game arrives in the hands of consumers...

This is doable on the PC but definitely not the ps4. A Dev console isnt the same as a consumer PS4 console.


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Thanks for the support everyone. Just wanted to get my story out once.

Really quick question though: so I've been changing the lighting so that the slider actually makes a big difference. 0 is off and 100 is close to blown out. When you guys express your disappointment with the lighting, what do you refer to? Do you refer to how it looks with default values (the percentages) or how the lighting looks when it's 100. I'm assuming you refer to how it looks at 100. I'm just asking before I've changed all 90 some tables and realized I didn't do it properly.

Anyways, here's an update on the bugs I fixed so far since 1.20, so no one has to mention them anymore:

-Fixed Elvira and the Party Monsters crash
-Highscores are being properly read in now
-Lighting settings are being properly read in
-Bulb brightness saves now
-Fireball doesn't crash on loadup

Last Action Hero is STILL missing it's Match Game. This has been promised to have been fixed for a few years now, but was never done so.

It's a shame, too, cause it's a really cool and funny Match Game.


New member
Jan 19, 2016
Last Action Hero is STILL missing it's Match Game. This has been promised to have been fixed for a few years now, but was never done so.

It's a shame, too, cause it's a really cool and funny Match Game.

The strange thing is, the match IS in the Switch version of LAH in SPA. I've seen it myself.

But that has another problem--the game-over music keeps playing throughout it, at least once you enter initials.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
It's the first time that the PS console owners are being listened to and helping fix the game.. humour isn't needed

One of the cool things about TPA is when moderators come here to keep us up to date on what's happening. Mike, Flippy, and Brandon, among others, have always been helpful and attentive to our immediate needs. Now Tom seems to be feverishly working to give PS4 owners some long overdue TPA respect.

I'm not above coming back to the PS4 version (I do have the first four seasons w/pro). I'm considering getting a PS4 to replace the one I sold well before Arcade Archives gained any traction (live and learn LOL!). I'll be stopping by the PS4 forum to check up periodically.


FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
One of the cool things about TPA is when moderators come here to keep us up to date on what's happening. Mike, Flippy, and Brandon, among others, have always been helpful and attentive to our immediate needs. Now Tom seems to be feverishly working to give PS4 owners some long overdue TPA respect.

I'm not above coming back to the PS4 version (I do have the first four seasons w/pro). I'm considering getting a PS4 to replace the one I sold well before Arcade Archives gained any traction (live and learn LOL!). I'll be stopping by the PS4 forum to check up periodically.

We should be having some pretty decent updates rolling out more periodically. I know Tom is working hard on getting the fixes in and submitted so we can resolve any issues and release new tables.

The M

New member
Aug 20, 2017
Will the issues with the sound effects for the spinners cutting out ever be repaired? I love spinner sounds! LOL I need them! :p The PS3 version is superior in this regard as I own both versions. I have the first five seasons Pro on both PS4 and PS3 and honestly I am just waiting for the PS4 version to be completed before I can really enjoy it. It's good to see the changes being made. And some tables sound fine, but others really have some choppy sound cutouts that really take from the experience for me.


Mar 21, 2014
Wow! Been playing through some TPA all day and into tonight.....that bulb brightness is some serious eye-rape, eh? I mean it's like BLAZING, even at 0%. Whew! That's hard to deal with.....and it's like that on EVERY table I've played so far. If they rush out a patch, all it really needs RIGHT NOW is to fix the two table crashes and that insane bulb brightness. Seriously, those two things should be the absolute priority for the next patch update. Fix other stuff in later patches, but rush that bulb and crash fix out as quickly as possible, because it's really ruining my enjoyment.


New member
Jan 9, 2015
Wow! Been playing through some TPA all day and into tonight.....that bulb brightness is some serious eye-rape, eh? I mean it's like BLAZING, even at 0%. Whew! That's hard to deal with.....and it's like that on EVERY table I've played so far. If they rush out a patch, all it really needs RIGHT NOW is to fix the two table crashes and that insane bulb brightness. Seriously, those two things should be the absolute priority for the next patch update. Fix other stuff in later patches, but rush that bulb and crash fix out as quickly as possible, because it's really ruining my enjoyment.

Eh, you are aware you're in the PS4 forum, right? Where we're lucky to get patches one time per year, and where the update you are currently playing hasn't even been released in Europe yet (and no ETA has been given). Wishing for a speedy update to whatever problem you're having is futile.


New member
Jun 10, 2013
Perhaps bug:
On WCS94
Table Menu > Wizard Goals > View Instructions don't work. Choose a wizard goal and push X makes nothing. I didn't test on Standard Goals.


New member
Sep 12, 2012
Other Rush Issue

Wow! Been playing through some TPA all day and into tonight.....that bulb brightness is some serious eye-rape, eh? I mean it's like BLAZING, even at 0%. Whew! That's hard to deal with.....and it's like that on EVERY table I've played so far. If they rush out a patch, all it really needs RIGHT NOW is to fix the two table crashes and that insane bulb brightness. Seriously, those two things should be the absolute priority for the next patch update. Fix other stuff in later patches, but rush that bulb and crash fix out as quickly as possible, because it's really ruining my enjoyment.

Yes, and also restore the program's ability to remember user-selected brightness settings. To combat the lighting problem, for some months now I turned up the room brightness to 80%, which IMO seems to help. After the latest update, it's been a pain in the butt to have to keep adjusting these settings every time I play a table. I hope this gets fixed sooner than later as well...


New member
Jan 11, 2018
Hey all - been loving TPA...also Stern Pinball Arcade (due to its exclusives)

For TPA - was it reported already, a sound glitch issue when pausing games on certain tables? I'm noticing the following behavior on Medieval Madness, and Theatre of Magic...haven't seen it elsewhere that I can recall, but it definitely happens around 40% of the time I'm playing if I pause...(hey who pauses a pinball game But the sound is really bad...sounds like digital chirping...if I pause and un-pause, it usually goes away.

Was hoping the latest patch may have addressed this but no go. I do not seem to have this problem on Stern Pinball Arcade...

Here's an example of what's happening.


Mar 21, 2014
Yeah, sound glitches happen on many tables. In fact, I've noticed many games, beyond just TPA, that have sound issues on PS4. Leads me to believe that PS4 just has flaky sound implementation that can be tricky to get right.

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