PC tourney 2015-07-31: SC, SpSh, WWind, Firepwr, Vctry, HH, Fl2000, JY


New member
May 4, 2012
Time to get ready for the second PC tourney. The tables are, as listed in the last newsletter,

- Safe Cracker
- Space Shuttle (again)
- Whirlwind
- Firepower
- Victory (again)
- Haunted House (again)
- Flight 2000
- Junk Yard

That's right, three of last month's tables were I guess just so exciting, we get to play them again this month. Yippee! (I suppose they didn't sell enough copies of those three in the last tourney. Or maybe the listing is an error?)

I hope tokens won playing SC in the tourney will be permanent, but they probably won't.

I hope the hackers of last month, with more (unneeded, though) evidence against them, will be removed this month. They probably won't.

I'm fine with the choice of (new) tables. SC will be interesting, and JY too... JY will probably be much improved with a 20-minute limit.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
My wife's parents showed up on a surprise visit for the weekend so I'll likely not get a chance to get going until Sunday.

FP and F2K are two tables I like a lot, and can score (relatively) big on. F2K though has a very easy railroad in the PC version that can be looped infinitely. It's just a question of who can get that set up quickest (it requires starting multi-ball once, and a particular configuration of the right-hand drop targets) and keep looping it longest.

Safe Cracker, I think will be decided on who can keep Vault Multiball alive longest and collect the most jackpots.

Whirlwind is another multiball-dominated table with its Millions-plus feature stacking up (and the possibility of stacking Quick Multiball and regular Multiball to get +1M for each Millions-plus "jackpot").

JY I think gives the best scoring for beating Bob, multiball is too tricky to get big scores in quickly. Watch people try to rush through modes quickly to get to space as many times as possible, I think.


New member
Sep 21, 2014
It would've been better without those repeats and a few more season 4 tables, like TAF. I hate playing Victory so much.
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New member
Aug 1, 2015
Time to fail at Firepower and Space Shuttle, pray I get the sequence on Victory a few times, and get some random game on another table where I don't know anything but make a few points.

I dunno why people dislike Victory so much, it's fun; the main sequence is a bit like Whirlwind. I dunno why people dislike a lot of tables, really. There might be something broken here or there (BK2000 skyway loop lol), but as far as TPA's selection goes, part of that is FarSight's fault. Actually, being a simulation, I feel like FS should try to make "fixed" versions of some of these tables to fix programming bugs and playfield problems, which does not mean adding longer dividers to TNG, but does mean all of TotAN's obvious code fixes.
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New member
Aug 1, 2015
Ouch, it's like the VP score table all over again.

Had a great Space Shuttle 3-ball just flailing around, nearly had 3M off one ball. Does any new attempt delete the previous one? I hope not, I wanna try again.


New member
May 4, 2012
Of course I got the 100 million. There's a special lit, and there's 576,000 left in the Bonus for the Checkpoint.
Hey Pbw, don't know if you knew this, but last month on HH, it seemed that if you ran out of time, you wouldn't get credit for your last rollover (although you might get it in a future game). If you drained all balls right before 20 minutes, you did. There is some discussion in the thread for last month's tourney.

Now go beat that nasty Moovenstein character.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Hey Pbw, don't know if you knew this, but last month on HH, it seemed that if you ran out of time, you wouldn't get credit for your last rollover (although you might get it in a future game). If you drained all balls right before 20 minutes, you did. There is some discussion in the thread for last month's tourney.

Now go beat that nasty Moovenstein character.
Nice to have a legit player to aim for, for a change.

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