Bug PC Version 1.19.6 Bugs

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Crazy Newt

Dec 2, 2012
But it's a fair point. I turned off NVIDIA's overrides and looked at 16xAA via Pinball Arcade, with and without post-processing. I still see the same substantial artifacts with post-processing turned on.

http://i.imgur.com/fPorIE7.jpg (16xAA, post-processing off)
http://i.imgur.com/xzl4r5t.jpg (16xAA, post-processing on)

For some reason your table does look jagged and ugly with post-processing enabled. Look at the side of your table compared to mine using a lower resolution. (1920x1080 vs 2560x1440)

I typically use view 2 with all my tables and have max settings at 1080p with post-processing enabled. My Nvidia GTX 770 uses all default settings with the exception of the max pre-rendered frames, which I have reduced to 1 to eliminate any input lag from my controller. It runs great and looks beautiful on my PC. Maybe there is some setting you have missed, or perhaps the game does not perform well at your resolution with post-processing enabled?

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/96796274/PinballArcade 2013-11-06 14-16-01-63.png



New member
Nov 5, 2013
For some reason your table does look jagged and ugly with post-processing enabled. Look at the side of your table compared to mine using a lower resolution. (1920x1080 vs 2560x1440)

It looks like it's high-resolution-specific. I set my resolution to 1920x1080, 16xAA, post-processing on and there are no artifacts. It looks like Farsight needs to get some higher-resolution monitors to test on. ;)

http://i.imgur.com/UTX1fyE.jpg (1920x1080)
http://i.imgur.com/llS50Xm.jpg (2560x1440)


New member
Nov 6, 2013
Attack From Mars: Unable to move left & right in video mode. (360 controller)

Hi everyone!

John Winning

New member
Feb 17, 2013
Title Bug: General - Victory - high score input uses default left and right flipper, not custom
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: AMD 7700
Ram: 8GB
Version 1.19.4
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 2560x1440

Frequency of Occurrence: entering high score initials

Expected Result: Scroll through alphabet using remapped left and right flippers on xbox360 controller
Actual Result: Cannot scroll, must use default controller mapping (left and right trigger)

Comment: Upon getting a high score in Victory, I had to use the default left and right flipper mappings instead of the custom mapping. This also occurs on the Pinball Arcade Leaderboard when trying to navigate to other tables.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Comment: Upon getting a high score in Victory, I had to use the default left and right flipper mappings instead of the custom mapping. This also occurs on the Pinball Arcade Leaderboard when trying to navigate to other tables.

Yup, this was in the beta from the beginning. It's what I like to call semi-hard coded key mappings. It seems to ignore the remapping for xbox 360's "triggers" as well as "a" and "b" buttons...

Joe Blasi

New member
Oct 21, 2013
rom volume setting does not seem to do anything as well on TOTAN (WCP DSC). Are the games even useing Emulated sounds or rom triggered ripped sounds?

if they are rom triggered ripped sounds then you miss out on stuff like Volume Effects that most stern games have. There may also be stuff that other hardware systems do as well.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
The games are in fact using samples triggered by the ROMS.
This was brought up in a discussion regarding the mobile versions sounding like they were clipping and pro mode's volume settings doing nothing.


New member
Nov 6, 2013
The games are in fact using samples triggered by the ROMS.
This was brought up in a discussion regarding the mobile versions sounding like they were clipping and pro mode's volume settings doing nothing.

thx for the info

i thought that the rom emulation technology from fs is superior compared to virtual pinball
may be mobile devices are to weak for proper rom emulation
but for pc version i hoped to have full rom support

sound from samples instead of rom during game play......
even if its very good behavior may not be 100% to original pinball machine this way

another thing: all pinballs are running in "free play" mode
there is no button to insert a coin

may be some pinball machines behave differently in free play mode compared to normal mode...
(i hope not but who knows...)
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New member
Nov 6, 2013
It looks like it's high-resolution-specific. I set my resolution to 1920x1080, 16xAA, post-processing on and there are no artifacts. It looks like Farsight needs to get some higher-resolution monitors to test on. ;)

http://i.imgur.com/UTX1fyE.jpg (1920x1080)
http://i.imgur.com/llS50Xm.jpg (2560x1440)

I don't believe this distortion issue is high-resolution-specific because I experience the same effect playing the game with maxed settings at 720p.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
After completing Class 1812 standard goals, the wizard goals achievement showed up. Standard goals achievement is still locked.


Pro mode tables are not saving the secondary data.

This can be checked by playing a game or two then checking the bookkeeping menu in the operator menu, you'll see that it is populated with data.
Exit the game to the table selection carousel, then immediately go back into the game you were just playing. Enter the operators menu, and check the bookkeeping menu and you'll see that there is no longer any data.

This is a problem as pro mode secondary data being saved is a large part of the selling feature for pro mode tables.

There is also the same ongoing issue of overlapping samples being played on the instruction screens that had been identified on mobiles.


New member
Nov 4, 2013
Your welcome, the prices are now showing £22.99 for season pack 1, 29.99 or pro 39.99 for season 2. I bought pack 1 and it was instant. I'm using kaspersky internet security and i'm connected directly to my router. I didn't do anything, i just checked before going to bed and it was working. Logged in without problems too. Hope your having better luck now.

Well even running the new updated verion im still getting the (ERROR) on purchasing, guess my network setup just isn't agreeing with the steam/tpa combo.

Hope you can get those DLC tables available soon mike :(


New member
Jun 19, 2013
I had the same problem, but when I installed it (and steam) on a different computer it works - try it on a different pc/windows.

Well even running the new updated verion im still getting the (ERROR) on purchasing, guess my network setup just isn't agreeing with the steam/tpa combo.

Hope you can get those DLC tables available soon mike :(


New member
Aug 28, 2013
Title Bug: Post Processing doesn't work on win XP. When set to on, tablel goes dark, hud is visible. Here are the pics:

ON - http://s21.postimg.org/5g5kuknlz/2013_11_06_00002.jpg
OFF - http://s23.postimg.org/ce0ljp3kb/2013_11_06_00003.jpg

Title Bug: Black screen with HUD and/or unplayable lag when post processing is enabled.
OS Version: Windows XP SP3
Graphics Card: ATI/AMD HD3850 AGP
Ram: 4GBs
Version #: 1.19.4
Display Mode: Fullscreen
Display Resolution: 1920x1080

Frequency of Occurence: A black screen with HUD is rendered 80% of the time. The bizarre lag (not framerate) occurs if any AA is used with post processing enabled. The lag is reduced when rendered in a fullscreen window.

Expected Result: Table should render and play as normal when post processing is enabled.

Actual Result: Game is unplayable when post processing is enabled due to the above-mentioned bugs.

Comment: I experience the same problem as p6800 on XP SP3 with an AMD Athlon 64 single-core 2.2ghz CPU, an ATI/AMD HD3850 AGP GPU, and 4GBs of ram. I have no issues playing the game at 60fps with 8x AA, 16x AF, low ball reflections, and post processing disabled. However, if post processing is enabled, I either get a black screen as in the screenshots above, or the game becomes incredibly slow and unplayable. The tables seem to go black at random, but I can eventually get them to render properly if I fiddle back and forth with the AA settings.

I also noticed that I don't experience as much slowdown with post processing enabled if I render the game in a fullscreen window as opposed to true fullscreen. Vsync doesn't work properly when rendered in a fullscreen window, though, so that isn't a solution.
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New member
Jun 11, 2012
Title Bug: General - Dr. Dude: Multiball focuses camera on mixmaster causing unplayability when certain conditions are met
OS Version: Windows 7 62 bit
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GTX 660
Ram: 16GB
Version #: 1.19.4
Display Mode: Windowed
Display Resolution: 1920x1080
Frequency of Occurrence: 100%

Expected Result: During multiball the camera should encompass the entire playfield to keep view of the balls
Actual Result: Camera focuses on mixmaster and stays there till all the balls drain even if there's no ball in the mixmaster

If after locking a ball you start a multiball with a soft plunge, not hitting any switches, and shoot so your first registered shot that starts multiball is into the mixmaster, the playfield camera foxuses on the mixmaster for the rest of the ball and causes it being impossible to play due to not being able to see the rest of the playfield.


I can confirm that it doesn't happen with keyboard type(HotRode/XArcade type) controllers. Can someone with a XBox 360 type controller see if they can reproduce this?

Timelord ...

I can confirm this on my sixaxis controller.
Bigshot, BH,Genie, Gorgar .. any scripted game the initials have to be entered with the L2/R2 buttons even when the flippers are mapped to R1/L1


New member
Jan 31, 2013
Bug: Login problems

I can't login with my email and pass it crash and this screen is what I get:



(ps. "Scared Stiff" have terible fps, rest of the tables I tested so far all run good fps :D)
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