Phantom of the Opera ~Twitchstream~ Highlights


New member
Jan 19, 2014
Try closing steam, or restarting your computer, cuz I was able to buy it no problem.

Phantom is good so far, texture filtering seems a little off though. Seems like I need to configure the game every time I run it.


Active member
Dec 18, 2013
Try closing steam, or restarting your computer, cuz I was able to buy it no problem.

Phantom is good so far, texture filtering seems a little off though. Seems like I need to configure the game every time I run it.

What settings do you use than


New member
Jan 19, 2014
What settings do you use than

Actually I finally got the motivation to force some higher level AA and AF in nvidia inspector. Looks much better.

Wonder how this game likes ambient occlusion..

Prettier graphics helped my score up to 13 million


New member
Jul 21, 2013
Looks like no IOS version of POTO tonight.
Maybe next Friday????
and also no newsletter tonight just yet.
Last edited:


New member
Jun 10, 2013
Actually I finally got the motivation to force some higher level AA and AF in nvidia inspector. Looks much better.

Wonder how this game likes ambient occlusion..

Prettier graphics helped my score up to 13 million

What settings are you using in nvidia inspector?

Rich Lehmann

New member
Aug 26, 2014
So I have played POTO now a couple dozen times, I am not a fan. The scoring seems weird, like the catwalk is the only thing that seems to matter. The center gap is massive which for someone playing on a smaller tablet is a real pain since nudging doesnt come easily. The table looks and sounds nice but there isn't much satisfaction play wise. The standard goals were much too easy, finished them on the first game.

Maybe it will win me over but currently to me it feels like one of the weaker tables and definitely one of the weakest tables in a while. I would put all of season 3 tables ahead of it.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
Keep playing it, it will grow on you, I used to play it quite a bit in a bowling alley years ago. I will say it isn't the most perfect game, but I think it's ok and it did grow on me. I have an IPad 3 so I don't think we're getting it tonight, it's one of those games were you'll play it in spurts, then leave it, then want to come back for a little more. I will give my review whenever it comes out on IOS some year, I'm starting to think Apple and Microsoft are working together all of a sudden, too bad.


New member
Jul 12, 2014
More time to play Spooky on the Zaccaria app this weekend. Any Apple players looking for new table recreations of older pins should check them out.


New member
Jan 19, 2014
What settings are you using in nvidia inspector?


You have to make your own profile and add the exe yourself.

Runs fine on my 680. I actually have 2 680s in SLI but im not sure what compatibility bits to use for PBA, otherwise id try downsampling too.

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