Pinball After Dark


New member
Jun 30, 2013
Another couple of tables fitting for Pinball After Dark--

Dragon (has fully nude breasts on the side of the table...actually that's about it. Maybe they could just censor that and put it on regular TPA, but heck, why have Pinball After Dark if you're not going to use it for stuff like this?)

Future Spa (near nudity on the backglass and highly sexual theme)
But do those tables play well enough to be worth porting over?


Quite possibly the greatest video of dragon was by PAPA and I think they were drunk



New member
Aug 18, 2013
Future Spa's gameplay looked pretty fun. Dragon...the sound the dragons make when they die is worth the thousands of dollars it will cost to replicate it in TPA!


New member
Mar 6, 2013
and Playboy, even though there is no nudity, has the association of the magazine and its brand.

Actually there is nudity. It happens when the photo shoot thing happens. It's really quick but several of the photos on the DMD show nudity during that portion.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I am really not looking forward to After Dark. If they can do Bride if Pinbot in TPA then they can certainly do Xenon. But I have a fear that they are going to put tables like Xenon in After Dark just to bother me and mess with my OCD. There are only a handful of tables that I can think of that would require After Dark, and most of them are licensed and probably expensive. With so many unlicensed tables that they still haven't been done in TPA, I really hope the After Dark app gets shelved permanently.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
They announced it during the 12 days of Christmas event. So I assume it will eventually be a real product. But they never gave any further details or a timeline of any kind. Don't really know if they even started working on it yet.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I am really not looking forward to After Dark. If they can do Bride if Pinbot in TPA then they can certainly do Xenon. But I have a fear that they are going to put tables like Xenon in After Dark just to bother me and mess with my OCD. There are only a handful of tables that I can think of that would require After Dark, and most of them are licensed and probably expensive. With so many unlicensed tables that they still haven't been done in TPA, I really hope the After Dark app gets shelved permanently.

They never said they'd stop with TPA in order to do After Dark. And if After Dark gets shelved, then there are certain tables that we will just never see, period. Let FS worry about licenses and what is and isn't too expensive. You just need to revel in more possibilities of tables we might get to play.

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