Pinball Arcade Chat Room


Jul 11, 2012
Hurry Hurry step right up and come inside to see the freak show that is the hobbley, moldy cheese eating monster known as HERETIC! :p


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Yeah, it's been dead in there for the last few days. I know I won't be checking in until beginning of August just because of work. Hope it picks up again by then.


Oct 29, 2012
I will be hanging out in the chat room for about a half hour or so in the off chance anyone wants to spend some time there.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
Hurry Hurry step right up and come inside to see the freak show that is the hobbley, moldy cheese eating monster known as HERETIC! :p

(10:33:19 AM) SKILL_SHOT: yeeeeaaaah.....
(10:34:41 AM) SKILL_SHOT: why do I even bother with this LURK FEST
(10:34:48 AM) SKILL_SHOT: its a chatroom people
(10:35:05 AM) SKILL_SHOT: lame
(10:35:11 AM) SKILL_SHOT left the room (quit: Client Quit).

Just an FYI (using SKILL_SHOT here as an example to help others not familiar with IRC, but he's not the only one who does this).

Understand that not everyone in the room hovers over their keyboard waiting to respond to posts.

If you say hello in the room and don't get any response from the users in the room, it's not because we don't like you or we're lurking. You need to get our attention by pinging our usernames.

How do I do that, you say?

Easy. Include a user's full IRC nick in a message. If their username is long, you can even use the <tab> key on your keyboard to auto-complete usernames (this may be limited to those who are using an IRC client like xChat or Pidgin). This makes typing IRC Nicks such as _nICeGuY_ very, very easy.

For example, as I type this post the users present in the room are:


If I type:

Hey there Drecksclown jwash [Serge]

These users' IRC clients will notify them that their name has been mentioned directly on that IRC room. And the room will spring to life with activity.


Jul 11, 2012
If you LURK in a CHATROOM for hours and dont "CHAT" it's creepy...when there is a whole room full of "LURKERS" 5+ it's just wrong. EXAMPLE-I log in to the CHATROOM and theres over 3 people, usual names fine I get it kinda but it is a CHATROOM should I pm, alert people "IM HEEERE! Hmmm CHAT not idle till somebody pokes you or whatever....there should be chatter. I recall this exact situation before, dont assume everybody is a LURKY LUCY :p I hardly know how to get in, let alone the proper procedures or nomenclature.
BASICALLY if your not chatting WTF! are you doing in a CHATROOM?


Staff member
May 8, 2012
If you LURK in a CHATROOM for hours and dont "CHAT" it's creepy...when there is a whole room full of "LURKERS" 5+ it's just wrong. EXAMPLE-I log in to the CHATROOM and theres over 3 people, usual names fine I get it kinda but it is a CHATROOM should I pm, alert people "IM HEEERE! Hmmm CHAT not idle till somebody pokes you or whatever....there should be chatter. I recall this exact situation before, dont assume everybody is a LURKY LUCY :p I hardly know how to get in, let alone the proper procedures or nomenclature.
BASICALLY if your not chatting WTF! are you doing in a CHATROOM?

Like I stated above, we sit idle in the room until someone has something to say. Some days no one starts a conversation. And that's actually OK. Really, it is. If I was on chat all the time, I wouldn't get any work done at all. So I don't talk unless others want to.

Think of it like this:

If you walk into a room and see three dudes sitting around a table and just start talking away to yourself without saying their names, they aren't likely to know you're there, right? Or they may not think you're speaking to them.

But if you say "oi, fella, bro, cuzzie" they'll snap their heads around and say "G'day Skillzy". A Chatroom works like a real life room. Just because it's online doesn't really change how you interact. That is the exact reason why there are methods to shout people's names in the room.

The best way to learn how to use IRC is to search for IRC tips and tricks on the internet. There is actually another thread I started up about the chatroom before Ryan started this thread and it overtook my original thread because it was newer. My thread had tips about IRC usage in it. Go search for it as a starting point. That goes for anyone else who wants to have fun in the room.

It's an open invitation if there is no conversation happening to tell people you're there and start one. You're actually really good at waking us up and getting a conversation started, you know. You just need to remember what I mentioned above, and the room will light up.


New member
May 16, 2012
Chat's open, but we'll be all quiet if Skill_Shot shows up without pinging us. Why, you ask? Because we can! ;P
Last edited:


Jul 11, 2012
I actually think that sometimes Bonzo :p (out the side of your mouth at a whisper) ssshhh just be quite and dont move it will go away :p


Staff member
May 8, 2012
good points Jared and I'll have to look up your IRC for NOOBS tips I need them. :)

Looking forward to you pinging me for a chat about whatever earlier in the week, mate. :)

I'm happy to give you pointers or help. Just like I did for mudtoe recently.

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