Pinball Arcade "Coming Soon to PS4" Trailer on PSN


Jul 11, 2012
TOM really dark up top and the yellow insert once lit up gives off a blue light.



Jul 11, 2012
STTNG when the multiplier lights light up the bottom of the ship turns blue and when they arent lit the top of the ship is blue :p



New member
Oct 28, 2012
Sigh. I really had high hopes for TPA on PS4. With their time frame and workload I don't see these lighting issues being corrected any time soon if ever at all. Wishing I hadn't seen the Pro Pinball vids now...

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I think they went overboard with the dark environment. Yea, it can be cool to play in a dark room to get the light show, but some of these look like your playing in the middle of a black hole. You can barely see what on the upper table on MB. Just some dark shapes. You can't see the great artwork on these tables. Personally my favorite current version is the iOS version because the artwork is bright and vibrant and the colors really pop. What's missing is the dynamic lighting. They really need a day/night option! If Zaccaria can do it on iOS, certainly FS can do it on the PS4.


Jul 11, 2012
even more in the first couple Cv pics at one point the room is lit then in the next its not like somebody is playing with the light switch :p


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I noticed on CFTBL as the ball goes across the hologram the ball looses its reflection also it gets really dark in the middle.

Nice shots! I think in this case it isn't losing its reflection, it's just that the hologram isn't something their ball is equipped to reflect--so it's just reflecting the black empty area around/beneath it.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
even more in the first couple Cv pics at one point the room is lit then in the next its not like somebody is playing with the light switch :p

Are you sure that wasn't some artifact of taking or processing these photos? I can't see the room illumination change like that in the actual video.


Jul 11, 2012
yeah and it gets dark as it goes across like on MB the center of the table is dark, hey FS get in touch witch A.S.K and ask them how to do lighting :p

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
It is quite strange how the whole ship lights up and changes colors...

Compare to this video at the 1:02 mark:


Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I'm not only in the minority, I'm clearly the only person here who is saying this: I like the look.

With exception to Theatre of Magic. Good God, what is happening there??!!??

However this shows, more than ever, why "daytime" mode is needed.

When people this running 1080P/60fps with lots of AA and seeing how dyniv lighting looks at that frame rate opinions will change. It will look smooth and realistic watch. Because at 30fps it looks phony yeah cause it's 30fps.

Stills and 30 fps video do not do this sort of thing justice. We need direct feed footage at 60fps. Then we can pass judgement.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I do agree with you guys that its too soft and bloomy in places absolutely.

However like with those inserts. It's like every insert is a flasher!! Overdone no doubt.

But there's still 3 months remember Homer Simpson skull? Pink city T2? Alot can and will change.

I do want to stress once more that at 30fps video you cannot appreciate the way the lights look and behave.

Honestly Farsight should be cool and give Pinball Fans a direct feed 60fps download! Our constructive criticism is always good.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I don't think it looks atrociously bad, but I do think that between the compleat and utter darkness, and the 1million candle powere lights that appear to powerd by nuclear fusion, the table art gets compleaty lost.

And yes, I agree something went wrong with TOM. Looks like something out of Dante's Inferno.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I don't think it looks atrociously bad, but I do think that between the compleat and utter darkness, and the 1million candle powere lights that appear to powerd by nuclear fusion, the table art gets compleaty lost.

And yes, I agree something went wrong with TOM. Looks like something out of Dante's Inferno.

Lol I absolutely love how this is worded. Well said, and I totally agree.

The tech is in place. What you need is an artist with a good eye to go in, Bobby style, and tweak it all. That's it. Honestly. Lights being too bright here to soft there too dark there is no different from physics tweaks (too bouncy here, too slow there you get the idea).

That or, allow user adjustable lighting.

It is quite strange how the whole ship lights up and changes colors...

Compare to this video at the 1:02 mark:

To be fair.

We are still a long ways off from photorealism. In gaming.

Even prerendered engines, like that of Pro Pinball HD, look incredible but still aren't quite there. And that's prerendered.

It's the nature of polygons and always has been. You look at stuff like Microsoft Pinball from 1998. Technically that's more realistic than Farsights much more advanced 3D engine currently.

To expect it this early in the new generation is unrealistic.

In my opinion the only developer that has ever tackled photo realism in a 3D game is Polyphony with the Gran Turismo series. And it's just visual tricks and someone with an eye for what makes something look "real". As good as the Forza games look, they don't look real. They look. Shiny, unrealistic.

Now that's Polyphony a studio that's huge and has been around for nearly two decades. A team that is so respected they can take years to put out a game. They are the definition of a top tier developer.

If anyone was expecting the Ps4 version to look like Pro Pinball I think that was unrealistic. There are no 3D polygon games that look like that (real). Not yet at least. What is a rationale expectation is for enhanced, dynamic, real time lighting, improved geometry, improved AA and I think Farsight has delivered.

It needs tweaked, toned down, and a good artist to really nail down a great look. And again, can't stress enough direct feed 60fps before we judge!!! It makes a WORLD of difference.

With all this being said. I say, let the end user tweak the various lights. Want it turned WAY UP, go for it. Control how dark the room is. I ask why not? That sort of feature would be incredible and answer our requests for a "daytime mode" and then some!

PC will have it (hacks). Farsight would get some serious brownie points for such a feature across industry review sites I can promise you that. Because itd be groundbreaking.
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I'm only talking about comparing how the ship changes color and lights up in the TPA version. The real table actually has more simple insert lighting in comparison. It seems like they're trying to do too much with the inserts and how they illuminate the playfield around them. TPA's current 360/PS3 insert lighting actually looks more realistic than what they're showing on the PS4. There are other things that look better about the PS4 version, but I'm strictly speaking about the inserts. You'll see what I mean if you compare those videos and focus on the ship insert lights.
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New member
Apr 27, 2012
It is quite strange how the whole ship lights up and changes colors...

Compare to this video at the 1:02 mark:

What I really take to that video is how much the sound could be improved in TPA. From the sound of the flippers to the sound of the ball a it travels through the Rapids and hits targets.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I see where they're going with the big contrast between light and dark.

I think if you turned the general luminosity up and the bloom in some parts down would do wonders.

Also *cough* 1080P/60fps footage please. With sugar on top.
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Jul 11, 2012
mark I took some screen shots 4 you too mull over :p I like how you play hop scoth on the subject saying your a part of "the minoity" then follow with a double backflip into a swan dive and jump ship....9.5!!! but Im guilty saying I dont want to "PILE ON" and take and photos and post right! :p Not off topic just a different 1 :D


New member
Jul 15, 2012
Let's just hope there is the much-requested ambient lighting slider adjustment... and that it was turned down way dark for that video.

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