Pinball in 3D is %#%%!!. A Review of the PlayStation 3D Display/Zen 2 in 3D.


New member
Oct 25, 2012
I would like to voice my agreement with Spoonman. Pinball in 3D is heaven! I have been playing video pinball since Pro Pinball. I bought the Sony Ps3 3D display yesterday thinking it would make Zen Pinball 2 a little bit cooler. What I discovered was way beyond my expectations, it is phenomenal! It completely changed the game, and it is just like being at an arcade looking deep up into the table. It is amazing, to say the least. The Pinball Arcade absolutely needs 3D support!
By the way framerates and playability on Zen Pinball 2 in 3D are perfect.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
I have played Zen PInball 3D and Marvel Pinball on my 3DS and the 3D is pretty fun. I can only imagine how much more fun that TPA would be in 3D.


New member
Oct 25, 2012
Quick question for those that have 3D Zen Pinball 2 on PS3. Do you get ghosting on the tables? I get some especially down near the flippers. I'm new to 3D televisions and wasn't sure if I need to adjust the settings better. If everyone else has ghosting near the flippers I'll just ignore it and adjust the brightness and contrast to cover it up since it is really a pretty minor thing. But I was just curious to see if this is normal. I especially see it with white flippers on a dark background, like on Fantastic Four. Thanks for your input!


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Quick question for those that have 3D Zen Pinball 2 on PS3. Do you get ghosting on the tables? I get some especially down near the flippers. I'm new to 3D televisions and wasn't sure if I need to adjust the settings better. If everyone else has ghosting near the flippers I'll just ignore it and adjust the brightness and contrast to cover it up since it is really a pretty minor thing. But I was just curious to see if this is normal. I especially see it with white flippers on a dark background, like on Fantastic Four. Thanks for your input!

Yeah, it's not too bad though. One way to reduce crosstalk a bit is to reduce the strength of the 3D effect. There should be a slider in Zen 2.
I leave mine on about 50%. I get it on the 3DS also, and again, setting the effect at about 50% seems to make it much better.

It's still worth it for the 3D effect. I tend to start out with 3D and after about 20-30 minutes I take a break and go back to 2D. This also resets the "wow factor" and makes you realize how cool the effect
really is. :)


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Well, it looks like The Pinball Arcade in Stereoscopic 3D will be a reality after all according to Bobby Knight on the PSN Blog today:

+ Rez33 on February 5th, 2013 at 12:05 pm said:
This is great news, Bobby!

Will this update provide stereoscopic 3D support? That is one of the great features of Zen Pinball 2 and I can’t wait to have the experience in Pinball Arcade!

Also, will the Mac version be getting any updates soon. My computer has more power than a PS3 but the Pinball Arcade for Mac looks about like it would on a low-end iPod touch. Look forward to high resolution and lighting for Mac that catches it up to the PS3 version!

Thanks again, Bobby! I know you folks are super busy and are working on getting around to all these things. I’m one of your patient users who knows that the upgrades do come when you get the time for them.

Final note: I was playing the iOS tournament like crazy to try to win the ball skins and then the tournament ended several hours early. Any chance you’ll increase the number of participants that will receive the ball skins by 100 or so for those that didn’t truly get to make their last push to boost their scores?

+ Bobby King on February 5th, 2013 at 12:59 pm said:

Sorry about the tournament ending a few hours early. We set the tournament server clock to Pacific time, but it somehow got reset over the weekend.

Stereoscopic 3D support is in the works. We hope to debut it next month in Texas.



Jul 7, 2012
Best 3D effect:

Films - Prometheus/Avatar
Games - Sonic Generations PS3 and Mortal Kombat PS3

Ive got an LG 3D TV and the glasses are the same as a cinema ones, so don't notice any eye strain compared to a friends Samsung glasses with batteries.

Pinball Arcade in 3D would be amazing


New member
Jun 6, 2012
HELL YES! now all it needs is STEREO SOUND.

Stereo ?? 7.1 if you please. Imagine, 3D tables, the very subtle sound all around of other games being played, a little chatter maybe, a small girl giggles with delight at the beeps and lights of whatever games she's playing... is that a DOG ? Who let a dog in here... as you pull off a outlane save, someone mumbles from behind you "nice save dude".. Then, we'll truly be in The Pinball Arcade.

Stereoscopic 3D support...
Deputes next month in Texaaaaaaas.

It's bound to be on an 80" TV. Everything is bigger in Texas. In Fort Worth, I had a ribeye steak the size of a small car.


New member
Jan 1, 2013
I have a 32" Vizio 3D tv. It's the passive technology, which is far cheaper (mine cost $300) than the active screen technology. Zen 2 is by far one of the best games I've seen in the 3D format. Pinball Arcade in 3D sounds amazing, I find that playing in 3D on Zen generally improves my scores so this might provide the little bump I need to finally break 250k on Big Shot


The PlayStation 3D display will support third party glasses as long as they are less than 2 years old. Hardware manufacturers agreed a couple years ago to universal standards for the glasses so they will all be compatible

Anyone interested in 3D movies must rent Hugo. I've seen a lot of 3D movies but this is the only one that I feel made good use of the technology. It is essential to the viewing experience and is a lesser movie without 3D support

Super Stardust should be the first 3D game anyone plays, then Zen, then Ico/SotC. Just my 2 cents tho :)


New member
Feb 26, 2013
Hi all,

I'm new to the forums. I play TPA on my iPad2. I used to play Zen1 on PS3, but I really prefer TPA. I have recently installed a trial of Zen2 on my PS3 and it says that I can import all my tables from Zen1 to Zen2. Does anybody know how to do this? I really like to try them in 3D, but I don't know how to import them. I recently had to create another PS account. Could this be the reason that I can't import the tables?

Can't wait to see TPA tables in 3D.
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New member
Apr 20, 2012
Hi all,

I'm new to the forums. I play TPA on my iPad2. I used to play Zen1 on PS3, but I really prefer TPA. I have recently installed a trial of Zen2 on my PS3 and it says that I can import all my tables from Zen1 to Zen2. Does anybody know how to do this? I really like to try them in 3D, but I don't know how to import them. I recently had to create another PS account. Could this be the reason that I can't import the tables?

Can't wait to see TPA tables in 3D.

Hi and welcome.
In order to have your ZP tables imported to ZP2 you need to be using the same account in which you originally used to purchase those tables.
Otherwise they won't show as already being registered.

Do you still have access to your old account on PSN? If so you can add that account to your PS3 in order to download the tables, then play them on your new account.
People do with all the time when "game sharing".

Good luck.


New member
Feb 26, 2013
Thanks spoonman,

No, I don't have access to that account anymore. I guess I'll just try the demo in 3D and maybe re-download some tables, or maybe wait for TPA to implement 3D.


New member
Feb 26, 2013
Just tried some of the demo tables in 3D. Wow! It's pretty amazing I must say. It's definitely more than a gimmick to me. It really adds to the experience in my opinion, more so than in movies. The only 'complaint' I have is that the tables are pushed into the tv as opposed to the coming out of the tv like in the 3D Imax documentaries. But it looks great nonetheless. Can't wait till TPA implements 3D.

Too bad I lost my account where I have all the Zen1 tables. Probably will be rebuying them.

edit: Damn! Zen in 3D is really amazing. In 3D I actually prefer the most zoomed in view (view 3) while normally I prefer the top down view. In 3D you also actually see the beauty of the design of the tables a lot better. FS! Hurry up with the 3D already!
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Staff member
May 8, 2012
If you can settle for Standard graphics mode, it is possible to get 3D output using HDMI from your high-powered Android tablet. In a playable state!

I've got a thread on the Zen HD forums about this.

Pretty epic feature, and the fact you can do this on tablets is pretty crazy!

The ESB table and Jedi training mode looks awesome.


New member
Jan 3, 2013
I just got a 50" Philips 3D tv. And holy ****, what an experience playing Zen in 3D. Mind = blown!
Hope 3D support will find its way to TPA :D

James in VA

New member
Sep 19, 2013
Complete "newb" here. Just found this forum today. I love pinball, both real and digital (have 5 machines in my dining room). I'm also just getting into 3D after buying a Panasonic plasma. Right now my digital play is limited to a Kindle Fire but I'm thinking about going the console route. Please excuse the newbie questions but also help me if you will.

Is there 3D pinball on the Xbox 360 (Pinball FX2 or Pinball Arcade when it returns)?

Is Pinball FX2 still being supported (new tables)?

Is there word on 3D support for pinball games on the Xbox One and PS4?

Will table purchases on current gen consoles carry over to their next gen counterparts?

Thanks for your patience! :)


Apr 13, 2012
Hi James,

Welcome to the monkey house. :)

- As far as I know there are no 3d pinball games on the XBox360.
- Zen mentioned that new tables are planned. Currently they are focussing on the Star Wars tables though.
- 3d support on the Xbox One and PS4: sure thing. For TPA it has been announced some time ago (see the earlier posts), and ZEN just needs to update the SDK, they already support 3d on other platforms.
- There is a heated discussion about this topic. Personally I would expect that the companies work something out, especially if they do "just a port".

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