I am going to have to go back to my awful 24" 3D monitor and see how it goes. My plasma is pointless due to the input lag and 24hz limitation for 3D
Currently I am on an absolute input lag free sony W656 50" or 51" and I honestly expect it to be preferrable but will see. I do hope pinball arcade is better then FX2 though because I just can´t find a single good table in FX/2. Why is it so hard to make good virtual pinball. You would think it would be easier when you have no cost limitations on how you make the tables. But so far to me only the Pro pinball series has succeeded to perform better then the virtual reenactments of real pinball machines in Timeshock and Big Race USA. I was never the biggest fan of Fantastic Journey so it´s still well designed of course.
Currently I am on an absolute input lag free sony W656 50" or 51" and I honestly expect it to be preferrable but will see. I do hope pinball arcade is better then FX2 though because I just can´t find a single good table in FX/2. Why is it so hard to make good virtual pinball. You would think it would be easier when you have no cost limitations on how you make the tables. But so far to me only the Pro pinball series has succeeded to perform better then the virtual reenactments of real pinball machines in Timeshock and Big Race USA. I was never the biggest fan of Fantastic Journey so it´s still well designed of course.