Pinball in 3D is %#%%!!. A Review of the PlayStation 3D Display/Zen 2 in 3D.


Nov 23, 2013
I am going to have to go back to my awful 24" 3D monitor and see how it goes. My plasma is pointless due to the input lag and 24hz limitation for 3D :(.

Currently I am on an absolute input lag free sony W656 50" or 51" and I honestly expect it to be preferrable but will see. I do hope pinball arcade is better then FX2 though because I just can´t find a single good table in FX/2. Why is it so hard to make good virtual pinball. You would think it would be easier when you have no cost limitations on how you make the tables. But so far to me only the Pro pinball series has succeeded to perform better then the virtual reenactments of real pinball machines in Timeshock and Big Race USA. I was never the biggest fan of Fantastic Journey so it´s still well designed of course.


Nov 23, 2013
Back after testing 3D. It appear Far Sight cheat quite a bit with the 3D part the effect is slimmerthen it should be. But why then is the textures so blurry if they are 2D? Anyway it´s still some 3D effect though quite modest and the 3D do hurt the eye a bit where the FX 2 tables really comes to life with no fatigue. I was surprised how much more fun it made them they have always been meh before... As for Pinball Arcade I have the dilemma of 51" tv or 24" and 3D...


New member
Oct 25, 2012
Back after testing 3D. It appear Far Sight cheat quite a bit with the 3D part the effect is slimmerthen it should be. But why then is the textures so blurry if they are 2D? Anyway it´s still some 3D effect though quite modest and the 3D do hurt the eye a bit where the FX 2 tables really comes to life with no fatigue. I was surprised how much more fun it made them they have always been meh before... As for Pinball Arcade I have the dilemma of 51" tv or 24" and 3D...

Has Farsight released 3D on The Pinball Arcade for PS3? Or are you testing it on another version? I'm very much looking forward to stereoscopic 3D on the PS4 version. Hopefully it'll come along not too long after release. I've heard Trine2 for PS4 has pretty awesome stereoscopic 3D so I'd imagine The Pinball Arcade would be fantastic in 3D (on the PS4).
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New member
Apr 20, 2012
Has Farsight released 3D on The Pinball Arcade for PS3? Or are you testing it on another version? I'm very much looking forward to stereoscopic 3D on the PS4 version. Hopefully it'll come along not too long after release. I've heard Trine2 for PS4 has pretty awesome stereoscopic 3D so I'd imagine The Pinball Arcade would be fantastic in 3D.

I was wondering if I missed an update...
Maybe he's talking about Zen Pinball 2?

I assume Farsight is going to add 3D to the "mega patch" which is supposedly on it's way before Xmas.

I played through Trine 2 on the PS3 and liked it (100% all of the trophies too). I'm not sure I'd want to play through it again, but I bet the 3D will look incredible.
I'm also looking forward to the 3D patch for Resogun. Hopefully Farsight will have 3D on the PS4 version of TPA soon too.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I assume Farsight is going to add 3D to the "mega patch" which is supposedly on it's way before Xmas.

I wouldn't bet on that. As far as we know the mega patch is about fixing bugs in the DLC tables, not adding significant new code features.


New member
Jul 15, 2012
And you lost. Heh.

I just tried 3D ZP2 on the PS4 last night. The 3D effect is indeed quite cool... not enough to make me get into ZP though. The ball physics are inferior to TPA and I prefer the "real" experience over the fantasy style of Zen, but I do understand completely why a lot of people like it.

I will definitely look forward to it getting into TPA... although who knows when that's coming because they've been quiet on the subject for nearly a year.
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