Hmm. That's interesting. I knew there have been a substantial amount of female pinball players, but I thought that usage of "he" or "him" to refer to a player was done at the exclusion of female players, albeit not intentionally. I was not familiar with this pronoun usage until now, actually. I've always heard "he or she," "him or her," "they," and "them." The only exceptions are references to things that concern only one gender and cases where it was done purposely to make those of a particular gender feel unwelcome.
I noticed, on that hour-long Lord of the Rings topic not far from this one, the commentary refers to the player as "they" and "them." So I suppose it all comes down to the person writing/talking.
and the age of the person, and their intended audience or their intention, or how aware they are of language being used, or its effect on the reciever or the potential percieved harm by "exclusion" etc etc