Pinball players assumed male?



Hmm. That's interesting. I knew there have been a substantial amount of female pinball players, but I thought that usage of "he" or "him" to refer to a player was done at the exclusion of female players, albeit not intentionally. I was not familiar with this pronoun usage until now, actually. I've always heard "he or she," "him or her," "they," and "them." The only exceptions are references to things that concern only one gender and cases where it was done purposely to make those of a particular gender feel unwelcome.

I noticed, on that hour-long Lord of the Rings topic not far from this one, the commentary refers to the player as "they" and "them." So I suppose it all comes down to the person writing/talking.

and the age of the person, and their intended audience or their intention, or how aware they are of language being used, or its effect on the reciever or the potential percieved harm by "exclusion" etc etc


New member
Jul 18, 2013
I'll put it to you this way...

My wife is a big time scrapbooker. When she goes onto her forums, watches YouTube videos, and product demos on TV, they always address the audience as if it is female. They are perfectly aware there are male scrapbookers, as some even do the product demos, but the majority are female. So everything tends to be "her" and "she". There's no need to make it politically correct and all inclusive.

Yes, there are female pinball players. They are in my league, I interviewed Molly, who runs her own arcade, and a few have stepped into this very forum. I doubt any one of them feels offended or left out because of the definite article that is being thrown around is of the male persuasion.

For the record, I will now use 'dude' in the podcast to cover all genders, unless I am absolutely referring to a female, in which case I shall use the word 'chica'.

+1 hehe... not Dude or Dudette?

Just for factual sake: I'm on a league of 71 people. about 10 are female. Our finals are this week, and 1 female made the 'A' bracket (I'm in the 'B' bracket). She's really good. Saw her score a 238M on AC/DC in tournament mode. She also kicked my tail on TOM in the same tournament.

So I have to agree with shutyertrap, some forum/ groups use 'he' or 'she' depending on context. My question is, does using one or the other or both make you better or worse at pinball?

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
My favorite hobby next to digital pinball and video games is online poker. I see tons of females playing and I think when games award cash prizes rather than a trophy or small cash award you could receive in a pinball league. I have heard of people gambling on Street Fighter matches but in pinball or video games the cash awards are few and far between.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
my favorite hobby next to digital pinball and video games is online poker. I see tons of females playing and i think when games award cash prizes rather than a trophy or small cash award you could receive in a pinball league. I have heard of people gambling on street fighter matches but in pinball or video games the cash awards are few and far between.


*Edit* Aw, does this forum have an all-caps filter on it?

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