Pinball that has been featured on TV and in movies


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Already mentioned in this thread was the Dan Patrick Show.He always has pinball machines in his studio. Now he's in New Orleans for Super Bowl week and has a new pin. I can't make out what it is. If you tune to NBCSports (hes on right now actually) this week from 9am-12pm ET, you can see it. Can't miss it, it's right behind McLovin.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Dan Patrick had a new Stern NBA machine for the longest time.

Yea he has that and a Dale Jr in his Connecticut studio. But this new one, I almost thought it was Centaur at first! But I figure it would be a sports theme pin, and it has a big ol DMD and is brand new looking, so Centaur was ruled out pretty quick haha. Didn't have enough coffee yet.

Actually I think its the new Avengers! Still not sure though.

edit - Yup, it's Avengers.
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New member
Aug 12, 2012
i also remember seeing a star trek voyager episode where Ed Begley JR was playing a pinball machine. i also seem to recall MR Burns from the simpsons playing a pinball machine in an early season episode.

I just saw it on Voyager re-run - Future End Pt. 1 featured a dark pinball machine with no lights and no sound... I might have to try grabbing a shot.


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Sep 22, 2012
On the Japanese show "Game Center CX" there's a segment where the host, Arino, visits arcades in Japan and there's at least 2 segments with pinball machines in a couple of episodes. One is Gottlieb's Super Mario Bros. machine and the other is some really old EM one with one of the flippers wrapped in tape from wear (I forgot the table name). The official DVD set that came out last year does not have these segments due to licensing issues but if you look for the fansubbed clips you can find them. I'll try to see which episodes have those specific parts, there's an episode guide online with summaries.

It's kind of strange too, because I don't think pinball ever caught on in Japan, what with pachinko being a bigger thing.

Also I remember reading of some film that used pinball as a metaphor for street life, I think it was a Ralph Bakshi animated movie. There was also an episode of The District (anyone remember that show? It had the woman who played the Chief in the Carmen Sandiego game shows on it and I remember they sent her character off when she passed away) with a guy who was pissed off at a pinball machine, but it's been so long since I saw it that I cannot remember for the life of me what table it was and I'm pretty sure at some point it got smashed by the guy after some cop pinned him down.
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New member
Apr 4, 2012
One of the character's on the British soap drama "Emerdale" has a pinball table in the house. On one rare occasion that i saw the name of the table i tried googling it but could find no trace of a table with the same name.


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Sep 2, 2012
I just watched Elektra. In the billiard hall (around 46mins into the movie) there's an Alien Poker (where the girl is playing) and a Striker Extreme next to it.

Ps. Funny thing to look for pinball machines in movies ;-) I wouldn't have thought of that...

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
One of the character's on the British soap drama "Emerdale" has a pinball table in the house. On one rare occasion that i saw the name of the table i tried googling it but could find no trace of a table with the same name.

Custom art to avoid licensing issues.


New member
Sep 22, 2012
Here's one of the Game Center CX clips. This one is something I never noticed before: this arcade has a Getaway machine! Skip to about 2:15 in to catch it. There's also a Title Fight machine that Arino plays with the owner.


Jul 11, 2012
Seen this on TV today flipping through channels waiting for NASCAR to restart after that AMAZING accident!

I dont know what it is. I stopped because i seen a hoyyie playing piball, the best part was while a guy was talking to her she drains and silently mouths the word F**K, then without looking at him says SEE WHAT YOU MADE ME DO.


Jul 11, 2012
Woke up way to early this morning nothing on TV but I seen this.

why do all these pills cause more problems than the help? I swear you take the medication to help with 1 thing but end up with 10 side effects.


New member
May 16, 2012
It's called pro-active customer retention. It's why my dentist gives sweets to children after they paid him a visit...


Jul 11, 2012
No I mean for a sleeping aid may cause depression stop taking if you have suicidal thought may experience dry mouth, anal leakage, vomiting,yellow skin tint may cause sleep walking do not opperate machinery JUST TO SLEEP! WTF!? Its called weed try that! No side effects....well none like that.

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