Some views are better than others - it's a pity the selected camera is not saved per table as we need to keep changing it when we play.
Although some may say they want a more top down view, actually some of the layed-back views are pretty good. This way the ball appears more lifesize. Personally I think these views are better than those in PB FX.
I am not sure of the feasibility but could we be able to set a custom view with static camera. All that would need to be saved is the camera position per table. Also if this facility could show the saved view coordinates then people could share the views. This way the community can do all the tweaking. Just an idea.
Need to play some more. Cheers
Why aren't the views consistent from table to table? I have always wondered this since playing the iOS version. It seems to me that if you select say View #4, it should be the same view no matter what the table. In iOS I found myself always flipping between 4 and 1 depending on the table. If the views were consistent I would not have to map one of my cab buttons to the camera. I could set it once with the keyboard and forget it.