Pro Pinball


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Is there a wireform missing around the ball lock? or is the ball supposed to hover in mid air on the way to the lock?


New member
May 10, 2012
On a side note... The music is not yet modified with higher specs but I just had to say what a fantastic job they did on the original. Not many real pinball machines did any better, apart from one or two truly standout classics in the late 80' early 90' (like black knight 2000)


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
LOL I just played Midnight Madness. Had a blast with it (and good thing I caught it on camera!)


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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
After playing a fair bit with the alpha last night I can say they have done a really great job - you can feel their obsession for perfection. The alpha has a single frame step option and you can see the bulbs sunken into the playfield slowly illuminating. When the balk rides on the rails or the cradle arm carries the ball to the lock (the arm itself is missing in the alpha), you can see the ball reflection on the playfield even though it is somewhat raised above the playfield. The alpha has a way to launch multiple balls up to 8 at a time and the game doesn't stutter for me at all even with the flashers go mental :).

I also bought all the PP tables back in the 90s (makes me feel old too :() and have to agree this table design, gameplay, rules, music stands up there with the real life greats. Once the PinDMD is supported, the backglass and they have all the animations in, this is going to be the closest to a real Timeshock table we will get unless they create a real one, one day.

Good to see The Two Ades (Barritt and Page) and Richard Horrocks back to doing 'real' Pinball.
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New member
Jan 26, 2014
Only seen the vids - thanks KFleshman - and must say it looks absolutely breathtaking. Nice job! That is how it should be done!
And you won't have performance issues to get the full treat.
Guess thats the power of prerendered gfx. Even though you sacrifice the full cabinet view and future 3D or VR support.

Looking at the lamp test and seeing those sliders for the lights is soooooo great. And looks just so real - even better than Unit3D.
If FS would consider this for their lighting upgrade of TPA instead of just three different settings would be awesome.

Played the old timeshock again. Omg did it set the standads!
And I just saw that you could set the volumes for sfx, mechanical and music, something very essential and simple that I am really missing in TPA for example.

And the physics of course... I still think TPA is almost equal with the old timeshock ones, but if the pp guys even manage to improve them...
Edit: I just remembered that I didn't like the ball/physics in the last of the pp games, fantastic journey. Always thought ts and brusa were much better. So I hope they base it on the old ts ones!

Question to the alpha players: something I saw in one of the ks vids was the flipper moving slightly down when hit by an incoming ball. I think in the glass off video. Does this already work with the old/current physics, or is this something to expect from the advanced ones?

Thanks again for keeping us non alpha players updated.
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Active member
Apr 12, 2012
This looks absolutely beautiful. Even if they hadn't promised to update the physics I would have been impressed. They still look and play wonderfully.

It's a good time to be a pinball fan indeed. A really good time. Thanks for the videos


New member
Apr 19, 2014
Only seen the vids - thanks KFleshman - and must say it looks absolutely breathtaking. Nice job! That is how it should be done!
And you won't have performance issues to get the full treat.
Guess thats the power of prerendered gfx. Even though you sacrifice the full cabinet view and future 3D or VR support.

Looking at the lamp test and seeing those sliders for the lights is soooooo great. And looks just so real - even better than Unit3D.
If FS would consider this for their lighting upgrade of TPA instead of just three different settings would be awesome.

Played the old timeshock again. Omg did it set the standads!
And I just saw that you could set the volumes for sfx, mechanical and music, something very essential and simple that I am really missing in TPA for example.

And the physics of course... I still think TPA is almost equal with the old timeshock ones, but if the pp guys even manage to improve them...
Edit: I just remembered that I didn't like the ball/physics in the last of the pp games, fantastic journey. Always thought ts and brusa were much better. So I hope they base it on the old ts ones!

Question to the alpha players: something I saw in one of the ks vids was the flipper moving slightly down when hit by an incoming ball. I think in the glass off video. Does this already work with the old/current physics, or is this something to expect from the advanced ones?

Thanks again for keeping us non alpha players updated.
They've told us that in the final version you'll have the choice of the classic 1997 Timeshock! physics engine, and a new updated engine.

Flipper moving down when the ball hits is currently in (and if you use glass off mode to hit the flipper from underneath, it moves the flipper up).

Also apparently my server died on IPv4 (only IPv6 was up), which should be resolved now if anybody wants to take a look at the 60fps videos.
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New member
Apr 19, 2014
I hope my rig can keep up with the awesomeness. Geez this is gorgeous!

The good news is that everything is prerendered graphics except for the balls, so system requirements should actually be quite low. This is why there'll be able to be an Android/iOS version too. The test version requires OpenGL 1.5, so anything newer than an Intel 945 will hopefully be able to run it. Intel has historically had terrible OpenGL support though. My HD 4000 seems to run it ok.
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Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Sweet Lord, I'm in love.

Just curious if there will be multiple landscape views like the original had? I'm assuming so.


New member
Apr 19, 2014
Sweet Lord, I'm in love.

Just curious if there will be multiple landscape views like the original had? I'm assuming so.

They aren't in the current alpha, but yes, there's supposed to be multiple views in future builds. Also a special cabinet view as well, and support for a real DMD.

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