The KickStarter campaign is over, but it would appear they are still accepting Paypal:
I've also taken down the videos for now, because apparently there's conflicting data on whether or not videos of the test version are allowed at this time.
Videos are back up, I got word directly from Ade that videos are OK!
Videos are back up, I got word directly from Ade that videos are OK!
Any chance that you can put them up onto Youtube?
Looks great. Was expecting a bit more flashers and dynamic GI (ala the previous lighting demo), but maybe that's still to come?
The lighting is adjustable still, I just wasn't fiddling with it because I was playing. Also not all of the flashers have finished rendering if I remember correctly.
Correct, currently none of the mechanical animations are in except for the flippers and the ball. There's suppose to be a magnetic crane arm that picks up the ball.thanks for taking the time to make and upload the video's, it is much appreciated. Only big thing I noticed so far is how the balls float when being loaded for multiball but ive only watched a couple of minutes.
Are some flashers working now? I didn't watch all the way through both vids yet. What I meant by dynamic is for the GI to change as you play on certain shots, like real machines do.
There's a multiball where the flashers are going at 2:15 on the landscape game, or 2:25 on the portrait one. Is that the kind of lighting changes you're talking about?
This is a Pro Pinball game, so there's a fully functional operator's menu including tests for individual flashers, and a burn-in test mode. Want me to make a recording of any of those?
This is very promising. Tried it with a rotated monitor on the highest video settings and it looks and feels better than any other pinball simulator out there. Only the graphics is in from the new version. Even with more than a 10 year old physics engine this thing blows all other wannabes. That in itself is incredible. The sky's the limit! Now, lock those balls!
This is very promising. Tried it with a rotated monitor on the highest video settings and it looks and feels better than any other pinball simulator out there. Only the graphics is in from the new version. Even with more than a 10 year old physics engine this thing blows all other wannabes. That in itself is incredible. The sky's the limit! Now, lock those balls!