Pro Pinball


New member
Apr 6, 2012
The Original Version on the kickstarter has been updated. Please download it again. The music quality is much higher (CD Quality I think) and it should have some bugfixes, too :)


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
1600x1200 is the limit of the original version. Unfortunately, that was the top end available at the time. These days, you have higher res displays on tablets hence the need for higher res assets.

Honestly, from a horizontal line perspective, 1600x1200 is superior. And from a vertical line perspective would provide a higher PPI on a screen with the same vertical dimensions. Had 16:9 been a normal aspect ratio back then the width would have been nearly 2240 pixels.

Anyone been having problems downloading Timeshock from Kickstarter?

My Norton Antivirus rejects the file right away, thinking it has a virus on it. Wondering if anyone else has had that problem?

I'm guessing if an AV program is flagging it and windows 7 and 8 users are having trouble...first place I'd look is DEP settings put back to the essential windows services only option, and try disabling uac. In windows 8 you need to edit a registry key to completely disable it but that also kills metro apps.

Yeah, that's weird that it doesn't show 1280 x 1024 properly. Technically, 1024 vertical pixels should look better than 1200 since a 1080p monitor is only 1080 pixels tall.

The amount of scaling done would probably be nearly unnoticeable at the ratio it's being done in this case.

Sure hope so. I'd love a pink version of Big Race USA!




Is it just me or are game times on Pro Pinball a bit on the long side once you get into them.

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
Is it just me or are game times on Pro Pinball a bit on the long side once you get into them.

I never played the table until this KickStarter version became available to us that pledged. I played around 10 times and I quite like that the times seem long. It's refreshing. Zaccaria's Robot table has been kicking me in the teeth and taking my lunch money with it's minute and a half games. I need a table that fluffs my ego after playing Robot, Genie, and Star Trek Next Generation. :D


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Of course they can be long - remember, a real pinball machine has one goal - to make money for the operator, so there's a careful adjustment of ball time - too long, the operator loses money because fewer players can cycle through it per hour. Too short, and the operator loses money because players give up too quickly. Just right and players will continue to plug the machine with money.

That applies to every table in TPA.

Pro Pinball though doesn't have the "make money" objective, so the game can be designed for fun, and if it manes spending a couple of hours on a game, so be it as long as the play is realistic and plausible it can be made into a real pinball machine (though, for home use since no operator would buy a game where a person can spend a couple of hours on it for 50 cents).

Mick Morry

New member
Jun 9, 2013
Of course they can be long - remember, a real pinball machine has one goal - to make money for the operator, so there's a careful adjustment of ball time - too long, the operator loses money because fewer players can cycle through it per hour. Too short, and the operator loses money because players give up too quickly. Just right and players will continue to plug the machine with money.

That applies to every table in TPA.

Pro Pinball though doesn't have the "make money" objective, so the game can be designed for fun, and if it manes spending a couple of hours on a game, so be it as long as the play is realistic and plausible it can be made into a real pinball machine (though, for home use since no operator would buy a game where a person can spend a couple of hours on it for 50 cents).

Agree 100 percent. I have said this in other strings and other forums before too. We must always remember that real pinball tables were made with a balance of fun VS making money. There had to be the option and ability for a good player to play and play, but there also had to be money coming in at a profitable margin too. People drew salaries by figuring out the proper balance of the two. Each machine could have you play longer and longer with a bit of practice. So there was payback and increasing learned skill on the players part, but it cost money to get that practice and play for longer.

FX2 is another great example of this formula not being in place. Notice how long your FX2 games last? They are much longer than the norm.

Insert coin had everything to do with it.


New member
Apr 6, 2012
Yeah but FX2 is way easier then Pro Pinball. I haven't finished the wizard mode in Timeshock yet and I have played it many hours over the years.


Apr 12, 2012
Yeah but FX2 is way easier then Pro Pinball. I haven't finished the wizard mode in Timeshock yet and I have played it many hours over the years.

Yeah, I never completed the wizard modes in Fantastic Journey or Timeshock. BRUSA and The Web, yeah, but not the other two.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Timeshock kicks my arse on a regular basis (which is great,'s what keeps me coming back), and I've had it since it came out. It's way more realistic than FX2, no contest, and thank heavens it has a realistic flipper gap!


New member
Apr 6, 2012
Do any real pinball machines have that little stick between the flippers that sometimes saves the ball? Anything I've seen or played doesn't have it.

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