Pro Pinball


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
It's too dark to see it really well but they might develop a switch for that which will naturally take some time.

You are a light room player :)

The PC Alpha builds have the sliders already to adjust lighting, and from what I read iOS has them to (maybe someone can confirm).

This was part of the weekly TODO list they publish:
"Ambient light control option in pause menu settings"


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Probably submitted to Apple this weekend. Yeah.
Update to what is the plan with other versions first thing on Monday morning.
If it is not all lies this time.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Since the new physics has not even been started, Pro pinball is the only ones who can answer that. I believe it's even more realistic ball behavior, weight, ball spin, being able to do more tricks with the ball on the flipper etc.

There's two stages of physics upgrading for Timeshock. One is porting the physics from Fantastic Journey back into Timeshock. There were considerable improvements even between those two games: the ability for the ball to spin on an arbitrary non-vertical axis and to slide across the table without rolling. Also this would include the ability to vary the table's physical parameters (slope, flipper power, rubber bounciness), as BRUSA and FJ had but Timeshock didn't.

The second stage would be improving yet again from FJ's physics to the best that modern technology can do. Simulate every aspect of the flipper as intricately as possible, down to things like friction in the linkage from the coils, even temperature changes from frequent flipping or a long game. Ade wants to do this, but obviously it's far behind many things with more direct value to the product.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
So it has been submitted:

"Late update this week as we were busy testing and fixing bugs prior to submitting iOS version 1.0.0 to Apple for approval. The app is now waiting for review and it will typically be 9 or 10 days until we get the result. This is just the first version as we still have things like the new physics, rolling ball display, gold and custom balls, operator's manual, the low and medium views, and more to come. The priority now will be to get the first Android release ready, then the desktop versions."


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Todays update said:

Continued work on combining all the backer data into a single database. When this is complete we'll make it possible for people to check their own details so that any corrections can be made.
Added iOS platform data to the server so that the full game will unlock when a backer who chose iOS signs in.
Rendered parts of the table for use in promotional images.
Updated to the latest Android SDKs and tools.
Started to integrate Android build fixes and start of OpenGL ES 3 support.
Started to look into upgrading the web server prior to the iOS release.

The iOS version is still waiting for review and should enter review in the next 2 or 3 days.

So it sounds like Apple need to get their finger out, and if they start fussing like an old tart, changes might need to be made to be 'Apple-compliant'.
Last edited:


New member
Jun 4, 2012
too tired to play but

deluxe version five pounds vs four pounds for a tpa standard table

onky 2.50 for timeshock standard

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