PS Vita "Super Patch"


New member
Feb 15, 2014
The tables you listed all look sharp to me. Every table feels like it's on equal grounds now. (season 1)

It probably still looks underwhelming compared to PS3, but it's good enough to look sharp, pretty, and relaxing on the eyes.

edit: Anti-aliasing isn't running on most tables, so that's probably causing visual inconsistencies when zoomed out.
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New member
Dec 14, 2013
The tables you listed all look sharp to me. Every table feels like it's on equal grounds now. (season 1)

It probably still looks underwhelming compared to PS3, but it's good enough to look sharp, pretty, and relaxing on the eyes.

edit: Anti-aliasing isn't running on most tables, so that's probably causing visual inconsistencies when zoomed out.

i agree, i just checked thoes tables and they all look super sharp and great. especially ToTAN, totan looks super re-done; almost like a whole different table. i can see all the small text, except for the teeny tiny text further down the table on SS (prob bc 640p max rez on vita, but who knows, i prob couldnt read it in real life anyways rofl)
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New member
Jun 8, 2012
i agree, i just checked thoes tables and they all look super sharp and great. especially ToTAN, totan looks super re-done; almost like a whole different table. i can see all the small text, except for the teeny tiny text further down the table on SS (prob bc 640p max rez on vita, but who knows, i prob couldnt read it in real life anyways rofl)

Those tables all look super sharp on yours? Like, as sharp and clear as CftBL, MM, AfM, Ripleys, Gorgar, CV, Funhouse etc... which all look razor sharp, in focus and awesome in their entirety?

On TotAN the top of the center chick and the characters further up the playfield behind her don't look a bit out of focuse compared to the rest of the table/inserts?
The 3 male characters and the Power pyramid (and all other artwork further back) aren't totally blurry and out of focus compared to everything else? (2nd worst)
All the artwork on the Gophers table from the center word "gophers" and back isn't smeared and so blurry you can't really even tell what it is? (This table is by far the worst)
On STtNG the forground artwork isn't slightly out of focus and the rest back a blurry mess? Harley isn't nearly as rough as that?
On ToM the artwork doesn't look slightly out of focus and gets worse from her face and back?
I suppose the smeared artwork on these tables does look like it could be caused by AA gone bad.

If those tables I just mentioned look as sharp as the first tables I mentioned on your copies then something is wrong with mine, because the blurry, smeared artwork is so noticeable it's distracting.
And if that's the case maybe I should try deleting everything completely and re-downloading all of it from scratch.

In general everything looks better and definitely plays much better and overall I'm fairly happy with the update. Happy enough I may purchase season 2.
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New member
Dec 14, 2013
Those tables all look super sharp on yours? Like, as sharp and clear as CftBL, MM, AfM, Ripleys, Gorgar, CV, Funhouse etc... which all look razor sharp, in focus and awesome in their entirety?

On TotAN the top of the center chick and the characters further up the playfield behind her don't look a bit out of focuse compared to the rest of the table/inserts?
The 3 male characters and the Power pyramid (and all other artwork further back) aren't totally blurry and out of focus compared to everything else? (2nd worst)
All the artwork on the Gophers table from the center word "gophers" and back isn't smeared and so blurry you can't really even tell what it is? (This table is by far the worst)
On STtNG the forground artwork isn't slightly out of focus and the rest back a blurry mess? Harley isn't nearly as rough as that?
On ToM the artwork doesn't look slightly out of focus and gets worse from her face and back?
I suppose the smeared artwork on these tables does look like it could be caused by AA gone bad.

If those tables I just mentioned look as sharp as the first tables I mentioned on your copies then something is wrong with mine, because the blurry, smeared artwork is so noticeable it's distracting.
And if that's the case maybe I should try deleting everything completely and re-downloading all of it from scratch.

In general everything looks better and definitely plays much better and overall I'm fairly happy with the update. Happy enough I may purchase season 2.

hmm. i just checked totan, TZ and gofers. the only time the guy above her looks blurry is in the lowest view, she is clear in all of the views as he is in the higher 3 views. i only see two guys in TZ and they dont look blurry to me, the blue and black pattern in between them is so shap and "blue" it is practically giving me a 3D effect, do you see that? and in gofers, can you read the small numbers under the word "gofers" (2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)and darken(8)(9)? bc gofers is clear to me and i can read thoes numbers, they are really small, too. im just trying to get an understanding of how bad your tabkes look. lemme look at the rest and ill edit my post with the update.

edit: STtNG is hard to compare to harley, there are no actual people in the artwork in harley. but what i did notice was that i cant read any of the smaller words in harley, not even in the middle of the play field. but in STtNG i can read "he neutral zon" (really small letters) all the way in the very back of the playfield. the artwork looks kinda similar in comparison, but harley is much more simple. and in ToM, its hard to see what you mean, add me to PSN so i/we can compare screen shots to see if yours looks even remotely similar to mine. psnid StreetVeteran1
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New member
Jun 8, 2012
Thanks for checking. I'll double check mine in a minute. Right now I am re-downloading every single season 1 table to make sure they all "took"


New member
Sep 22, 2013
Thanks for checking. I'll double check mine in a minute. Right now I am re-downloading every single season 1 table to make sure they all "took"

I get the feeling you still won't be happy.

All the tables look much, much better. Works for me.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
The re-download didn't seem to change anything. Bummer.

I can see those inserts and numbers on Gophers. the text below and the gophers to each side are very blurry though. The big word "gophers" is noticeably out of focus though and the green words that say "put out" above the big 2 are completely illegible except when the camera zooms in over them (just a green blob). Everything farther up the table is just an indistinct blur really. In TZ at any camera setting the two guys are so blurry looking that you would never be able to even tell what they were if you didn't already know or anything else further on.

These tables all do seem to have AA running though since they don't have the slight jaggies or pixel flicker that all the awesome,sharp looking tables have. If that's the case maybe they could remove the AA from these tables so they look as good as the rest.

I figure this is just how it is, but to be sure I'm going to delete everything and re-download everything again.


New member
Dec 14, 2013
The re-download didn't seem to change anything. Bummer.

I can see those inserts and numbers on Gophers. the text below and the gophers to each side are very blurry though. The big word "gophers" is noticeably out of focus though and the green words that say "put out" above the big 2 are completely illegible except when the camera zooms in over them (just a green blob). Everything farther up the table is just an indistinct blur really. In TZ at any camera setting the two guys are so blurry looking that you would never be able to even tell what they were if you didn't already know or anything else further on.

These tables all do seem to have AA running though since they don't have the slight jaggies or pixel flicker that all the awesome,sharp looking tables have. If that's the case maybe they could remove the AA from these tables so they look as good as the rest.

I figure this is just how it is, but to be sure I'm going to delete everything and re-download everything again.

yeah the putt out is blurry. i guess i understand now that you are hypercritical bc its more noticeable due to your eye strain. but at the same time i see how stuff like that could bother people, too. its a lot beter than what it was and hopfully they fix it in an update bc there are still broken tables like victory and black rose (man i want to play BR, it seems so frickin cool)


New member
Oct 31, 2012
wait... you Actually use to play SS!? ugh! i just couldnt! that was the worse table after DD, lol. im glad now, too. im hoping they can release a quick update for stability issues. can you tell me how blackhole and black knight play for you?

haha i cant even back up playing SS, it was terribly optimized i know but the game is so damn good i could put up with it! i remember when playing it when i would get to the spinning backglass part, the latency was so bad that say i pushed the flippers on the 12 o clock position, it wouldnt stop untill the 3 or 4 o clock position lol now its almost instant. so far blackhole and black knight are great from what i can tell, i cant tell how much has changed since ive been playing the PC version lately and its far superior so if anything changed to where it should be i cant notice it that well haha


New member
Dec 14, 2013
haha i cant even back up playing SS, it was terribly optimized i know but the game is so damn good i could put up with it! i remember when playing it when i would get to the spinning backglass part, the latency was so bad that say i pushed the flippers on the 12 o clock position, it wouldnt stop untill the 3 or 4 o clock position lol now its almost instant. so far blackhole and black knight are great from what i can tell, i cant tell how much has changed since ive been playing the PC version lately and its far superior so if anything changed to where it should be i cant notice it that well haha

lol i know, right? when i played it a long time ago, b4 i got fed up with it and quit, i mastered the spinner; with 4 hour lag and everything :p. the game IS good, for sure. and are you talking about the vita version or ps3 version of BH and BK? im talking about the vita. im gonna go play SS now that you mention it :p.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
yeah the putt out is blurry. i guess i understand now that you are hypercritical bc its more noticeable due to your eye strain. but at the same time i see how stuff like that could bother people, too. its a lot beter than what it was and hopfully they fix it in an update bc there are still broken tables like victory and black rose (man i want to play BR, it seems so frickin cool)

Yea I'm pretty critical, but there was something wrong with mine.

I backed up my saves, deleted everything and redownloaded it all from scratch and it seems to have fixed it.
TZ looks much clearer, you can make out the guys now, I can tell that the camera is actually a camera (before it just looked like a huge grey pixel), I can make out the words on the square mode boxes in the middle (I couldn't even tell they were supposed to have words before). I can see the yellow brick art under the bumpers (before it was just a yellow smear there) and see the lightning bolts on the pyramid which were just black smears before.

Gophers looks much better, the upper left and right artwork is still a bit blurry, but the rest is visible and pretty clear. I can actually make out the words between the gophers and the gophers themselves look sharper and more in focus. The word "gophers" is now clear and sharp. The words Put Out aren't the sharpest, but it is actually possible to see what it says now. The wheel actually has words on it which I couldn't see before (just blurry patches where the words should have been) and it spins. I don't think it actually spun before, I think it was stuck static.

TotAN looks sharper all around and the transparent ramps look way better. STtNG is much sharper everywhere. The lines on the Enterprise are actually defined and clear where before they were just fuzzy and the rest is much clearer now especially the characters. The blue pattern under the Enterprise is now clear where before it looked like non-descript blue patches on black.

Whatever was wrong seems to be fixed now. It looked so much better that I just went ahead and bought the season 2 packs and I've tried most of them so far and they seem to look great and play smooth.

There are still a lot of things that I think need to be improved, but this update has made a huge improvement in playability, ball smoothness (MM was broken for me before) and (now) how good it looks. I have to say that I am pretty damn happy with these improvements so far and I really hope they give us another patch to make even more improvements.

If anyone else has some tables that are so blurry looking it's almost like some textures/art didn't load up then definitely delete it all and re-download everything.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
I just realized that I upgraded from my 32gb card to a 64gb card last week and I wonder if the new card or restoring the backup is what caused the problem.

PostedUp what is the problem you're having with Black Rose?
Since everything else is running and looking so good I just went ahead and bought it and Fish Tales. I've only played one game of Black Rose, but it ran smooth and looked great.


New member
Dec 14, 2013
I just realized that I upgraded from my 32gb card to a 64gb card last week and I wonder if the new card or restoring the backup is what caused the problem.

PostedUp what is the problem you're having with Black Rose?
Since everything else is running and looking so good I just went ahead and bought it and Fish Tales. I've only played one game of Black Rose, but it ran smooth and looked great.

nice! man that sounded weird, glad to hear everything is fixed now. i guess you were having real bad issues. im having some ball frame stutters, slow-ish ball and flipper lag on BR, plus is looks like crap (like the tables did b4 the patch, dull, bland etc.). i wonder why its different for others. imhappy with the patch, too. i didnt play MM for qute some time bc of the issues (BR is playing like MM basically, for me) and now it is running smooth and ive beaten my friends highscores while b4 the patch i couldnt tolerate 74M. im going to try and redownload it, but i dont want to possibly mess anything up-- its all finally running so smoooth!!! D:. BR seems like a hella awesome table and i really want to play it, tho! :/ so frustrating...

glad to hear you can now enjoy your tables! i thought you were just being overly dramatic at first, lmao. TPA has had some of the strangest occurrences amongst everyone from all that im hearing.

edit: i redownloaded everything. BK is much better now :D. BR, no more ball stutter, but seems like the flipper lag is stil slightly there (not in the two lowest views, but in the two highest views) . its annoying, you can tell the ball speed is slower compared to portrait mode.
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New member
Feb 15, 2014
I tried portrait mode for a few tables and it's fairly clear the graphics were optimized for that camera. That's why they don't scale down perfectly on tables that are not running AA. Too bad I don't care for the bird view angle, and especially the touch controls.


New member
Dec 14, 2013
I tried portrait mode for a few tables and it's fairly clear the graphics were optimized for that camera. That's why they don't scale down perfectly on tables that are not running AA. Too bad I don't care for the bird view angle, and especially the touch controls.

hmm, so they are better in portrait mode? ive only tried STtNG and just for like 10secs. i dont like portrait mode at all either. bad nudge, awkward in your hands, touch controls, and the lowest possible view Just misses the ideal angle for me.


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Yeah, the nudge sucks too, even if I turn off the touch pad, I still hit the analog and cause TILT. But regardless, it's too awkward to hold, and touch controls are just not my thing.

... I realized the mobiles versions have table demos, so that's a way for me to try out Season 2 tables. I'll get on that these days.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
Well I had only played the one game on BR, but it was running really smooth and looked good to me. I didn't notice flipper lag, but probably just missed it since I was on a happy high that the game was finally working right. Ha!

I don't know how you guys don't play in portrait mode. To me that is one of the best things about the Vita version. View 1 or 4 (strange that it varies by table) gives a damn near perfect view.
What is it you guy don't like about the touch controls? They are instantly responsive, definitely faster responding then using the shoulder buttons. They also have a very large area so you can't really miss them. The glitch where you can't change the camera view if you are cradling a ball is still there though which is annoying...


New member
Feb 15, 2014
Touch screen kills the immersion for me. I could deal with using it to launch and nudge, but I need physical buttons for flippers. Vita is just perfect for pinball games, relative to my needs.


New member
Dec 14, 2013
its a very subtle flipper lag/delay. BR runs better in portrait mode than in standard ive noticed. and i think the shoulder buttons are just as responsive, if not more. dont quote me on this but i think the milliseconds for response time button lag is a little lower than the touch screen input lag. but they both might be that same (or hard to tell the difference) because AMOLED+ is awesome for responsive touch controls, and the shoulder buttons are basically conncted right to the screen so its like insta-input, lol.

yeah i just kinda feel empty and hollow not being able to press buttons. holding the vita normally is super comfortable plus i have the shoulder trigger-grip case to make it feel like a controller and fill your hands in more. some people perfer touch controls, i just cant do it. i often miss the screen bc there is little room to put my thumbs under the flippers (or else my thumbs will be on the table) and when imso focused in the game ill touch just off of the screen by accident causing the ball to drain.
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