PS3 (NA) Version 2.08 And 2.09 Feedback And Discussion

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Apr 12, 2012
EDIT: Ah I have been back and forth between TPA and Zen recently though (still trying and failing to find anything fun in Zen), and didn't feel TPA (at 720) being any less responsive than Zen.
I definitely find Zen to be more responsive.

I think I saw you mention that before but I can't say I understand what you mean. Is the ball rebounding at an angle you don't expect? Or coming off the flipper at an angle you don't expect? I dunno, I just don't experience this; my aiming between a real table and TPA feels pretty consistent. I suppose flipper lag could cause this feeling.
It could be lag but I don't think so. It's hard to explain. Hitting the underside of the ball and having it shoot DOWN instead of up (underside being as if looking straight down at the table , not the part of the ball actually touching the table). Having it fire off at an unrealistic angle. It's incorrect bounces on the flippers or the kickers. That kind of stuff.


Apr 12, 2012
Remember, not everyone has high speed Internet. I'm stuck on DSL and the last update took about 35 min to download. I can deal with that, but I can see where it would start to get annoying if it takes over an hour to download each update.
Get PS+ and set it up to have your PS3 automatically download patches overnight while you're sleeping.

That's just one reason to get PS+. The dozen free games up front and new free game every week or two are a better reason.


New member
Jul 8, 2012
Remember, not everyone has high speed Internet. I'm stuck on DSL and the last update took about 35 min to download. I can deal with that, but I can see where it would start to get annoying if it takes over an hour to download each update.

My DSL is only at 1mbps download, so updates take a while for me too. So if I was having to download a new version every week for one patch fix, it'd start to get annoying. I would be fine with a once a month download though.

At the rate tables come out on the PS3 your not looking at many updates in six months let alone monthly.
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New member
Apr 27, 2012
Oh yeah, I guess that makes sense. Apparently it can depend on your TV--some use polarized glasses, which admit light to both eyes at once, rather than shutter glasses, for instance--but it sounds like most of the newer ones are alternating shutter systems like that. I've read about *some* PS3 games only doing 3D at reduced fps (and even reduced screen resolution!) but I guess that's due to the individual game not being able to handle the additional processing for whatever reason.

3D is always reduced resolution whether its HD TV in 3D, blu-ray in 3D or games. You have to put two sets of information on the screen at the same time. On my cable they do a side by side picture and then the TV does its 3D magic. I don't have any 3D games yet so I don't know how the PS3 displays it but however it does it, 3D is always lower resolution. That's why 3D proponents are some of the people adamantly pushing for 4K. They want their 3D in true HD. Today's 3D is always a compromise and that's why I won't be getting all of the tables for my third PS3 that's on the 3D TV. I'll probably get 2 or 3 packs to go with the core tables.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
3D is always reduced resolution whether its HD TV in 3D, blu-ray in 3D or games. You have to put two sets of information on the screen at the same time. On my cable they do a side by side picture and then the TV does its 3D magic. I don't have any 3D games yet so I don't know how the PS3 displays it but however it does it, 3D is always lower resolution. That's why 3D proponents are some of the people adamantly pushing for 4K. They want their 3D in true HD. Today's 3D is always a compromise and that's why I won't be getting all of the tables for my third PS3 that's on the 3D TV. I'll probably get 2 or 3 packs to go with the core tables.

Ahh I did not know that, thanks for the info!


About the update size thing, even though a lot of us would go for it despite maybe lengthy update times each month, I think those lengthy updates are pretty much the reason why it won't happen, because no developer/publisher wants to be accused of selling someone a game they in effect--imagining some poor soul on a really really slow connection; ooh or even on one of those pay-pay-use connections--can't play, or at least not a good deal of the time.

I've heard PS4 is going to have background updates (ie you can play the game while downloading an update for it in the background, I guess?), and this is exactly the type of situation where you'd need something like that.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Nearly every game nowadays has a day one patch and a lot have installs that can take up to 40 min.
With a game out nearly a year you know you are going to be patching.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
Other games have larger patches, but for this it would be cumulative. Every time there's an update, you have to redownloaded the whole thing, and it keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Other games have larger patches, but for this it would be cumulative. Every time there's an update, you have to redownloaded the whole thing, and it keeps getting bigger and bigger.

I doubt it will ever be several GBs like the Battlefield patches are. The patches are cumulative with other games as well.
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Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Hm! Well then I guess the only reason not to in this case is that it updates so often/regularly?


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I doubt it will ever be several GBs like the Battlefield patches are. The patches are cumulative with other games as well.
I don't really think that's the case always. I've downloaded a 2 gig for GT 5 followed by some later patches that are less than 100mb.
That's why I don't get what the issue is with FarSight

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Yeah, it's not always the case but it usually is. Even MLB 13 is cumulative and it's published by Sony.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Yea ... point being though is it seems like it's a option for some developers, why can't FarSight do it to keep the individual patch size down? We know it exists.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Probably the same reason that they don't offer demos on PS3...and that the graphics are inconsistent, etc.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Just really ticks me off that the reason they give that they don't want to do it doesn't seem to really exist if they would just look into it.
We don't need huge patches. Toss in a pair of 40mb table updates in with each update as they go and it would be covered. Or just one big one to catch up on all the mobile fixes.
I don't feel very valued as a customer when they rush stuff out in obviously crap shape when they have no intention of ever fixing any of it.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
We don't need huge patches. Toss in a pair of 40mb table updates in with each update as they go and it would be covered.

The point is that with the way they set up the DLC and table arrangement for TPA, if they toss in a pair of tables in one update, they have to toss that same pair in every later update they make, apparently. So eventually it inevitably adds up to big patches. Although in Jeff's interview with Bobby King it did sound like it could stand a little more looking into in terms of what they can and can't manage.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
Probably the best option would to take Zens and release a Pinball Arcade 2 with all the fixes in place, redownload improved tables, and maybe correct some things they would like to do differently.

Palmer Eldritch

New member
Dec 17, 2012
The difference is adding 3D is what they'd call a 'global patch', meaning it is game wide. That kind of patch is easy to do. It's like adding the fix for flipper pass through or changing the menu. It's when they want to make a change to one table that you essentially have to download the entire table all over again through the game update. That is why they like to wait until they have a couple of patches for a table before doing anything. When MM had it's dragon ramp fixed, that wasn't the only patch made to it. If they put out a patch everytime they fixed something, the game would become massive in size eventually, with table sizes being 4,5,6 times the size they needed to be, just because that was how many patches were done.

When MM had its dragon ramp fixed, I didn't need to redownload the table. It was part of a general update.


Can anyone honestly say they are going to patch up all these problems within this game. Be it table art issues, gameplay problems, camera freeze, etc. there's so much to do its highly impropable in my view.
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