PS3 (NA) Version 2.08 And 2.09 Feedback And Discussion

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Active member
Feb 20, 2012

I feel bad for anyone passing up STTNG on PS3 because of this because it's truly the best work Farsight has put out so far on any platform.

Thanks, I appreciate the sympathy. I really do want it, but that Delta ramp is kinda important, and I really don't like the two-stage flipper. I must be patient and continue to enjoy my iPad version until the Xbox snafu is a memory... if ever.

Palmer Eldritch

New member
Dec 17, 2012
you people who hate the 2-stage flippers on ps3 because it "hurts your hands" what teh hell are you doing?

never play a real pinball machine because your hands (and legs) will *really* hurt

btw you guys don't have to hold your controller like it's made out of eggshell and papier mache :p
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Palmer Eldritch

New member
Dec 17, 2012
Don't worry, Palmer has stated before that he believes it doesn't exist because he hasn't personally experienced it. Many of us say something to the contrary, including the developers who have admitted to at least 1 frame of a delay due to lighting :)

it's a qualia.. it's like proving you love something. or that what you see as blue is what i see is blue.
1 frame is imperceptible, to argue that 'lag is real there's 1 frame of lag farsight claims!" is not proving "flipper lag" as people describe it.


New member
Mar 20, 2013
you people who hate the 2-stage flippers on ps3 because it "hurts your hands" what teh hell are you doing?

never play a real pinball machine because your hands (and legs) will *really* hurt
Well, it doesn't "hurt my hand". I'm just off with the timing, because I have to press the button much harder than with the Vita Version (because the Vita doesn't use analog shoulder buttons). And this maybe isn't such an huge issue with everyone, because it depends on the state your buttons are in. It seems that some controllers (or rather buttons) are either somehow misaligned or simply worn out. So it would be nice, if the analog sensitivity could switched off completely. So the tables "behave" like the other versions of the game (but maybe not like the original machines).

Or as an alternative give us an option the tweak with the buttons sensitivity. So one can set the threshold or the "sweet spot" when the upper flippers goes off, to a more comfortable setting.
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New member
Sep 8, 2012
Yeah, the ball reflection on the table is a little too strong now--makes it harder to see the actual outline of the ball itself!

I agree, I find it a little distracting at times. I wouldn't mind seeing it toned down just a bit.

Palmer Eldritch

New member
Dec 17, 2012
Maybe it's because I grew up playing games like Metal Gear that had a ton of analog buttons, even the face buttons... so I have better practice at it..

On my controller pressing R1 with about the same force it takes (probably less) to click a mouse button does both flippers.. If I just want the bottom one I have to daintily tap the button... (very similar to how it works on a real table...)


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I was thinking of making a bug thread in the art forum for the new bright ball reflection on the playfield, but, although it is a bit unnaturally bright, I found I quickly got used to it. So eh. Anyway here's the photo I took to commemorate it, also in b&w to make it easier to see how the edges of the reflected ball are as bright as the ball itself:


New member
Aug 20, 2012
new opening menu on PS3

i noticed the new opening menu, one option is "tournement", my question is, is this option operable at the present time? and if and when it becomes available will there be a two player option(head to head) that allows two people to play each other who are utilizing the same game console? if my wife and i were sitting on the couch, as in the whofc version?


New member
Oct 8, 2012
it's a qualia.. it's like proving you love something. or that what you see as blue is what i see is blue.
1 frame is imperceptible, to argue that 'lag is real there's 1 frame of lag farsight claims!" is not proving "flipper lag" as people describe it.

That was their account of how lighting is applied; they didn't state it was the only source of a delay. You can also factor in the inherent lag from the bluetooth controller connection, the delay in displaying on your screen (different for everyone).... Add on to that any other issues encompassed by this comment direct from the developers to forum member brakel in the "Flipper Lag Theory" thread ...

I went to the Midwest Gaming Classic and talked to the guys at the FarSight booth for quite a while. We were talking about bugs in general and PS3 specifically and one of the guys said that they had just figured out the cause and cure for the remaining lag issue on the PS3. He seemed pretty confident that this fix would be applied soon. I was pleased to hear this. The current lag I find very playable but I'd love for it to be removed completely.

So there we have it... there is lag and it is being fixed. Bravo I say, it will mean I am finally comfortable buying all the remaining DLC packs (unless of course the PC version with all the fancy lighting is out before then :D ).
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New member
Apr 10, 2012
After giving STTNG some proper attention, I have to say this is the best table on PS3 yet in terms of the way it plays. Physics are great and they nailed the difficulty (outlanes aren't as bad as the mobile versions because we have proper nudging on the PS3). I love it. Now I just have to work on getting my high score up...

I definitely agree. This is fine work and plays great but what's up with the center and right light blue flashers that are in front of the Enterprise in the center of the table. They're only half lit. What, did the bulbs burn out? :rolleyes:


Jul 11, 2012
I like how the camera constantly moves in and out for no reason or goes to plunger cam during final frontier and those tiny flippers I wish all thier tables had them...the balls the same size though. BY FAR THE BEST TABLE Pffft! Why are the other tables dumbed down but this one? Oh I love how the ball hits the slingshot and does Nnothing. battle stations QUICK stand to the side of the table.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I think the x button used to work but no longer does on the amount of players selection screen. So now you have to pick the players and circle out and go to the normal start.
Think you used to just pick and x to start. It still shows the x does something... But no


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I like how the camera constantly moves in and out for no reason or goes to plunger cam during final frontier and those tiny flippers I wish all thier tables had them...the balls the same size though. BY FAR THE BEST TABLE Pffft! Why are the other tables dumbed down but this one? Oh I love how the ball hits the slingshot and does Nnothing. battle stations QUICK stand to the side of the table.


I haven't got to Final Frontier yet so I can't comment on the camera moving in and out but the flippers on a real one look small to me because of it being a wide body and the gigantic plastics on the inlane/outlane guide rails.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I tried taking my own advice on this, and, using SKILL_SHOT's screenshots of Twilight Zone and ST:TNG, used the Line Tool in Photoshop to measure the length of the flipper plastics. Modern flippers are supposed to be 3 inches long. Pinballs are supposed to be 1 and 1/16 inches across. Taking the diameter of the pinball in each screenshot in pixels, I divided it into the length of the plastic part of the flipper in pixels, then multiplied by 1 and 1/16th; the result being about 3.1 inches for ST:TNG, and 3.2 inches for Twilight Zone. Given the room for error inherent in trying to measure distances in somewhat low resolution images, though, I'd say those are pretty near indistinguishable at this level. I think the ST:TNG ones just look a little stubbier in those shots because they're being viewed at a lower angle, so you see more of the side, which makes them look fatter and thus shorter. And, of course, the widebody table is more zoomed out, as someone has already said.

Thanks for that.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
After giving STTNG some proper attention, I have to say this is the best table on PS3 yet in terms of the way it plays. Physics are great and they nailed the difficulty (outlanes aren't as bad as the mobile versions because we have proper nudging on the PS3). I love it. Now I just have to work on getting my high score up...

Man I still suck at these outlanes because the ball is hidden by the torpedo launcher thingies right at that crucial point at the top of the slingshots, and I can't tell if I need to nudge or not--so I apparently default to not nudging and just praying it goes the right way and inevitably at some point it emerges on the wrong side and falls with heartbreaking slowness down the gutter. I always avoided TNG in arcades because it was expensive and scary looking but now I'm wondering if those launchers actually do block the view from the perspective of the average arcade player--if they do, that's just cruel, cruel design!!!

I think the x button used to work but no longer does on the amount of players selection screen. So now you have to pick the players and circle out and go to the normal start.
Think you used to just pick and x to start. It still shows the x does something... But no

Yeah a few of their menus have that non-functional "X" button indicator--confusing! I don't remember it ever actually doing anything.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I played 3 or 4 games of STTNG at the MGC in Milwaukee. Yes the out lanes are obscured in real life but at the stance that I take the right lane is about 75% obscured and the left only 25%. In my experience the out lanes are more forgiving in real life than on the PS3 with more balls going to the inside than the outside. I found that the left warp in real life almost impossible to hit but the hit with the upper flipper on the right much easier to time in real life. After playing the real thing I think they really captured the essence of this machine in TPA. There's something to standing in front of a real pinball machine that they will never capture digitally but this one is a good representation. People always talk about why the TPA versions are so much easier than the real thing. Well never while playing TPA have I had a 5 year old kid run up to the machine and grab the STTNG launcher trigger and start shooting it making my cane, which I had leaning on the launcher, fall down hitting my personal balls on the way. Anyway, that's just one way that TPA is easier!
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