PS3 (NA) Version 2.08 And 2.09 Feedback And Discussion

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New member
Oct 28, 2012
Ok the ball physics feel nice on attack from mars But the balls top speed is way too fast its going warp speed again, sling shots seem to make it worse, "Again" real pinball machine do not have balls that go this fast it needs to be fixed bad its even worse when it has to deal with FPS. you guys at farsight fixed this with older tables why are you going back to this why!

Actually real machines DO move this quickly. I have one in my living room that does. Granted not ALL are that fast, but there are some ;)

Personally I'm LOVING the phyics and new flippers since TNG. My only gameplay gripe is with Genie. 2 stage flippers have effectively broken that table for me. I'll continue to play it on iOS.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
Do you really think that they have one person who does all of the PS3 lighting and nothing but the PS3 lighting?

Nah, I think it's more likely they have a couple people who do the lighting in addition to a ton of other stuff.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
So I just played AFM/Genie for the first time.

My initial thought with AFM was I was fine with how it is lit. I tend to prefer being able to see more detail and color, as if the arcade did have some lights on. Genie didn't look as bad on my monitor as those screen shots, but yeah, it is VERY flat looking. As busy as those graphics are, you gotta have some shadow thrown in there to break it up.

Then I played MM and realized just how brightly lit up AFM is!

It almost seems to me that FS is reacting to our comments on table looks as they happen, flavor of the month. And yeah, it also feels like they are experimenting to see what sticks. Unfortunately it's the wrong platform to do that with considering we are now stuck with those looks. Who knows, they mentioned in the past that a TPA 2 would probably be needed at some point (not a PS4 version), so fingers crossed they are just trying to find the right balance and then we'll get TPA 2 with a consistent look across all tables.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I really don't like how MM is lit, though--the big central playfield area just looks murky and blah--so I'm glad they tried something different for AFM.

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
Is Attack from Mars really that bad? Reading the previous comments put me right off.

I don't have a huge problem with AFM. The lighting could be a bit more better but it plays fine. Probably my biggest complaint is it seems a tad bit easier than it should be.

Billy Fishtale

New member
Mar 22, 2013
I only ask as I'm starting to doubt myself purchasing these tables. My cut off point was the 2.08 update and the implementation of the straight port over of the IOS menu. How does STTNG play is that any good?

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I only ask as I'm starting to doubt myself purchasing these tables. My cut off point was the 2.08 update and the implementation of the straight port over of the IOS menu. How does STTNG play is that any good?

STTNG plays the best of all the PS3 tables. AFM is good, too. It does seem a bit on the easy side, but some people like that.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I feel you guys on the hesitancy to buy PS3 packs. Now I really can't wait for the PC version...
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Dont Troll Me

New member
Apr 29, 2012
I like Attack from Mars' speed quite a bit! For those having trouble, you might have more success if you play at 720 rather than 1080--that one-frame reaction time gain can make a big difference when the balls really start flying. I haven't tried it at 1080, mind you.

ya i tried it in 720 and it played waay better same with scared stiff , it sucks but ill just have to keep it in 720. those two tables seem to have more effects making it harder for it to keep up with 1080p that much is for certain.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
I think that Attack screen looks good. Personally I remember the Youtube video which is of the 360 version, and the middle is completely dark/washed out, with an overall unappealing "orange" look that I wasn't feeling. This on the other hand strikes a great balance, good saturation. Dark, but with high color. It's good. Granted I don't have a PS3 yet I don't have this in front of me, but I think that screen shot looks solid.

What I'm wondering is how Twilight Zone looks. The Promo movie looked way too, pink/weird. Kinda like how Harley/Taxi looked on PS3. I wasn't a fan.

The saturated/colorful/HDR-esque lighting scheme is a win. Attack has it, Creature has it, that's the lighting I like the most and it is superior to any lighting in the 360 version. I am stoked to get the console soon and 7 table packs to play wiith! In the meantime, going to pick up an apple points card tonight and get caught up with Dr. Dude and Cactus Canyon.

STTNG plays the best of all the PS3 tables. AFM is good, too. It does seem a bit on the easy side, but some people like that.

Anything seems easy after playing STTNG lol.

Is it just me or did the flippers change color from the preview screenshot of Genie to the actual PS3 release?

FWIW, this is the first table pack I have not purchased on release day for the PS3. That's in part because the tables didn't excite me - never seen or played AFM and don't like Genie - but that never really stopped me before. No, it's mostly because of disappointment in the overall direction of the product and uncertainty regarding the PS3/PS4 future.


Not sure I follow. Direction of the product? As far as I can tell, Farsight is still releasing Pinball tables, two for 5 dollars, every month, or as close to it as possible. Nothing has really changed regarding direction... adding new platforms into the mix, like PC, Xbox 720, or PS4 doesn't really change a thing.

If you are holding off on buying more tables, because you'd rather have them on PC or PS4, then there's nothing wrong with that. Personally I wouldn't be holding my breath about PS4... it's still 6 months away at the earliest. And unless you want to wait in line for days, or pay outrageous prices on Ebay, most people will not have a PS4 until 2014.

There's really no "uncertainty". Unless you think Farsight will allow you to transfer your PS3 tables over to PS4, which I highly doubt they will do. Just get the tables on the platform you have, and stop worrying. If you decide to get the PC or PS4 version down the road, then decide what you see value in rebuying tables for better graphics or not rebuying tables. There's really nothing to be concerned about.

Like me, for instance. I'm buying the PS3 console and all the table packs, except table packs 1, 2, and 3. Why ? Cause I already own them on 360. Would I rebuy all the content on PS4? Yes but that's because I'm a graphics whore. The only thing that would stop me from repurchasing Pinball Arcade on PS4 is if they decide to just lazily copy/paste the PS3 tables with no real graphical improvements. But I'm really hoping that is not the case. We'll see.

To kind of put this into another perspective: I've been, patiently waiting for Xbox 360 tables for, you guessed it, 6 months (September 2012 to now March 2013). I've hit my breaking point with the waiting, and once I heard that the flipper lag issue is going to be addressed in the next patch, that cemented it for me. 6 months is a long time, think about it, you want to put yourself though that, to save, what is it, let's see 30 dollars (6 months of table packs). That's kinda crazy when you look at it from that perspective. I say let's evolve let the chips fall where they may. But hey that's just me and I could be wrong, it's a terrible tragedy having to rebuy tables.
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New member
May 23, 2012
I only ask as I'm starting to doubt myself purchasing these tables. My cut off point was the 2.08 update and the implementation of the straight port over of the IOS menu. How does STTNG play is that any good?

Comments like these (kind of) upset me. There is nothing wrong with the menu in terms of how it makes or breaks anything. While it may not look as good, it is much easier to navigate and find the table you want to play. Going so far to say you won't buy the product for something as trivial as this is just plain selfish.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Comments like these (kind of) upset me. There is nothing wrong with the menu in terms of how it makes or breaks anything. While it may not look as good, it is much easier to navigate and find the table you want to play. Going so far to say you won't buy the product for something as trivial as this is just plain selfish.

I agree. I figure people who say this must not like pinball very much because I play TPA for the pinball. The menu doesn't have anything to do with pinball.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I've hit my breaking point with the waiting, and once I heard that the flipper lag issue is going to be addressed in the next patch, that cemented it for me.

Actually the word used by brakel in summarizing his talk with the FarSight guys at the Midwest Gaming Classic was "soon," not "next patch." And "pretty confident" rather than "certain." Just saying, since for the past hm five months or so it has seemed to take at least a couple months for a change to reach the PS3 version.

EDIT: Oh! And I'll post a photo of Twilight Zone for you tonight if nobody else has done so by then--can't take it now 'cause daylight would wash out the projected screen image slightly.
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New member
Apr 11, 2012
I just played TPA in 3D on their dev PS3 so I know that they have one. Now I'm wishing that I had played Genie on it so I'd know if it looked just as bad on the dev machine as on the published table.

I think this might be a good use of my TVs multiple display setting saves. ;D
So why are they releasing horrid looking tables for PS3? PHOF looked just fine. All the work to recreate a table only to have the colors look funky and lighting that is all over the place either too bright or too dim.

Comments like these (kind of) upset me. There is nothing wrong with the menu in terms of how it makes or breaks anything. While it may not look as good, it is much easier to navigate and find the table you want to play. Going so far to say you won't buy the product for something as trivial as this is just plain selfish.
Sure, it doesn't break anything, but it looks bad and it makes me feel like they are just porting stuff without testing or taking advantage of the system.

A big part of pinball to me is the visual experience. When I see an obvious ported low res menu, or a bad coloring, it irritates me and I don't want to play it. PHOF did a great job with the colors of the tables, now TPA is a step backwards in visual appeal for many of the tables. It says to me that they aren't testing much on PS3.

Look, I love pinball, and I'm still a fan of TPA, of course. I just wish it had better showing on the PS3, where the hardware is available to make it shine.

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I just wish they'd spend more time getting the graphics/lighting right and less time working on getting 3D ready. I couldn't care less about 3D, and I'm guessing relatively few people will actually use it.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I just wish they'd spend more time getting the graphics/lighting right and less time working on getting 3D ready. I couldn't care less about 3D, and I'm guessing relatively few people will actually use it.
If this forum had a smiley for applause, I'd be using it right now. Basic gameplay and presentation first, then the bells, whistles and gongs.
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