PS3 Tournament 9/17/13 - 9/24/13


New member
Sep 27, 2012
this is gonna be a tough one for me. I don't play CV, DR.D, PINBOT, TOM that often. I haven't played WW that much either. well I guess it's about time that I try to warm up to these tables. so in other words I only play cpub and centaur regularly , yikes... good luck everyone.

thanks farsight, for the tournament, I was starting to fell left out.
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New member
Sep 10, 2013
This is awesome! Thanks, Farsight, for putting together a PS3 tournament! This is what I've been waiting for! It has been so much fun playing in it so far. My PSN name is Zastian5. Good luck beating my scores! ;)

Random question: is there a prize for winning this thing? It's my first tournament, so I'm at the bronze level. Even if it's just bragging rights, I'm prepared to win. :)
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New member
Sep 27, 2012
This is awesome! Thanks, Farsight, for putting together a PS3 tournament! This is what I've been waiting for! It has been so much fun playing in it so far. My PSN name is Zastian5. Good luck beating my scores! ;)

I don't see your name on the boards.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
this is gonna be a tough one for me. I don't play CV, DR.D, PINBOT, TOM that often.

No kidding! I've barely played Dr. D, so I don't know diddly about scoring on it. CV and ToM I understand, I just don't play 'em often since I'm not a fan of them. WW I just need to give some time, I think I can post something nice on it. Same goes for Centaur. PinBot and Space Shuttle I need to learn how to advance things to get the larger bonuses. Looks like a visit to the instructions is in order! Champ Pub is the big question mark for me. I've barely played it, seems like one of those tables where huge scores are possible, but will I have time to discover how?

I'm curious to know how many are in the silver level so I know what my placement goal is to reach gold. I know it's top ten percent advance, so I don't know. Anybody know what the stars by the side of the top 4 names mean?


New member
Sep 14, 2012
I've been dying for another tournament but they could not have timed it worse...
Lots of people might be playing something else.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Only 2 tables from season 1... :(

All other tables are from season 2, with at least one table from the last 3 packs. FS is clever to increase sales of the Season 2 pass and latest packs .:rolleyes:

Whatever, the new features are cool, and I will stick with ToM and CV.
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New member
Jul 9, 2013
Centaur is there? YAY! I was #420 in leaderboards last time I checked it (believe me, this means to me the same as be #1), I'll give a try...

Pinbot - #697(same as Centaur, it means a lot to me). Man, I've had a game reaching the sun and all that good multipliers, but my standard goals wasnt finished. Maybe I can repeat that game... :(

ToM probably will be posted by my wife...

CV - No Way, I'm terrible...
WW - No way no2...
Dr. Dude - I'll give my best, even if it means lower than bronze level... :(
SS - Its been a while... lets see...
CP - Didnt know the rules yet...


New member
Mar 28, 2012
Man this sucks. I had a pretty decent score on TOM and it's not registering. The end of the game it said my score's posted. 3.5B

Space shuttle and whirlwind was posted.

I'm holding off on the others until I figure out why it isn't there.
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New member
Sep 27, 2012
I'm curious to know how many are in the silver level so I know what my placement goal is to reach gold. I know it's top ten percent advance, so I don't know. Anybody know what the stars by the side of the top 4 names mean?

I assume that the stars mean you are in the running for the gold level for the next tourney.


Jul 11, 2012
looks like WW wont allow rollovers so highest score is 99,999,999 I had 180+million but it only recorded 80+million WEAK!


New member
Jun 30, 2013
I only have 3 of the tables, played a couple of games of Circus Voltaire and Space Shuttle, got a top 10 score in each (atleast at the time I played, I guess people will have beaten those scores as they weren't remarkable). Hoping a next tournament will have more tables I have, because frankly I usually don't like non-DMD tables, so I haven't bought many of the packs that were released this year (and I prefer pinballs that I actually played IRL).

But: it's great that there are tournaments happening again !


Apr 13, 2012
Tournaments are a great motivation to play different tables again.

Now I remember why I don't like the "new" Space Shuttle. The way it shoots the ball from the bumpers into the right outlane is getting old after a while. And TCP, while looking really good, isn't much fun either. Too many center shots that can potentially drain the ball. I don't dig that table.

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