Bug PS3 Version 2.0.2 Bugs and Feedback

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Jul 11, 2012
BLACK HOLE SOUND the constant noise suddenly stops every time something is hit then resets. Anybody else notice this?
RBION-after playing another table even just start exit to RBION it shows weird lights colors on the 5millon light and temple lights in the bottom right, if you just start RBION its not there but as I was going through all the tables TOTAN was first RBION second it does the same from BH to RBION the colors that show change though.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
It's even worse on 480. I can't even get the DLC to come back at all. Even with a reinstall. It's cool to hear the wooshing on Black Hole though.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Update from facebook,

We need to let everyone know that a major problem has been discovered in the Pinball Arcade PlayStation3 update that was released in North America today. If your PS3 is set to the 480 or 720 display modes only the original four tables are visible in the table menu. The temporary solution is to use the 1080 display mode if you can. We will be submitting a new patch to Sony on Monday that fixes this problem and we hope to have it deployed within a week or so. This is the second PS3 patch in a row that shipped with a major problem- we want to let you know that this is NOT acceptable to us, and that we will be making immediate changes to our testing and submission procedures to make sure this does not occur again, on any platform. In the meantime please accept our sincere apologies. Within the next several months we will be adding the ability to purchase custom virtual pinballs for use in the game. We will offer all of our PS3 customers a free custom ball as a small token of apology for the inconvenience we've caused you. Thanks for sticking with us, and thanks again for your support of the Pinball Arcade.


New member
May 23, 2012
There go their kickstarter funds down the drain. HELLOOOOOO anybody home....

As Khonshu would say. That Moon Knight table is unforgettable...


Jul 11, 2012
Make a PS3 eyetoy ball so we can put whatever we take a photo of on the ball like our face!


New member
Apr 10, 2012
BLACK HOLE SOUND the constant noise suddenly stops every time something is hit then resets. Anybody else notice this?
RBION-after playing another table even just start exit to RBION it shows weird lights colors on the 5millon light and temple lights in the bottom right, if you just start RBION its not there but as I was going through all the tables TOTAN was first RBION second it does the same from BH to RBION the colors that show change though.

Black Hole music should stop when other sounds are activated and then restart. Just watched two videos on youtube that confirm this. It is a common thing with many pins from this era. Haunted House is the same way.

The Doctor

May 1, 2012
Black Hole is fixed! The gate no longer closes from the lower playfield, whooshing sound is there, etc.

I deleted my save for trophies so I ran through the original tables (before the latest patch) to get them back up to speed and I noticed RBION was awful so when I checked BH I found it ran great... I also noticed I was scoring a lot better than before! Was wondering about this and nice to see it confirmed.


New member
Apr 10, 2012
Did Sony remove the patch? I can't find it. I started Pinball Arcade. Didn't see it. I deleted and reinstalled. Pinball Arcade saw and downloaded only ver. 2.01.

The Doctor

May 1, 2012
Did Sony remove the patch? I can't find it. I started Pinball Arcade. Didn't see it. I deleted and reinstalled. Pinball Arcade saw and downloaded only ver. 2.01.

I loaded up TPA too after making that post and got no prompt to update.. still on 2.01 WTF


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Apr 20, 2012
no one cares about 720p plebs :p

Sure they do. A lot of people use dekstop monitors to play their PS3 on. Many models from 2008-2011(ish) are 1680x1050 resolution. This defaults to 720p
on the PS3 output. = Problem.

Man. This is heartbreaking. It's been one step forward and two steps back with Farsight's updates. I'm not ripping on them, but it's just hard to
watch sometimes. I'm sure these constant updates (fixing what they break in the process) is costing them a ton of money too.

This is a good sign though:
This is the second PS3 patch in a row that shipped with a major problem- we want to let you know
that this is NOT acceptable to us, and that we will be making immediate changes to our testing and
submission procedures to make sure this does not occur again, on any platform.

I hope for everyone's sake they can make QA a top priority. Even if they have to delay Android/iOS releases.. Make this right!

Sony seems to have removed the patch. I suppose when paid DLC becomes unplayable they put a stop to it because they will receive a lot of angry emails/calls.
I hope Farsight doesn't make enemies with Sony like they have with Microsoft. :(
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New member
Feb 24, 2012
I'm sorry to hear about the 720p problem. I've only played a short time but so far everything is fantastic. Lag issues are gone and I can judge my shots correctly. We were starting to get a bit frustrated but this update (720 issue aside) seems to have solved the issues I was having. Thanks FS and thanks to Jeff Strong as well for solving my login issues.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
re; Black Hole: Amazing how the new tweaks can affect a table so much . Black Hole always impressed me as a tough table and my scores were abysmal but I appreciated it , NOW it's actually fun to play , the ball performs faster , which makes it more dynamic , action wise . sending it up to top field and getting it into the bottom field , is easier . I hope nothing changes with update 2.03 to Black Hole , it's perfect as is now.


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Jun 7, 2012
Ok - I'm getting pissed. Why? Because with each 'update' i install from them, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M INSTALLING. I have a reasonable right to know these things. SO- AGAIN- how about a changelog farsight??!

2nd-3rd PS3 submission in a row with problems. You want to fix your broken 'system'? Become more professional. I don't even know wtf I'm playing anymore. None of your players even know for sure what was fixed!! (reference the debate over whether the MM flipper gap was fixed or not!!).

How about you let us know what f-ing tables you 'fixed,' etc. Fixed something on CV? Great! Post the changes online like a normal f-ing software company. I feel like I'm lecturing a 13 year old here, Jesus Christ!
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New member
Apr 10, 2012
Ok - I'm getting pissed. Why? Because with each 'update' i install from them, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M INSTALLING. I have a reasonable right to know these things. SO- AGAIN- how about a changelog farsight??!

2nd-3rd PS3 submission in a row with problems. You want to fix your broken 'system'? Become more professional. I don't even know wtf I'm playing anymore. None of your players even know for sure what was fixed!! (reference the debate over whether the MM flipper gap was fixed or not!!).

How about you let us know what f-ing tables you 'fixed,' etc. Fixed something on CV? Great! Post the changes online like a normal f-ing software company. I feel like I'm lecturing a 13 year old here, Jesus Christ!

The only thing that pisses me off is that I didn't get the update before Sony took it down. I got a 720p plasma but it accepts 1080p signals. Oh well.


New member
Feb 24, 2012
Everyone is saying they took it down but after I read this news, I called my gf who was racing home to d/l the update lol. I told her everyone was saying it was taken down and she bummed out. When she got to her house though, she booted up just to see for herself and the update was there long after I read the news that it wasn't. She d/led it no problem.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
starck, I seem to be unable to locate change-logs for the majority of updates that occur and those I am able to find are typically not where I would expect to find them, such as on the game's page or the developer's, or maybe they were just overly difficult to find, I definitely remember having a FFFFUUUUUU moment wondering why in the heck there isn't a sensibly designed, easily seen, intuitively placed link specifically for versions and change-logs on the webpage of every single game ever. Not that it would matter in regards to what gets broken though. Just curious what your experience has been with PS3 games. Bethesda gets away with game-breaking bug-ridden messes because A) Given the circumstances its understandable and B) I want to play the game and enjoy what works which is the superior alternative to never playing it and I feel the same applies here.
On a side note, I just double-checked and CS:GO has an "Update History" when you hit triangle. Doesn't give a changelog but I can't see why it wouldn't be common sense to have this option whether in the game data folder or your digital game folders displaying not just the updates but a complete changelog unless it would be a lot of work. I loathe that a game I buy is not the same game that everyone is playing and I would think it mandatory to let everyone know what is being changed; I can't wrap my head around the idea that someone wouldn't be curious. I digress.
I do not know if this is an update issue. I am new, bought Pinball Arcade today, version 2.02, have been scouring the internet for some 7 hours instead of playing pinball, and why? Because I was able to remap the flippers to R2/L2 on Black Hole for some reason, but despite all appropriate menus saying that's what it should be, it remains R1/L1 on the rest of the tables and I've tried all kinds of various combinations of switching, restarting, etc.(***Possible Issue: When going to the options in the middle of the game, such as your highest scoring ever, and clicking the Our Mission option, if I click X for "Continue" instead of circle for "back", it starts a new game. I'm not one to question design choices but that strikes me as inviting disaster***) and I see ROTTEN(?) posted a comment about the same issue and not one person verified that i saw so I'm wondering how this issue only affects two people and what, if anything, I need to do to fix it if everyone else has someone avoided.
In case you're questioning why I spent an inordinate amount of time on this, its because I just DLed Zen pinball 2 and in the forums a guy had written he had some injury and wanted to use the left d-pad and circle for flippers, I noticed some pain in my wrist from hitting the shoulder buttons and thought that'd be a great way to give my hand some rest and I could not set the controls that way, despite numerous posts from various users insisting the controls were mappable, including what I presume was one of the devs who responding directly to the poster...and really implied FULLY customizable as there was not a single post that specifically stated there were any limitations on flippers. I feel like I'm losing my mind with this biz, especially since Pinball Arcade is all like "yeah, we'll change your flippers, already done bro" and I'm all like "Sweet, I'm gonna launch this first ball right in yo moma's fa.......***drain***" Not that it's an uncommon occurrence even when the flippers respond but this game is toying with my emotions.
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