any update on a timeline on anything happening?
Problems I have encountered since the last update:
I had originally set my flipper controls to L2/R2, but now only L1/R1 is recognized, even when the settings option is changed.
In Ripley's, The upper right flipper is frozen, unless I press the button very hard, and even then it is extremely lagging. I also have this problem in Funhouse with the upper left flipper.
Also, with the new trophy updates, I cannot get trophies for achievements I had already acquired before the update. Specific example: I have completed all the standard and Wizard goals for Bride of Pin-bot, but annot find a way to have those trophies placed in my collection.
I don't want this to be misconstrued as complaining. I absolutely LOVE TPA and offer my noticing of these bugs simply in an effort to help fine-tune a truly excellent product.
In Monster Bash, I cannot activate Lyman's Lament with the flipper combination provided in the tutorial. I have attempted it countless times and it has never worked.
You gotta do it kinda quick.
L11 R1 L5 R1 L6 R1 it also helps to push the right amount....
It appears it doesn't count towards the Wizard goal doing it this way though.
Wow.... This will be a hard one!
It's not that bad actually, just tedious. Once you figure out the timing of backhanding into the scoop with the right flipper, it's actually quite easy. Hardest thing is ignoring all the modes that start up because of repeatedly hitting that shot! The only time I wind up playing the ball is during multiball, and once I'm back down to one ball, it's back to grinding with that right flipper.
I feel your pain with Atlantis though. I've gotten it one time thankfully, but MM has been torturing me for months and I've yet to even get to BFTK even once.
THE BLACK HOLE, and believe me, it was BLACK, dark as heck and It never looked like that before!
I'll have to work on the shots wih Monster Bash some more. I get so frustrated with all if the fast outlane drains and bad bounces down the middle that after a few games I move onto something more enjoyable (Funhouse)
Actually I rarely shoot for the scoop. It drains on the outlanes fromThat's the thing, if all you're doing is shooting for the scoop, it eliminates the majority of bounces that would send the ball to the outlanes!
Actually I rarely shoot for the scoop. It drains on the outlanes from
either shooting the ramps, especially the one with the disco ball (sorry, I forget the name of it) and
Almost always bounces straight down the middle when hitting Dracula.
Also, sometimes ramp shot will return super fast for no apparent reason and get sent down the opposite outlane without a chance to nudge.