PS4 NA v1.00 Master Bug List

Chromium Dragon

New member
Jul 11, 2012
I sometimes find myself having to earn goals (both standard and wizard) multiple times before they unlock. This seems to be completely random, and sometimes I have to exit the game to be able to actually earn the goal; other times I simply have to earn the goal a 2nd time.

It's not that I'm missing the goal, either. Goals like "Earn an Extra Ball" wouldn't unlock the first time when I clearly had the extra ball lit. I'd sink the ball into the proper target, I'd be awarded the extra ball, but no goal. I'd repeat the steps in either the same game or a subsequent game, and the goal would pop.

Chromium Dragon

New member
Jul 11, 2012
Yeah, I get that too. I was playing Funhouse for a couple of hours and I can't get the skill shot for the life of me. The ball launch is very inconsistent.

This was the same on the PS3 and Vita versions as well. That skill shot is next to impossible to actually make. All the nudging in the world, and I've made it exactly once. Many of the games have wildly inconsistent launchers, making some of these skill shots much more difficult than they need to be.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
Hmm, I remember it being tough on PS3, but I could still get it once in a while. So far I haven’t even really been close.


New member
May 2, 2012
Nudge stopped working for some of us on the non-emulated tables (Gorgar, Big Shot, Black Hole, Genie). As far as I know, that was a one-time thing that went away once we restarted TPA. Not sure what triggered it--possibly it happens the first time you run the game after buying tables from the store, but that's just a wild theory based on similar intermittent weirdnesses I saw a few times after updating the PS3 version. So far this can only be called a freak shared incident rather than a bug, just putting it here in case it does recur in the future.

I experienced no nudging last night on Big Shot and Genie, as well. Based on the iOS versions, I knew this was not how it should work.

an ox

New member
May 28, 2012
Anyone else have this happen on Funhouse?

Was restarting a new game and everything on the screen disappeared and it put me in a scrolling cam of the table. Had to quit the table and then restart to get it to work again.

I had exactly this, went to start game and hung at scrolling cam view (camera was panning over the table, left stick made the "nudge" noise, circle button and square button made the camera change noise, but nothing actually worked). I did option/quit game and then started a new game without quitting the table, and the game started but the score display was absent. I played a few games like that to test, including one where I got a hiscore. Upon getting a hiscore the score display reappears while you enter your initials, but subsequent games will start without the score display until you actually quit table back to the table select menu and then go back in.

Also, in Gorgar the three mushroom bumpers are always illuminated, whereas I thought usually you have to lite them one by one by getting GOR-GAR drop targets.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
Also, in Gorgar the three mushroom bumpers are always illuminated, whereas I thought usually you have to lite them one by one by getting GOR-GAR drop targets.

Your right, but it should work correctly if they make the table ROM emulated instead of scripted.


New member
Feb 28, 2012
I think I've found another bug in Funhouse. When the ball goes down the top ramp to the outer lane, it sometime falls and moves into the inner lane. (Which I don't think happens on the real table.)


New member
Dec 19, 2013
First, let me say that I have been having a blast with this so far, so many kudos to FS. Really, for me the sound quality (I wondered why it sounded like my mobile version) is the only issue for me. In the interest of bug listing (and this is about as minor a bug it gets), in Circus Voltaire, the default HUD setting is "off". Granted, it takes a button push to fix, but this is a bug list so...

Again, this is fantastic and this coming from a person who was never into pinball. I can't wait for the other seasons to come out.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
I think I've found another bug in Funhouse. When the ball goes down the top ramp to the outer lane, it sometime falls and moves into the inner lane. (Which I don't think happens on the real table.)

It probably shouldn't happen, but isn't there an opening between the two to allow that to happen?

I'm going to ask to see if anyone can get the Skill Shot on Funhouse as well. Been playing this table for the last two days and I have yet to hit it once. Now for the last 30 minutes it's all I'm trying to get (plunge, let the ball drain and repeat). I've launched the ball hundreds of times now and I should have at least lucked into it once by now.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
In the interest of bug listing (and this is about as minor a bug it gets), in Circus Voltaire, the default HUD setting is "off". Granted, it takes a button push to fix, but this is a bug list so...

I thought that was intentional, since that table has the backbox DMD down low, and visible during normal play.


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
- The eight ball custom ball skin is stretched out (the "8" covers nearly half the ball).

- CV: When you knock the ball into the hole below the Ringmaster, the ball's shadow remains at the top of the hole, floating in air.

- When you have two balls held on a flipper, you hear a constant ball-clinking sound. (Was testing this on Funhouse but I don't think it's table-specific; even in the PS3 version, you could tell that balls never really settled when cradled, but were always bouncing slightly back and forth--but now that balls actually make an audible sound when they clink together, if you have two cradled on the same flipper, it's really noticeable.)

- The plunger still doesn't move the ball if you pull it back before the ball has settled, then release it after the ball has settled. (Was also a problem on the PS3, I guess they're just never going to fix this rather basic problem : P)


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I love dark mode but think there needs to be more control as some tables are too dark, MM for example looks daft with virtually no light in the center of the playfield. Granted there is no GI there but still. Also, at least on my TV, you can forget about skillshots in dark mode on tables where you need to adjust the plunge strength, for example CV, I just can't see the plunger at all.

I think I witnessed a bug in MM. I had a ball bouncing around in the pop bumpers, all went quiet then a ball launched up the plunger lane. Either the ball had somehow gone back down the launch lane without me seeing it which shouldn't be possible, or the ball dissapeared and was relaunched from the auto plunger.

I think some camera angles need adjusting, also the zoom/scroll threshold. I like to see the detail at the top of the playfield but on a lot of tables the view rarely scrolls unless the ball is at the very top. Also the top rollovers are obscured on a few tables ( MM again for example ) making it difficult to make skillshots and advance multipliers.

an ox

New member
May 28, 2012
I think I witnessed a bug in MM. I had a ball bouncing around in the pop bumpers, all went quiet then a ball launched up the plunger lane. Either the ball had somehow gone back down the launch lane without me seeing it which shouldn't be possible, or the ball dissapeared and was relaunched from the auto plunger.

I think some camera angles need adjusting, also the zoom/scroll threshold. I like to see the detail at the top of the playfield but on a lot of tables the view rarely scrolls unless the ball is at the very top. Also the top rollovers are obscured on a few tables ( MM again for example ) making it difficult to make skillshots and advance multipliers.

Yaeh, I saw that happen in MM once too, ball rattling round in the pop bumpers then suddenly it was gone and a new one came out the plunger.

Agree about the camera angles, particularly on MM. On the PC version the camera is great when the ball is up the top, positioning itself so you can clearly see the rollover lane lights so you can collect your multiplier. On the ps4 the dragon tends to obscure the view when the camera's up there and it's really hard to see what lane is lit.


New member
Jun 8, 2012
After reading through this it sounds like it is just as glitchey and they still haven't fixed old problems in this new version. Looks like it has even gained some issues with the sound problem and a few others.
Very disappointing, especially with painfully obvious artwork issues not being fixed like the tiles on Funhouse. Weren't they supposed to update the artwork and textures?

I keep putting this in my cart and almost buying it simply because I love pinball. But then I hold off because the thought of giving these guys even more money (after the $100+ already spent) for yet another low quality product just kills me.
If I had any faith that they would want to fix and support their product I would be fine with it, but they certainly didn't care about fixing the PS3 and especially the Vita versions. I know I'm going to end up buying it anyway, it just pisses me off that I'll basically be rewarding them for another poor job.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
After reading through this it sounds like it is just as glitchey and they still haven't fixed old problems in this new version. Looks like it has even gained some issues with the sound problem and a few others.
Very disappointing, especially with painfully obvious artwork issues not being fixed like the tiles on Funhouse. Weren't they supposed to update the artwork and textures?

I keep putting this in my cart and almost buying it simply because I love pinball. But then I hold off because the thought of giving these guys even more money (after the $100+ already spent) for yet another low quality product just kills me.
If I had any faith that they would want to fix and support their product I would be fine with it, but they certainly didn't care about fixing the PS3 and especially the Vita versions. I know I'm going to end up buying it anyway, it just pisses me off that I'll basically be rewarding them for another poor job.

The base game on the PS4 is free with TotAN unlocked. Download it and decide for yourself.


New member
Aug 28, 2013
After reading through this it sounds like it is just as glitchey and they still haven't fixed old problems in this new version. Looks like it has even gained some issues with the sound problem and a few others.
Very disappointing, especially with painfully obvious artwork issues not being fixed like the tiles on Funhouse. Weren't they supposed to update the artwork and textures?

This sums up exactly how I feel about this release. I was so anxious to play TPA that I immediately bought the pro season pass as soon as it hit PSN, but almost immediately after launching the game, I was overcome with feelings of utter disappointment and mediocrity. I had hoped that the PS4 would be the start of a new beginning for Farsight, but to my own dismay, their trend of releasing unfinished, buggy products has only extended onto the new platform.

I would be lying if I said that some of the tables don't look absolutely phenomenal with the new lighting tech (Cirqus Voltaire being one of the better examples). However, it's incredibly hard for me to enjoy them when I can't do something as simple as customize the controller mapping to my desired configuration. I mean, how difficult would it have been for them to include the option to map the flippers to R2/L2, as opposed to R1/L1? Did that really need to be excluded from the launch release? And to top it all off, the audio quality has been extremely poor due to some unforeseen last-minute bug, which will supposedly be patched at some yet-to-be-determined date. Occasional framerate stuttering hasn't helped, either.

It's because of a few simple, not to mention obvious, oversights that I cannot fully enjoy a game which I had been eagerly anticipating for almost an entire year. I purchased it with the intent to play for, at minimum, multiple hours a day, but over the three days that I've had it installed on my PS4's hard drive, I haven't given it more than thirty minutes total. The button mapping is so uncomfortable, and the audio so unbearable, that I cannot play more than a few minutes at any given sitting without wanting to turn it off and play something else. Perhaps these issues can eventually be addressed by a patch. However, releasing it without having a few features that are so basic and fundamental to the general functionality and enjoyment of the game is borderline incompetent.

Had this not been a recurring theme with Farsight, I wouldn't be so hard on them, but when they continue to release unfinished products — particularly on a platform that they've had an entire year to develop for, and put other releases on hold for — I can't help but voice my frustration. I want nothing but the best for Farsight and their customers, and when they do things right, their products really shine. I'm still amazed with just how outstanding some of the tables look with the new light modes. Nevertheless, I feel that it is my duty as a consumer to inform them when they aren't fulfilling their end of the bargain, and these perpetual haphazard releases are simply unacceptable. I've been supporting Farsight since the PHOF days, but unless something changes, I can't see myself dropping any more cash into a product that doesn't get the support and attention it deserves. I have to draw the line somewhere, you know?


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
What really gets to me is why anyone, who is so disappointed with FarSight's product and their business practices, would continue to waste their time giving feedback to a developer who (in their eyes) will never release a polished product or change their business practices. FarSight handles their business and product to the best of their ability with the limited resources they have and if someone doesn't agree with that, then it's time for you to move on. Don't ruin the experience for others who actually understand why these things happen and are willing to accept it for their own love of pinball. Life's too short to waste your time on things that make you miserable.

...and Josh Tolpa, feel free to post my rant in its entirety on FarSight's Facebook. Hopefully it'll open some people's eyes and make them realize that The Pinball Arcade is just a game and not worth the headache if it's as bad as some make it out to be and reduces the quality of life for them. There are countless products and companies that I find unacceptable, I just don't waste my time on them...problem solved.
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