PS4 - Please give us an update! Patch 1.18, Glo-Balls™, Season 6 DLC, and lighting


New member
Apr 20, 2012
1. The patch will address the table lighting issue.
2. Glo Balls will be available.
3. The update will contain tables up to the latest release, were focused on the PS3/Vita version right now and the PS4 version should follow quickly after. It's still in development but we are pushing to get it out for Halloween with the October table release.

Hey Flippy,
Just wondering if you guys are still in target for an October (In time for Halloween) patch date.

I'd really love to have the lighting fixes + GloBalls in time to play Monster Bash, Scared Stiff, and Haunted House at our Halloween party.



FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
Hey Flippy,
Just wondering if you guys are still in target for an October (In time for Halloween) patch date.

I'd really love to have the lighting fixes + GloBalls in time to play Monster Bash, Scared Stiff, and Haunted House at our Halloween party.


We don't have a release date for the update yet. We were in submission but failed because we had too many trophies so we had to removed the season 6 trophies and season 7 trophies. We can only have 2 trophies per table for seasons 2 - 5 and 1 trophy for season 6 and 1 trophy for season 7. It's because game is considered a Freemium game which is why were limited to the amount of trophies, the amount of points, as well as not being allowed to have a platinum trophy. Sorry for the bad news but as soon as we are scheduled for a PSN store release, I'll post more info. The update will include various table updates, bug fixes, and table releases. Table releases will include; Al's Garage Band goes on World Tour, Cactus Jacks, Swords of Fury, Paragon, Wipeout, Fire Power II, World "Champion" Soccer, Fathom, and Sterns Ghost Busters. Sterns Ghost Busters will be cross purchasable from the Stern App.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
We don't have a release date for the update yet. We were in submission but failed because we had too many trophies so we had to removed the season 6 trophies and season 7 trophies. We can only have 2 trophies per table for seasons 2 - 5 and 1 trophy for season 6 and 1 trophy for season 7. It's because game is considered a Freemium game which is why were limited to the amount of trophies, the amount of points, as well as not being allowed to have a platinum trophy. Sorry for the bad news but as soon as we are scheduled for a PSN store release, I'll post more info. The update will include various table updates, bug fixes, and table releases. Table releases will include; Al's Garage Band goes on World Tour, Cactus Jacks, Swords of Fury, Paragon, Wipeout, Fire Power II, World "Champion" Soccer, Fathom, and Sterns Ghost Busters. Sterns Ghost Busters will be cross purchasable from the Stern App.

Ah man.. that's too bad. :( I was hoping for the fix in time for Halloween, but thanks for the update none-the-less.

That's annoying about the trophies. I would never consider Pinball Arcade a "freemium" game . Sony really should approve some of these submissions on a case by case process. It's rather silly that games like Pac-Man, Dig-Dug, and Galaga have platinum trophies, while other games much more deserving of them only have a handful of them.


New member
Jan 1, 2015
Thanks dear FlippyFloppy!
That´s what I call precise Information.

Spoonman: Right, the status of TPA and SPA in the trophy-system is really questionable.
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New member
Feb 13, 2014
Thanks FlippyFloppy for trying with the trophies. Sony and the convoluted trophy system. No consistency. From what I've read from different sources is it's mainly the squeaky wheel gets the grease. A developer wants a plantinum on a digital release? Sony will say no. Ask them repeatedly, they'll change their mind and say yes. (Hence, I Am Mayo has a platinum). I don't understand why there's even a cap. Why does Zen Pinball 2 have 125 trophies while Farsight being told other wise? Crazy. Microsoft's system for downloadable games is weird as well. They should just both follow Steam's system. Again, FlippyFloppy, thanks for trying.


Mar 21, 2014


1. within a short period after this or that time, event, etc.:
We shall know soon after he calls.

2. before long; in the near future; at an early date:
Let's leave soon.

3. promptly or quickly:
He came as soon as he could.

4. readily or willingly:
I would as soon walk as ride.

5. early in a period of time; before the time specified is much advanced:
soon at night; soon in the evening.

6. Obsolete. immediately; at once; forthwith.

That word NEVER applies to TPA/SPA, ever.


Nov 11, 2012
DarkAkatosh meant of course: Soon™

From Urban Dictionary: (

"Describes something that we are told is coming soon (game updates, TV shows, etc.) but we have heard it enough times to know better. Whoever is saying x event will occur soon is considered to own the trademark on the word because they have used it so many times."

On the other hand, in the German language there is a saying "Was lange währt, wird endlich gut" which roughly translates to "What takes a long time, will in the end turn out to be good".
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FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
Just a quick update,

We are in the approval process and expect it to go smoothly so we are expecting to release tables up to Ghost Busters on November 20th. We were not able to update some older tables this update but we will next update, including tuning and lighting updates for Creature from the Black Lagoon, Theatre of Magic, Scared Stiff, Genie, and Bride of Pinbot.

Brandon Garvin

FarSight Employee
Oct 10, 2016
Hey guys, here are a few screenshots of Creature and Cirqus to show that the lighting will be fixed after this update:

Pinball Arcade_20171108160004.jpg
Pinball Arcade_20171108172635.jpg
Pinball Arcade_20171108173930.jpg
Pinball Arcade_20171108175325.jpg

In these screenshots I have the room brightness set a bit lower than default to show the bulb brightness better.


New member
Nov 19, 2015
Amazing work! Those 2 look great again. Thank you! I believe Tales of the Arabian Nights needs a bulb fix as well.
I can't brighten the bulbs on PS4 like this compared to the PC. On PS4 the bulbs are much dimmer.
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New member
Jun 25, 2014
Hey guys, here are a few screenshots of Creature and Cirqus to show that the lighting will be fixed after this update:

View attachment 212
View attachment 213
View attachment 214
View attachment 215

In these screenshots I have the room brightness set a bit lower than default to show the bulb brightness better.
That's great! I switched from xbox360 to PS4 specifically for this game, I have every single table and enjoy playing it everyday. To see these tables restored to all their original glory is extraordinary! Keep up the great work, and please pay a little more attention to us PS4 users. Love and respect from Argentina

Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk


New member
Jun 25, 2014
Just a quick update,

We are in the approval process and expect it to go smoothly so we are expecting to release tables up to Ghost Busters on November 20th. We were not able to update some older tables this update but we will next update, including tuning and lighting updates for Creature from the Black Lagoon, Theatre of Magic, Scared Stiff, Genie, and Bride of Pinbot.
As long as the second update is released by Christmas, we are alright ;)
Thanks for your hard work and for keeping us informed.

Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk


New member
Dec 19, 2013
Apologies for intruding on the PS4 forums but the Xbox One forums seem to be VERY inactive lately. Will the XB1 version of PBA get the 1.18 update in a similar time frame?


FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
Apologies for intruding on the PS4 forums but the Xbox One forums seem to be VERY inactive lately. Will the XB1 version of PBA get the 1.18 update in a similar time frame?

We are currently testing Xbox One internally for it's update. I'll post in the Xbox One forum when I get more info about it's update or release date.

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