RBION Tactics and Strategies


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
Man, I hate being on painkillers. I don't remember actually posting my replacement videos, I remember wanting to though.

Mr. Gorgar, my method for shooting the center ramp comes from a fully stopped ball on the left flipper. When the ramp is lit, I make my shot and when the ball is up there I do not nudge in any way. It goes down the C column everytime. Just remember that the ramp needs to be lit for access to the B and C columns.
I guess the lesson here is don't use the Force.


It may look like I do some nudgin' at the temple but I do not. My camera has issues with its focus and things appear jumpy at times. On a side note, I haven't seen a road trip in a very long time.

I hope this helps.

My apologies Mr. Superballs. I shall collect my thoughts on my multiball strategy.
I'll have something for you soon. (Hopefully today)
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Any help on the skill shot? That's the only standard goal left for me.

I find plunger view 2, pull the plunger to about half way, where the hash mark is, and shoot. You want the ball to go in without hitting the BOZO targets on the sides.

From the half plunge position you'll get the fine touch. Once you've made it a few times you can get the feel from view 1 as well by using the hash mark.


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
One thing to remember is that the plunger on the PS3 doesn't move through the full range of hashmarks. It doesn't even hit the halfway mark. It's one of the things that I've noticed by trying the free version on my phone.

For the PS3, use the view that allows you to see the hashmarks. There is a black rubber bulb on the end of the plunger. Line up the bottom of that with the halfway point on the hashmarks. That's the best advice I can offer.
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New member
May 7, 2013
One thing to remember is that the plunger on the PS3 doesn't move through the full range of hashmarks. It doesn't even hit the halfway mark. It's one of the things that I've noticed by trying the free version on my phone.

For the PS3, use the view that allows you to see the hashmarks. There is a black rubber bulb on the end of the plunger. Line up the bottom of that with the halfway point on the hashmarks. That's the best advice I can offer.

I'm playing the PS Vita version, mainly, and I don't see a hash mark on the plunger. Is that where it's supposed to be?


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
They should be to the right of the little window that you allows you to see the striking end of the plunger.


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012


Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
How I avoid the infamous lost ball

As per request.

Half of this game is spent in a multi-ball and most of those modes are of the two ball variety. I got really good at manipulating those two balls. *That's what she said* (sorry :)) Whenever an Atlantis or a full blown Frog Frenzy hits the field, I work to get two balls trapped on a flipper (for me, it's the left one) and let the remaining balls drain away until the ball saver dies. It is way easier for me to keep track of two instead of three or four. Plus, I can work a lot more magic with two. If you ever notice a ball up in the upper pop bumpers kind of stops doing anything and isn't coming back down into play (like ~5 seconds of inactivity), you might want to start throwing out some soft and frequent nudges. Don't get too nudge happy though, you know the penalty for that. As far as the three ball modes go, I hardly ever do the regular Shrunken Head one* and I let the added ball from the Add-a-Ball go on its merry way. I don't want it.

Hope this helps.

* On my big game, I did the Shrunken Head multi ball only three times. I like to keep the right ramp free for maxing out my points on S.America. That's just my preference though.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Ok, I'm seriously working on this one now. Aiming for 20 legit billion to get on top of all those bugged scores. I've gotten to 8 billion with several EBs still left multiple times then got killed by either the lost ball or idol bonus bug. Time to adopt Squid's bandaids there of not playing any 4-ball multis and tilting away the bonus. Anyway, here's actual strategy that isn't about Farsight's failures.

First, ball control. Squid has covered most of this but I'll lay it out again:

- On any eject from the continent scoop, hold all the flippers. The ball will come to a catch on one of the lower flippers, about 75% of the time on the right side.

- On any eject from the lower scoop, bounce pass to a catch on the right 100%. Holding the left flipper will usually catch but occasionally send it into the left sling, so don't let that happen.

- From a catch on the right flipper is the best way to shoot both the right ramp and continent scoop. (No way that flipper hits the right ramp on the real table, right?)

- Post passes are over 99% reliable, do them freely.

- A caught shot from the left flipper up the center ramp will always go into the C lane if you don't nudge. It will look like it wants B near the white pegs, but stay chill and it will fall into C.

- Don't shoot the super jackpot lane, the bumpers are bad news. Not quite TZ's bumper hellhole, but they're still the most dangerous spot on the table.

- Almost every ball feeding from the temple A lane (during multiball is the only time you shoot this) can be hold-passed to a catch on the right side, no nudging needed. Most feeds from the right ramp can also do this depending on how fast the ball comes, though you want to get good at quickly recognizing when it won't work.

- With a moving feed to the left flipper, always either hold pass or shoot the continent scoop or right ramp. Don't go for a flow shot to the center ramp, that's too inconsistent. Don't shoot the Penguin lane except during Antarctica, there's never any need.

- Failed shots up the left spinner or super jackpot lanes will clunk into that oddly angled wall near the right outlane. I'm not sure what to do with these. They often but not always drop onto the right inlane, but even then, there's nothing good to do with the ball. I guess a lower scoop shot is the least-bad option since it's guaranteed control if you hit and not really any worse than you already were if you miss.

Now, scoring strategy. The ONLY points that matter in this stratosphere are the continent tours. Nothing else. Ignore it all. Pukeballs, Ripoff, Million Plus, Penguin jackpots, Idol millions, even super jackpots and Frog Frenzy. All of that is piddly peanuts next to 400M doubled continent tours. Pound those continents and never do anything else.

This goes for the jewel matrix too. The only one of the 8 awards you care about is the 2x scoring. Never shoot for the A or B columns, nothing they do matters. The Atlantis jackpots aren't worth enough to justify chasing extra jewels, neither directly nor by Road Trip. EBs will come by other means. But 2x scoring is worth going for frequently, not just for collecting the tour bonus but also to build the continent totals. And shots into the C lane are fully predictable.

So my priority order of lit shots is temple, continent, right ramp. Shoot the temple whenever it's lit into the C lane. This will produce a catch on the right flipper after the eject and bounce pass, from which you can shoot either a continent if lit or the right ramp to relight both the continent and temple. And that's really all you should ever do. Of course sometimes I'll skip or go for an extra temple shot in order to line up the 2x with the continent tour bonus.

Europe, Asia, 2x scoring, and Road Trip (but not South America nor Australia) all share a common timer. You can extend any of them by starting another. This is usually good, except for one detail. Don't stack 2x scoring with Europe when you're near the next tour bonus, since then you're stuck with Europe and 2x in timer lockstep meaning you can't keep the 2x to collect the tour bonus. (2x with Asia is okay because Asia can complete early letting 2x continue.)

As for the continents themselves, mostly the only ones that matter are the multiballs. Ignore Europe and South America entirely, they are absolutely not worth any risk at all. Just keep moving along more continents and pick up whatever random hits you happen to get. Squid is right about Asia too, don't shoot for it because of the risk of hitting the super jackpot lane and losing control into the bumpers. Stack a multiball, then Asia is worth a shot. Australia you may as well go for because it's so easy and safe with the automatic catch after each scoop eject and you can't stack more continents anyway.

Among the multiball continents, North America Bigfoot is king. The key is the jackpot value, which goes up to 2M while the Antarctica and Africa jackpots max at 500K. The Bigfoot jackpot value is cumulative throughout each ball until you drain, which means that avoiding drain risk everywhere else on the table is that much more important. The Bigfoot jackpot increases from bumper hits (5k) and scoop hits during Bigfoot (100k).

And the Bigfoot jackpots are relit at the head, which is safer compared to the penguin lane and idol in the other continent multiballs. Bigfoot can last a really long time if you're good. I'm still working on precise strategies for handling the two balls. My most common sequence at the moment is this: catch a ball on each flipper, shoot the center ramp then right ramp from the left flipper, then the head from the right flipper, then the right ramp again from the first ball now returning to the left. From there I'm not sure how to consistently regain control (the path taken by the ball in the head is unpredictable), but continent scoop shots are always a good idea from the frequent left flipper feeds, which both regain control and increase the jackpot.

So stacking 2x scoring into Bigfoot is the way to build that continent bonus bigtime. Ten jackpot shots at 2x add 40 million to the continent total, usually more than all the other continents put together. Antarctica and Africa are also worth playing and can give 10M+ on a good run, and Australia provides a steady flow too, but Bigfoot is where the real meat is.

Do not chase Ripley letters if you're playing for a high score (you're beyond the Atlantis wizard goal.) Australia will come automatically, and the multiballs will give you some. Don't be tempted by any risk trying to letter up from Europe, South America, or Asia. And absolutely don't risk anything for a meager 10M perfect tour. Eyes on the prize, the real points are from continuing to cycle continents.

Finally, Atlantis. Take the time to read the instructions on Atlantis, they are accurate and detailed, and knowing how this mode works is important. The jackpots aren't all that much; by the time you max them at 9.9M with 99 jewels, the continent bonus will be north of 400M. But the important part is to WIN Atlantis by collecting all 8 jewels. You do this by shooting the temple once for each jewel then relighting it at the head. The 8th jewel will always be Light Super Jackpot, which is not your normal 1-6M SJ, but instead scores your entire continent bonus again. That's as good as a whole extra continent tour! And it can even be doubled by the 2x scoring jewel during Atlantis itself. You can also win the Atlantis super jackpot more than once in the same run, my record is three, though the continent bonus was only 170M at the time.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
From a catch on the right flipper is the best way to shoot both the right ramp and continent scoop. (No way that flipper hits the right ramp on the real table, right?)
Unless there are severe maintenance issues with the machine, you can and should hit the right ramp from the lower right flipper on a real RBION.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
Yeah those backhands are very much doable from a trap in real life.

If it will score you an extra ball, it's definitely worth tagging the center column at the temple. If the center number happens to be 2, it's worth nudging it in there, otherwise leave it on three for your double scoring.

Double scoring should be your last timed event started, so you can carry it into the continent bonus. But if not, not too big a deal. just stay away from the varitarget until you can collect it again.


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Also noticed this: You can stack certain continents into Atlantis.

You need to have two continents running. One must be Europe, South America, or Asia. The other can be any. Finish the other for the 7th Ripley letter (draining out of multiball if necessary), and Atlantis will light and can be started even with the other continent still running.

There's not much point to doing that with South America because the countdown is short or Asia which ends quickly anyway. But Europe can do crazy things with this. I got 14M on a single Europe stacked into Atlantis. I think you can even extend the Europe timer during Atlantis by collecting Road Trip or 2x Scoring.

If it will score you an extra ball, it's definitely worth tagging the center column at the temple. If the center number happens to be 2, it's worth nudging it in there, otherwise leave it on three for your double scoring.

I never need EBs from the temple. I easily hit the maximum limit without it. I don't even know where they all come from. The idol hands out tons, so does Atlantis, also Super Jackpots, and even Amazing Events can.

Double scoring should be your last timed event started, so you can carry it into the continent bonus. But if not, not too big a deal. just stay away from the varitarget until you can collect it again.

Watch out for Europe. You can't carry double scoring past Europe, they share the same timer and always end at the same time. Don't start 2x if you're 1-2 continents away from the tour and one is Europe.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
i know. i was saying if you do end up making that mistake, then simply hold off collecting the tour until you've re-earned 2x scoring. :)


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Ok, I made 24 billion, for #2 on the leaderboard behind Squid. 35B was reachable, but I tilted away the last three balls because I was bored and tired and terrified of the lost ball or idol bonus bugs. Good enough. Once the continent total reached 500M, I stopped bothering to play them (just drained out of the multiballs) and just pounded tours over and over for a billion each when doubled. Total 90-some Ripley letters and around 30 continent tours. I'm still not sure how Squid railroads balls for jackpots during the continent MBs, but I was stringing together 10 or 20 jackpots often enough by improvising.

One more weird occurrence (this game really is Twilight Zone's heir. :) ) I got Ripoff and Frog Frenzy stacked together with Antarctica for a lengthy 4-ball multiball continent. It happened when the Amazing Event lit Ripoff while Antarctica was already running. Oddly, Ripoff didn't start right away on the next right ramp shot, but did about three shots later. Very weird. Anyway that was a nice 25M stoked onto my Antarctica total. Just wish it had been North America instead.

Paul Petrissans

New member
Jan 4, 2013
I finally got FF after a long time playing this table. I still don't understand the achievement fully, though. Is it possible to score the same jackpot value multiple times before completing all super jackpots? Also, what are the ways that a lit super jackpot stops being lit?


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
No, you don't score the same jackpot value multiple times. Although you might think you did if say one was 6M and another was 3M with 2X Scoring running which will say 6M. You collect the 6 distinct SJs and then the 7th starts Frog Frenzy in all known cases.

I'm not sure about SJ unlighting. When Pukeballs or Ripoff multiball ends is an obvious case. I'm not sure how smart the game is about tracking the multiball SJ (which should be temporary) separately from SJs lit from completing a continent tour or the jewel matrix (which should be permanently lit until collected.)
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