Rejoyce! Pinball Arcade coming back in August?


New member
Jul 4, 2013
You know i think i am done here.I should just wait for ps4 i mean why not i have waited for a year all ready.I might as well invest in one console and it seems that if you want the tpa the ps4 is the one to go with. I just hope tpa is ready on ps4 launch day i hope i do not have to wait any longer and hope that they have all the tables ready and if they do what merry xmas i will be having.

I take this report to mean that they just announced early and the gaming news is pressing them because they have nothing better to do. Of course they can't announce anything early, but I think this does confirm that they will not be publishing anything until very Late August or early September.

I'm just too cheap and easily annoyed with buggy software to be an early adopter, so good luck to you. Pinball arcade is just about the only thing that looks good on the new consoles.


New member
May 24, 2013
me too mate ,stick with ps3 and when ps4 comes, bobs your uncle.i must admit it`s not bad on xbox360.:p

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
me too mate ,stick with ps3 and when ps4 comes, bobs your uncle.i must admit it`s not bad on xbox360.:p
For the benefit of the American readership, the phrase "Bob's your uncle" is roughly a cross between "there you go" and "it's that simple".


New member
Apr 27, 2012
You know i think i am done here.I should just wait for ps4 i mean why not i have waited for a year all ready.I might as well invest in one console and it seems that if you want the tpa the ps4 is the one to go with. I just hope tpa is ready on ps4 launch day i hope i do not have to wait any longer and hope that they have all the tables ready and if they do what merry xmas i will be having.

Its not so much if TPA is ready on launch day but if Sony decides TPA is a "launch" title. Only Sony gets to decide what are "launch" titles. But since Sony had TPA at their booth for the unveiling of the PS4, I think its safe to assume that if TPA isn't a launch title that Sony will give it a release window within the first month of the PS4 launch.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
You know i think i am done here.I should just wait for ps4 i mean why not i have waited for a year all ready.I might as well invest in one console and it seems that if you want the tpa the ps4 is the one to go with. I just hope tpa is ready on ps4 launch day i hope i do not have to wait any longer and hope that they have all the tables ready and if they do what merry xmas i will be having.

It shouldn't take that long. WiiU owners didn't have to wait very long now did they??????


New member
Jun 7, 2013
Count me in on the "accidentally said something too early" boat as opposed to the "oops, we were wrong, there is no self-publishing" one.

That said, if it turns out they really were wrong and we still haven't heard anything by late September or so, I'll be done with any and all Farsight products for good. I feel for them thanks to some of their misfortune, but that mistake would be just plain inept and frankly, a little insulting to people who have been waiting this long. It would be essentially taunting them, whether intentional or not.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
This sounds very discouraging. And why allow self-publishing on the One but not on the 360? Sounds silly......Are they trying to urge people to get the XBOne?


New member
Aug 12, 2012
What do you expect? Both Sony and Microsoft will be encouraging devs to write for their next-gen systems to encourage sales and migration to the new platforms. The old platforms will be whittled down to facilitate this migration.

Pretty much if you're not in it already, Xbox360 development is closed off. If you want, you can CFW a PS3. But both Sony and Microsoft are encouraging new development to take place on the PS4 and XBOne.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
What do you expect? Both Sony and Microsoft will be encouraging devs to write for their next-gen systems to encourage sales and migration to the new platforms. The old platforms will be whittled down to facilitate this migration.

Pretty much if you're not in it already, Xbox360 development is closed off. If you want, you can CFW a PS3. But both Sony and Microsoft are encouraging new development to take place on the PS4 and XBOne.

Much of TPA has already been developed, even showcased on the 360. We will just have to wait and see if this new policy also applies to the 360. I don't like this "waiting and seeing" business any more than any of the other good people on these forums who only own a 360, or can't afford a new system, or could not afford necessary PC upgrades to run TPA.


New member
Sep 29, 2012
cant belive people are still waiting for xbox 360 version, do yourselves a favour and forget about it untill the new consols are out, i would also go with ps4 or pc version after the disaster of the xbox pinball arcade. very dissapointed in the non start of 360 pinball and farsight are very lucky to have a good product because i definatly wouldnt have spent anymore money with them.

Volitar Prime

New member
Jun 24, 2012
I'm just waiting for the bugs in what I already bought to be fixed. I have no intention of buying this on any other platform or buying more tables for it.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
cant belive people are still waiting for xbox 360 version, do yourselves a favour and forget about it untill the new consols are out, i would also go with ps4 or pc version after the disaster of the xbox pinball arcade. very dissapointed in the non start of 360 pinball and farsight are very lucky to have a good product because i definatly wouldnt have spent anymore money with them.

I can. As a 360 owner, I would very much like to play TPA on something other than a Nexus 7. I don't have the money for a new ps4, or even a WiiU, and cannot afford the thousands it would cost to get a PC that could handle it, or any other worthwhile steam game. And I'm not going to buy that flash in the pan called the ouya-not even it's version of TPA impresses me. So yes, I am hoping for new content on the 360-as I've been doing for nearly a year now.


New member
Jul 4, 2013
So Gamescom starts the 20th, and MS said they would announce self publishing at the same time, so we still might see PB arcade as early as Tuesday.

Maybe the title of this thread is really still possible?


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
So Gamescom starts the 20th, and MS said they would announce self publishing at the same time, so we still might see PB arcade as early as Tuesday.

Maybe the title of this thread is really still possible?

At least we will know what MS's plans actually are for self-publishing...
Jan 6, 2013
So Gamescom starts the 20th, and MS said they would announce self publishing at the same time, so we still might see PB arcade as early as Tuesday.

Maybe the title of this thread is really still possible?[/QUOTE It sure would be nice to hear something.I am really thinking about just waiting for the ps4 but i might get some of the tables to hold me threw if they come out soon.But if your thinking you are going to get some new tables on the 20th please do not hold your breath.I cant believe that it has been a year now waiting if i new it was going to be this long i would have got a ps3. But they would tell us next month or 2 and keep us hanging in there and here we are a year later .


New member
Jul 4, 2013
But if your thinking you are going to get some new tables on the 20th please do not hold your breath.

Yeah, I know. I've really only been waiting around 3 months, but the rest of you folks have been patient for so much longer it has to be pretty discouraging. Hoping for some grand Indie reveal by MS for the xbox one to try boost pre-orders, and that publicity and pull will bleed over to the 360, but gaming is such a massive industry now neither company really HAS to please us anymore.

Either way, we get another newsletter soon.
Last edited:


New member
Sep 29, 2012
i like how the what the hell is going on thread has been closed, whats all that about? thought it was a site for pinball arcade? and since farsight havnt supported their product and even worse promised anybody who asked (when you finally got a reponse) that its 'coming soon' hell they have been saying that for a year!
funny how its gone quite again eh? no doubt they are thinking of not bothering with 360 afterall and wait for next gen!


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
As you can guess there is nothing to report or it would have been in the newsletter that came out last night. I know you and all 360 users are beyond frustrated but do you expect FS to come in here everyday and say there is nothing to report? You know that isn't going to happen. Hang in there and when there is some news on the 360 it will be splashed all over these forums. Wish I had something better to tell you.


New member
May 28, 2012
I read this on in the FAQs:

Why isn't Xbox updated?

We are very well aware of the situation on Xbox, which has prevented us from updating the Pinball Arcade with current tables for some time. This is due to legal problems with Microsoft and Crave and we must wait for legal resolution while we consider other options. Recently we have had some very promising developments in this area which may make a full update to the Xbox possible in late 2013.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
i like how the what the hell is going on thread has been closed, whats all that about? thought it was a site for pinball arcade? and since farsight havnt supported their product and even worse promised anybody who asked (when you finally got a reponse) that its 'coming soon' hell they have been saying that for a year!
funny how its gone quite again eh? no doubt they are thinking of not bothering with 360 afterall and wait for next gen!

How its gone quite what again?

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