Yeah, I expect that must've been the first simulation of a real table on a portable device, and it might be the only one I played before TPA. Can't think of any others, which is amazing since it was a 20 year gap. Still have it around here someplace - awesome system. I do remember that Elvira was much more fun than Police Force.
Yep, I had one of these too. Got it for Christmas back around '93 or '94. The scaling and rotation abilities were awesome for the time; not even the GBA, released over a decade later, had flight games as awesome as Blue Lightning, or racing games as cool as S.T.U.N. Runner. Shame the thing was so big, expensive, and sucked the life out of batteries (6 AA batteries lasted approximately 6 hours).As a 14 year old it was my portable system of choice, STUN Runner, Roadblasters, Hydra, Zarlor Mercenary & Gates Of Zendocon gave me much more arcadey shooting satisfaction than the Gameboy or Gamegear.
And batteries, batteries, batteries.
When Party Monsters comes out the top score should be ELV in honor of The Mistress Of The Dark.
When Party Monsters comes out the top score should be ELV in honor of The Mistress Of The Dark.
I second this great idea.