Scared Stiff And Party Monsters Coming To TPA


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Oh, I forgot about the PHOF titles for the PSP. I guess those were the next portable ones I played after the Lynx.


New member
Mar 31, 2012
Yeah, I expect that must've been the first simulation of a real table on a portable device, and it might be the only one I played before TPA. Can't think of any others, which is amazing since it was a 20 year gap. Still have it around here someplace - awesome system. I do remember that Elvira was much more fun than Police Force.

As a 14 year old it was my portable system of choice, STUN Runner, Roadblasters, Hydra, Zarlor Mercenary & Gates Of Zendocon gave me much more arcadey shooting satisfaction than the Gameboy or Gamegear.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
As a 14 year old it was my portable system of choice, STUN Runner, Roadblasters, Hydra, Zarlor Mercenary & Gates Of Zendocon gave me much more arcadey shooting satisfaction than the Gameboy or Gamegear.
Yep, I had one of these too. Got it for Christmas back around '93 or '94. The scaling and rotation abilities were awesome for the time; not even the GBA, released over a decade later, had flight games as awesome as Blue Lightning, or racing games as cool as S.T.U.N. Runner. Shame the thing was so big, expensive, and sucked the life out of batteries (6 AA batteries lasted approximately 6 hours).

By strange coincidence, the arcade I used to play at in the early '90s had, yep, you guessed it, Elvira and Police Force. I though PF was cooler at the time, but I bet I'd go with Elvira now.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Turbo grafx also had their turbo express around the same time as lynx, which played the games of the base system. Not that the crush series was a recreation of a real table but those games were pretty badass. Lynx was definitely the best handheld system until nomad came out but never had the library support.


New member
May 29, 2012
Just looked at some pictures of the Atari Lynx, and man, back then "portable" was very loosely defined. I was going to mention how bulky the Lynx and the Game Gear were, but the original Gameboy wasn´t exactly svelte either.

And batteries, batteries, batteries.


New member
Jun 6, 2012
And batteries, batteries, batteries.

The Sega Nomad would go through 6AA batteries in about an hour (or so it seemed)... and weighed a TON ! Nothing quite like being able to play your MegaDrive games on the go, though... I loved my Lynx. I preferred the Lynx 1, looking all businesslike and bad@ss, to the Lynx 2, with it's curves and mass appeal... Still have my Lynxes (Lynxii ??) somewhere back home in England..

The Neo Geo Pocket as a great little machine in it's day, as well.
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an ox

New member
May 28, 2012
heh, I was just going to mention the Lynx version but I've been soundly beaten to it :). Had a go in emulation today just for the hell of it - my god, pixels the size of housebricks and the physics are... decidedly odd. But I did love my Lynx, awesome system for the time, amazing scaling hardware and really nice to code for from the docs I've read. Completely forgot it had Police Force too, only remember playing Elvira. I actually quite enjoyed the real Police Force table when I played it at pinball party last month.

Always kinda hoped Atari would ask me to do something on the Lynx, I'd've enjoyed it I'm sure.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Excited for the tables, but I just had to say, I saw a video of Elvira promoting TPA and she is still AMAZINGLY HOT. Oh my God. I won't say how old she is, but she most certainly does not look her age. I guess Vampires really don't age.


New member
Jul 3, 2012
Just a little shout out for the Copper Bar in Marshall, Michigan. Not sure about now, but it was one of the homes of Elvira and the Party Monsters for many years. Beer, peanuts on the floor, and Elvira to keep you company.

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