Request Season Pass or Premium Pinball Arcade membership

Would you pay for a season pass of DLC up front?

  • Yes

    Votes: 32 60.4%
  • No

    Votes: 21 39.6%

  • Total voters


Apr 3, 2012
Since this type of execution has been so successful with other franchises, I'm sure it would be a winner for TPA. What say you? I think $60+ for a summer of DLC sounds fair, maybe a few other small perks. Anyone got some suggestions for prices and digital perks?


New member
Sep 28, 2012
I sure would. If there was a way to incorporate the perk of getting one mobile/tablet + one "desktop" version (or at least get a discount price when getting more than one version of the same DLC) it would probably seal the deal for a lot of people.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Great idea, but I wouldn't recommend it at this point in time as FarSight has been having a bit of trouble releasing DLC in a consistent manner. People that haven't even purchased the new DLC Tables are upset about the delays. Can you imagine how upset they would be if they paid for DLC Tables well in advance?


Apr 3, 2012
Great idea, but I wouldn't recommend it at this point in time as FarSight has been having a bit of trouble releasing DLC in a consistent manner. People that haven't even purchased the new DLC Tables are upset about the delays. Can you imagine how upset they would be if they paid for DLC Tables well in advance?

At the end of the day people are going to buy the tables whether it's late or not. This just guarantees them the tables when they are released. And as with any other season pass, FarSight would let us know how many tables we would get with the pass, so it's not like we're being cheated or anything. I imagine if FarSight added some unique but nifty perks, it would be a rather wicked incentive. But I see your point too, I guess we'll see how the public votes. ;)


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
At the end of the day people are going to buy the tables whether it's late or not. This just guarantees them the tables when they are released. And as with any other season pass, FarSight would let us know how many tables we would get with the pass, so it's not like we're being cheated or anything. I imagine if FarSight added some unique but nifty perks, it would be a rather wicked incentive.

Agreed, but I just don't see any reason for FarSight to add fuel to the fire they already have burning, but I would like to see a Season Pass somewhere down the road. Now is just not the right time.
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Apr 3, 2012
Yeah between delayed tables and no PC release, the public attitude is kind of low. I wish I could think of something exciting we could do to get people pumped. Hmmmm...I wonder if game casting is possible on the Mac through one of these websites. Maybe
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Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Yeah between delayed tables and no PC release, the public attitude is kind of low. I wish I could think of something exciting we could do to get people pumped. Hmmmm...I wonder if game casting is possible on the Mac through one of these websites. Maybe

Funny you should mention game casting...I'm working on getting an HD setup as we speak, so I may have a channel set up sooner rather than later.


New member
Feb 29, 2012
I LOVE the idea of a Season pass for Pinball Arcade (or even Pinball FX2). Since I'll most likely pick up all the DLC anyway, ANY bonus (e.g. discount, free table, operator menu, pinball skin) at all would be gravy.

I also feel a pass would be an extremely poor move on FarSight's part. Contrary to popular belief :p, FS doesn't "owe" their fans any future content. A season pass would obviously change that relationship.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I bought the 'fortune hunters' pass for Uncharted 3, and it made me completely nervous about what I was getting. All we knew was 3 map packs and some skins, but no release time frame, no idea what the maps would even be. Turned out to be a good deal, but I realized I like knowing what I'm buying ahead of time, not on blind faith.

Now if FarSight told me what 3/4 of the tables I'd be getting were and that the others would be a surprise, that'd be a step in the right direction. I just wouldn't wanna plop down my money and then find out I'm getting a whole bunch of Gotlieb! (not a fan) I also would only want this if tables were being released day and date across all platforms. Right now I'm fine with waiting for stuff to come to the PS3, but if I'd already laid out the dough and somebody on iOS is getting to play with their toy before I can? Yeah, that'd drive me nuts.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Over the last few years a lot of well known game devs have just closed their doors, there's no way I would buy a season pass for TPA!. Farsight are no Epic Games or Treyarch and my confidence in them is pretty shaken atm, as much as I love their game.


New member
Aug 12, 2012
Plus I'd rather they release quality tables, not just be forced on a schedule to release tables. The latter just results in low quality buggy tables being released and then everyone calls for them to not release any DLC, but to concentrate on bug fixes.

It's better to release a good table when it's ready than a buggy one to make a date only to be inundated with complaints of table bugs. Though sometimes I even wonder if they bother to test their releases given how some have very obvious problems if they played them for say, half an hour before releasing them. (Would be nice if they could do playtests between the real table and their version and use that to see if there's any problems with the table they're about to release.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Now that this has actually been implemented as of the newest Centaur and Pin*Bot update, I'm wondering what you guys think, especially of the pricing structure for the Season 2 pass? (sorry if this has already been discussed in another thread - I sure couldn't find it...)

The way I see it, it makes no sense for me to buy Season 2, having already bought all the tables up to pack 13. Season 2 is $39,99 which is $10 off of the price of buying 11-20 individually. BUT, if (like in my case) you have already bought 11-13, you end up paying $5 dollars more using the pass from this point in time! Wouldn't it have made more sense to include 1-13 in Season 1 and charge, say $50 (making that a $15 savings). And then start off Season 2 with the actual next pack, #14 and going up to #23 with a pre-pay fee of $39,99?


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I wouldn't because of the scheduling and stuff mentioned by others, also because I just in general don't trust pre-buying stuff on the internet that could very well end up being vaporware in today's volatile game publishing market. Also because at some point not too far distant I might want to switch to TPA on PS4 and it isn't clear yet just what, if anything, will carry over.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
i don't quite understand this thread. One issue is the abbreviation DLC i don't know what it stands for. Anyhow i would rather just buy tables as they are released like i have been doing . If i need to add another platform later i can just purchase a few most wanted tables for it.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
No season pass for me as it would cost me more than to keep buying packs individually. But maybe I will for season 3 (assuming we get a 3rd season).


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Looks like I'll be changing my vote to "Yes" since TPA isn't on Steam yet...might as well just get Season 1 if they don't release all other table packs at once.


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Now that this has actually been implemented as of the newest Centaur and Pin*Bot update, I'm wondering what you guys think, especially of the pricing structure for the Season 2 pass? (sorry if this has already been discussed in another thread - I sure couldn't find it...)

The way I see it, it makes no sense for me to buy Season 2, having already bought all the tables up to pack 13. Season 2 is $39,99 which is $10 off of the price of buying 11-20 individually. BUT, if (like in my case) you have already bought 11-13, you end up paying $5 dollars more using the pass from this point in time! Wouldn't it have made more sense to include 1-13 in Season 1 and charge, say $50 (making that a $15 savings). And then start off Season 2 with the actual next pack, #14 and going up to #23 with a pre-pay fee of $39,99?
This is what I don't get (I mentioned it in the iOS thread, but I guess it's endemic of all platforms). Why announce that there's a "season pack" mid-way through a season when the vast majority of people have already bought tables from the start, not knowing there'd be "seasons"? So now I don't know whether I'd still save money by buying the season 2 pack on top of what I've paid for packs 11-13, or if I should just buy the rest as each pack comes along like a sucker because I bought everything when it was first released.

Ugh, this could NOT be more frustrating.

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