September TotM Groupings and Results

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Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Anyway, I'm on the chat if anyone wants to hang out while playing! Depending on whether or not someone is livestreaming today, I may be here for a while.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Anyway, I'm on the chat if anyone wants to hang out while playing! Depending on whether or not someone is livestreaming today, I may be here for a while.

Finally got inetrnet on my damn comp, so I'll be in there in a few. Once I brew some coffee and eat my wheaties. Kinda hungover, I'd like to be sober before I actually start the tourney. My strategy is to just play F-14. Cause anything compaired to that is slow


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Thanks. This was what I was trying to get at when I asked my question earlier. I wasn't in the pull down menu back then.

Yeah, for new players I have to add them to the list. I do that after turning off the signup form and setting up the groupings. I didn't get off work til midnight, so couldn't do any of that until after I got home. I never delete the list (except of names that never posted a score at all), so you'll always be there from now on!


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I'm done, can't say I was pleased. Just as well Ball 3 of my CV game came to the rescue, from utter junk to joining the Cirqus!

CV: 109,116,600
LCA: 15,861,880
DrDude: 15,365,729
BSD: 595,961,050

Can't say I like the choice of BSD for PU/SU since it gives out so many house balls. Still it's called that for a reason....


New member
Jan 22, 2013
CV - 83,178,880
Almost submitted a 100m+ score before realizing that I accidentally played the extra balls.

LCA - 3,080,290
The score I'm most disappointed about. I just couldn't get anything rolling here.

DD - 18,216,520
It pays to have all your best shots come when you have 2X playfield.

BSD - 1,840,864,330
Actually had about 12m before starting the 3rd ball. Then I got the Mist Multiball and suddenly everything went my way.


New member
Jan 30, 2015
Very good cup of joe today, even with the distractions of college football and a hyper 4
Year old. Thought my score on Dracula was great until until I saw other people's score. No matter,
Happy today and didn't care much about lights,
Camera, action.
Dr. dude:28,965,740. High score for me. Locked ball in left flipper and lit the mixer jp a few times. Easier said then done imo.
Dracula:521,495,810. Very nice mist/castle multiball.
Circus Voltaire:74,188,910. Joined the circus today. Very high score for me, usually drain the side lines in this game constantly.
Lights, camera, action:6,237,590.
What can I say, at least I don't have to play this game again for awhile.


New member
Oct 31, 2012
I hate CV cause the out lanes are very hungry as always. 20,925,570
Dr Dude, every time I have to hit the reflexes I always miss #2. 15,970,900
LCA, Yes I can hear you call out "million lit" over and over. 7,578,800
Dracula, had a really good game of 1,556,179,450

The tournament also started on the PS3 but I'm all pinballed out at the moment.

Good luck to everyone else.


New member
Jan 2, 2015
Thanks for the tourny SYT!

I waited too long as usual, not very professional :p

I'm pretty happy with the scores anyway.

CV - played just 1 game since I reached circus and time is of a premium right now - 58 437 850
DrD - 11 494 590
LCA - I don't mind this Gottlib at all :) - 7 386 470
BSD - Not bad, had some terrible practice runs and no real good 3 baller when doin' the real action, but did get a few bats awards - 353 265 170



Jan 30, 2013
So halfway through, more or less. First game was BSD. First and last balls were house balls pretty much, but ball two was pretty sweet. 13b final score.

LCA was giving me a hard time with my internet connection messing giving me framerate drops so I had to pause restart stream a couple times. 15M.

Edit: Finished CV. First game 20m. 2nd game 272m. No problems with stream this time. But noticed my game volume was far too loud and mic level too low so no audible commenting these games unfortunately. Cap'n tried to tell me. Oh well.

Edit: Ok finished dr. dude now, 66m on game two. Last second shot for double jackpot and gadigazillion or whatever was my highlight and I'm happy with my tourney games this time for sure :)
My mic has been acting very weird don't know what's up with that maybe my poor internet connection here at work messes things up, gonna sort it out til next time though. Happy I can connect my laptop to internet at work and stream though :)

dr. dude:
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Active member
Aug 1, 2012
My heart really wasn't in it today. Had to put one of our pet cats to sleep today.

Anyways,here are my scores:

CV - 28,140,070
Dr. Dude - 5,897,450
LCA - 2,150,020
BSD - 144,444,780


New member
Sep 22, 2015
TAF (Xbox 360) -
Wizard Amusement Custom Shooter Rod -

I've already got TAF on 360, so is it pointless me including myself in the draw? And what, pray tell, is a Wizard Amusement Custom Shooter Rod? I assume it's something that only a person who own a machine would have use for?

Meh... I'll say yes to both and see what happens :)
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New member
Sep 22, 2015
My heart really wasn't in it today. Had to put one of our pet cats to sleep today.

Sorry to hear that Nightwing :(

Meanwhile, these were my scores:

CV - 129,396,580 (by far the best I've done on this table)
Dr. Dude - 8,899,050
LCA - 14,844,850 (also my best)
BSD - 818,253,340

It's funny... I'm playing the same game in the same place as always, but 'cause I knew scores were going up here, I felt quite tense :)

Good luck y'all!
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New member
Feb 8, 2014
I've already got TAF on 360, so is it pointless me including myself in the draw? And what, pray tell, is a Wizard Amusement Custom Shooter Rod? I assume it's something that only a person who own a machine would have use for?

Meh... I'll say yes to both and see what happens :)
It's a cool ornament if you don't have a table :D


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
Not sure to keep my unexpected actual seed...
CV : 46,137,650 :mad:
LCA : 7,174,620
Dr DUDE : 21,395,740
BSD : 442,710,820 - Really proud ! :) I have been focusing on that particular table all week. 2 good runs with no warm-up. I hated you before. Now it's over.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Just submitted my scores. Wow - just embarrassingly bad. Technical issues with an iPad, and fatigue after playing in a match-play style pinball tournament for the last 8 hours. Agh, just not any accuracy left in me, and playing in the car is tricky. (No, I'm not the driver!) Anyway, it was still fun. Hopefully, I'll do a bit better next month.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Thanks again for playing everyone! Be sure to listen to the BlahCade this week to hear your name if you were one of our winners or top 10. Prizes will be coming to people soon, so check you Inbox.

I personally bombed hard on Dr. Dude and Dracula. Both of those are tables that I go maybe 1 out of 10 games of having an awesome score, while the rest are quite middling.
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