So, where's our DLC?


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Man, the 3rd DLC pack has just been announced (Monster Bash and Gorgar), at this rate we won't see those until 2016!

I seriously think Farsight is going too fast with the other ports and losing track of their original console sans.
They really should have addressed the bug fixes for the PS3.

I'm still a bit mad that they didn't even add the option to play music from the XMB. It's one of the most basic options.
I don't think it's that hard to implement. Hell, even Sega allows it on their 40 game compilation, though most people don't even know it exists.

Playing Black Hole with some background music really makes it a lot easier on the ears! You can only listen to that looping noise for so long.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Man, the 3rd DLC pack has just been announced (Monster Bash and Gorgar), at this rate we won't see those until 2016!

I seriously think Farsight is going too fast with the other ports and losing track of their original console sans.
They really should have addressed the bug fixes for the PS3.

I'm still a bit mad that they didn't even add the option to play music from the XMB. It's one of the most basic options.
I don't think it's that hard to implement. Hell, even Sega allows it their 40 game compilation, though most people don't even know it exists.

Playing Black Hole with some background music really makes it a lot easier on the ears! You can only listen to that looping noise for so long.

I still think FarSight should release 2 tables a month on Android, iOS, Mac and Kindle Fire (so we can beta test the tables for them and they make money at the same time) and 4 tables every two months on PS3, PS Vita and Xbox 360 to allow for the extra time needed for the approval process and for bug fixes.
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Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I still think FarSight should release 2 tables a month on Android, iOS, Mac and Kindle Fire (so we can beta test the tables for them and they make money at the same time) and 4 tables every two months on PS3, PS Vita and Xbox 360 to allow for the extra time needed for the approval process and for bug fixes.

Bad idea. It's better to shoot for 1 month and have it take two than to shoot for 2 months and have it take four.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Bad idea. It's better to shoot for 1 month and have it take two than to shoot for 2 months and have it take four.

If you shoot for 2 months, why would it take 4 months? The fact is, the approval process through Microsoft and Sony takes 4-5 weeks (if everything goes through the first time) which means FarSight will never meet the monthly deadline on PS3, PS Vita and Xbox 360. It's bad business to promise 2 new tables every month and never deliver.
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May 23, 2012
The problem with Farsight is that they are bad at everything to do with video games except making the game itself. If you look at the way they fumble critical DLC submissions, manage press or how they were running the Kickstarter (getting better last 2 days) or the lack of website updates its pretty clear they need to hire someone who has only one job, social media and website management as well as someone who has experience with the console DLC process. Im sure they cost themselves tons of money by having the appearance on the website of a very fly by night operation and missing 2 month of DLC while the game is still sort of fresh and new. What good is it if they drop 6 DLC tables in July when everyone on console has lost interest? They seem to put some effort into trying to herd morons at facebook but that place is all noise and no signal so I think that focus would be better spent elsewhere.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
The problem with Farsight is that they are bad at everything to do with video games except making the game itself. If you look at the way they fumble critical DLC submissions, manage press or how they were running the Kickstarter (getting better last 2 days) or the lack of website updates its pretty clear they need to hire someone who has only one job, social media and website management as well as someone who has experience with the console DLC process. Im sure they cost themselves tons of money by having the appearance on the website of a very fly by night operation and missing 2 month of DLC while the game is still sort of fresh and new. What good is it if they drop 6 DLC tables in July when everyone on console has lost interest? They seem to put some effort into trying to herd morons at facebook but that place is all noise and no signal so I think that focus would be better spent elsewhere.

GM cancelled their Facebook account because it wasn't having any noticeable increase in sales. The stock price has dropped significantly due to this announcement. I think companies are beginning to see that Facebook might not be the best place to promote their business.
As for the console process, it takes 4-5 weeks for approval, then Microsoft (and I believe, Sony) decides when to put it online. There's nothing that Farsight can do about that.
Microsoft rejected their first DLC pack, from what I've heard, because they didn't include something they were supposed to include (Microsoft, of course, failed to tell them that requirement). Now that they know, they shouldn't be rejected again. The submission and approval process sucks, but there's nothing Farsight can do about it. If anyone has any complaints about delays, they should be directed to Microsoft and Sony.


May 23, 2012
Other game companies manage to get DLC released on the PS3 and Xbox, I have seen it there with my own eyes.

If I am running a company and putting out a game with the business model of paid DLC in monthy installments you can bet that having the submission process and rules ironed out well in advance of the first scheduled release is going to be on my priority list, not my "get around to it if time permits list".

Facebook is a gaggle of dip****s, I won't join because it has nothing to offer the world. Ill peek at the current page till I get thrown out for not being a member because they don't release info anywhere else. At least with the CF that is the comments page on Kickstarter those people had to pony up at least a buck in order to spout off their lunacy and half-baked ideas.

As far as contacting Sony and MS about the failures of 3rd parties to understand and follow the rules of the DLC store process I think Ill not do that as it would make me look foolish.


New member
Apr 23, 2012
GM didn't cancel their facebook page, they pulled all their paid advertising on the site. They still maintain their free pages. I just checked and they had a post 3 minutes ago.

As far as communication with the community, I've tried following plenty of developers and none of them have been really all that good at it. Most of the time, they talk (usually only because they're pushing to promote their own product and get more money) but rarely listen to their customers. Or others might listen, but are so tight-lipped you'd never know they're listening. I don't really see that as a problem with Farsight. They seem to listen and even post here. I don't know of any developers who would post regularly on a forum they don't run themselves.

And as things have been going, it's probably better that they stay quiet on their plans. Look what happened when they said when they were shooting for PS3/360 DLC release. A bunch of people get pissed because it didn't happen. I simply don't understand how people take every word that comes out of a developer's mouth as a firm statement (or a promise). Everything said isn't so black and white. If people want them to open up more, then people should quit giving them grief when something doesn't happen.
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Ark Malmeida

New member
Apr 3, 2012
I definitely hope they stay on their 2 tables a month schedule and this is coming from someone who plays exclusively on the Xbox 360. From what I gather from some of the comments Mike R. has made. It seems like the 360 is the lead platform for table development (I could be wrong, that's just the impression I've gotten from Mike's posts) so I figure if they keep on their two tables a month schedule, the tables will be developed and ready on the 360 and it will just be a matter of getting in a rhythm with MS and their approval process. I won't mind being a month or so behind if we can start getting a steady stream of two tables per month once everything gets ironed out.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
You are correct, I use the Xbox as primary platform to develop the tables on.

Trust me, we are really frustrated with how long the process takes on the major consoles.

It's not uncommon to ask them how something needs to be done, get an answer (days or even weeks later I might add), implement it that way, then fail for it and be told it's not allowed.

This is our first DLC, after this the process should go smoother.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
You are correct, I use the Xbox as primary platform to develop the tables on.

Trust me, we are really frustrated with how long the process takes on the major consoles.

It's not uncommon to ask them how something needs to be done, get an answer (days or even weeks later I might add), implement it that way, then fail for it and be told it's not allowed.

This is our first DLC, after this the process should go smoother.

So are you saying that as the process is more streamlined, you can get the DLC approved in a few weeks vs. 4-5 weeks?

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
So are you saying that as the process is more streamlined, you can get the DLC approved in a few weeks vs. 4-5 weeks?

I wonder about that - does Microsoft expedite approval from developers who have proven themselves? Would Activision have to wait 4-5 weeks to get new Modern Warfare maps approved?

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
I'm hoping that there won't be failures or any need for back and forth with the 1st partys.

Personally, I wish we could just put the tables out when they are done. Unfortunatly we're not allowed to do that.


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
I wonder about that - does Microsoft expedite approval from developers who have proven themselves? Would Activision have to wait 4-5 weeks to get new Modern Warfare maps approved?

If FarSight can get approval times down to a few weeks, then I have no problem with them releasing 2 tables every month, but if approval time is 4-5 weeks regardless, then I say they would benefit from releasing 4 tables every two months. I hope they can stay with monthly releases for consoles as well.

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