only way to possibly control volum while in game without using a mixer is to open the coin door on pro tables and do adjustments there. Otherwise, nope
only way to possibly control volum while in game without using a mixer is to open the coin door on pro tables and do adjustments there. Otherwise, nope
Volume_SoundFx = 100
Volume_Ambient = 100
Volume_Music = 100
Hope I'm not treading on any toes here (and Mike etc., let me know if you don't want this here) but this is something I saved from the beta that still works in the final game
Create a directory under the "PinballArcade" folder called "Dev"
In that directory, create a new text document called Setup.txt
Edit aforementioned text document, and copy/paste the following:
SoundFx is the menu and in-game sound effects (duh), including the electronic sound effects generated by the game (so there's no way to balance the mechanical sounds with the emulated, electronic ones).Code:Volume_SoundFx = 100 Volume_Ambient = 100 Volume_Music = 100
Ambient is all menu-based music, like the main menu music and the pre-game music (when the camera is wandering around the table)
Music is in-game music. Personally, I've found a good balance to be 100/0/45, but you can obviously tweak to your liking
Sorry for OT, but could controller vibration be deactived by a command in setup.txt also? If yes, what is the command?