ST:TNG Kickstarter is (now complete)!

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
I don't understand why FS do not reveal their "ace". In my opinion, sooner is better than later. FS should also post some updates, TZ had more updates at this point.

I think i missed something, if so sorry, but what do you mean by revealing their ace?

Is it a new kickstarter table after start trek, or is it a surprise table in next DLC?


New member
Mar 26, 2012
Do they really need an ace? They're more likely to get more money for TAF on it's own (if it's possible) than add it to a stretch here.

BTW, they said something about having some Williams staff on board (in general) as well... am I imagining things or am I thinking of the Pro Pinball KS?


New member
May 29, 2012
Do they really need an ace? They're more likely to get more money for TAF on it's own (if it's possible) than add it to a stretch here.

BTW, they said something about having some Williams staff on board (in general) as well... am I imagining things or am I thinking of the Pro Pinball KS?

I'm pretty sure Ade from Silverball said something along those line of having ex-Williams-people on the team, I'm sure we will know more once the Kickstarter goes live, which is delayed as well for a few days. Double the wait!


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I seriously doubt they will directly tack on another table directly as a stretch goal.

"No- we've learned the hard way that trying to mix two tables into the same project is probably not a good idea."

Maybe they will announce an acquired license as a thank you at 45k, or will give added features to the game or table as real stretch goals.

Personally I'm starting to suspect the 45k "ace" is the video that announces the secret table in DLC6...


New member
Feb 21, 2012
I am hoping for the announcement of future licenses that will be difficult to create without financial support. There needs to be an incentive to bid. Not a stretch goal per se but a reason for people to give more. Maybe a few new tiers to give incentives based on a future licensed table that would benefit from this kickstarter too.

Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
I am hoping for the announcement of future licenses that will be difficult to create without financial support. There needs to be an incentive to bid. Not a stretch goal per se but a reason for people to give more. Maybe a few new tiers to give incentives based on a future licensed table that would benefit from this kickstarter too.

It all depends on how well TZ and STTNG do. If they sell well enough, FS might not need to do kickstarters anymore. That's what I remember Bobby saying was their goal.
This one will (hopefully) make it, but it's taking it far longer than TZ. I'd imagine that a third KS done before these two are released would probably not even achieve the goal.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
It is surprising to me how many people have complained about the kickstarters in terms of tz not being released. It was made clear when the table would come out and they have gown that they can come out with new tables consistently. I don't get how much concerns exists about fulfilling it. That definitely seems to be driving support down.


New member
May 29, 2012
It is surprising to me how many people have complained about the kickstarters in terms of tz not being released. It was made clear when the table would come out and they have gown that they can come out with new tables consistently. I don't get how much concerns exists about fulfilling it. That definitely seems to be driving support down.

That's why I keep saying that they should do progress diaries for how the Kickstarter tables are progressing. Even if they haven't done much yet (which I find unlikely), just show us some pics of the disassembly, the scanning, polygonal models... which would say "Hey, that last table you spent money on? We're hard at work digitizing it!"

I personally don't doubt TZ will turn out great, but you just got to show people stuff, give little updates like that. Aside from being very interesting, there's less disconnect between the spent money and the final product months later.


New member
Jun 19, 2012
The lack of updates from Farsight is their only problem. It is costing them thousands upon thousands in lost kickstarter revenue. I have no doubt that with weekly updates on how far they are progressing with Twilight Zone, more people would be inclined to drop money. I for one can only afford $50 at the moment which is well above the average donation. I own a Star Trek TNG pinball machine that is in perfect shape, and have offered my services to help beta test the ios ipad3 version I own. However I do not have $500 I can part with for the kickstarter to gain that spot forcefully. However Since I am one of the few in this forum who has played Star Trek TNG since 1994 on a daily basis, I think The game would benefit from my input on whether it is behaving realistically. I know that play varies from machine to machine, and pitch/angle can greatly affect play along with having worn bumpers, a waxed field, etc. However it is good to hear different opinions on how the digital table is comparing. I for one would have noticed the extra wide gap on MM while beta testing for one. The way the cannons fire on Star Trek TNG and the ball bounce afterwards can be vary random. I hope they don't animate that like they do on Circus Voltaire where the ball stays on the head and comes off the same way every time.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I hope they don't animate that like they do on Circus Voltaire where the ball stays on the head and comes off the same way every time.

That might be that way on iOS, but on the PS3 the ball comes off the head in any manner of directions (sometimes even to the high wire trail!).


New member
Feb 21, 2012
This kickstarter has been better and worse in many regards. Yes it executed reward tiers better right from the start. Plus not having a stretch goal was awesome. But they have learned nothing about marketing it. Every time they did an update during tz, automatic pledge spike. This time they should be updating every third day yet only one update?
Whatever their ace card is they may need to play it sooner than later. If the idea behind it is to get more pledges they are cutting out the time they have to reap its benefits. The way this thing is creeping along they will have about 6-7 days barring any pledge spike (one update and they could possibly wrap it up in a day or two!)

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