ST:TNG Kickstarter is (now complete)!


Mod & Forum Superstar
Staff member
Feb 22, 2012
Don't know if anyone else noticed, but Silverball has backed both The Twilight Zone and Star Trek : The Next Generation Kickstarter projects. I would hope that FarSight would return the never know what opportunities may surface in the future and building a strong bridge now would definitely help if said bridge were to be crossed in the future. :)


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I'm really disapointed with the lack of updates too, I really don't know what they are thinking!. As said above every update last time brought a spike with it, raising awareness and interest. They really don't have 1/2 hour to throw together a paragraph or 2 and a few photo's or video interviews etc?. The one update so far was a rather poor one I thought, yes it was nice to see the table in action but there are loads of videos of that on youtube. What I expected to see was the guys actually playing the table, having a laugh and talking about it. I guess I expect too much.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Since there was only one update, I am now expecting something huge at 45K. Should only be a couple of days to the finish line.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Looking at Silverball studios kickstarter there are currently 40 comments on there and 9 of them are from Silverball studios themselves answering questions. Wether their kickstarter is successful or not thats good PR, Farsight please untie your PR guy and let him speak!.


New member
May 10, 2012
I agree 100% that an update or 2 would speed this thing up and that Far sight clearly has room for improvement in th PR dep, but please do not compare this Kick starter to others. There is mayor differences. Other kS's is trying to get their game made and people have questions about it. They will of course do all they can to promote it also because it is often the only way to get their game funded. Far sight has payed for licenses to make a game and has proven what they are able to do. They would never have done these 2 ks's if people had not constantly pleaded them to make big license tables available. We all know what we will get and if there is not enough interest they will simply make other tables instead. You all know this of course but I just had to make a point of it to get some balance here and try to see it from their perspective. They are hard at work with other tables, bug fixes, etc. That said, selfish me wouldn't mind an interview with Steve Richie about this great table, hint hint. (or just a little "Hey fans thank you so much we all appreciate your help", etc) Hmm, I better stop now before I put you all to sleep :D Steady as she goes nr. 1, we're nearly there!


New member
Jun 19, 2012
This kickstarter has been better and worse in many regards. Yes it executed reward tiers better right from the start. Plus not having a stretch goal was awesome. But they have learned nothing about marketing it. Every time they did an update during tz, automatic pledge spike. This time they should be updating every third day yet only one update?
Whatever their ace card is they may need to play it sooner than later. If the idea behind it is to get more pledges they are cutting out the time they have to reap its benefits. The way this thing is creeping along they will have about 6-7 days barring any pledge spike (one update and they could possibly wrap it up in a day or two!)

I like many of you ardent supporters have put in my $50 pledge and am hoping to see this wonderful STTNG table come to fruition digitally. However it is hard to believe that just as the goal is about to be met, that I am thinking these thoughts below as to what is going on behind the scenes. Wrong as I may be....
I'm thinking at this point with Farsight not coming out with more than a single update, that they are not serious in garnering more money for development. It appears that they simply either don't care about making any extra money beyond the original goal (which I find hard to believe), or they have forgotten about the kickstarter going on altogether (hard to believe too). Thirdly it could be they have simply planned to release this update all along after the goal is met. Either way it is obviously bad management in the marketing area whichever of those three options were chosen. I hate being critical here when the goal is about to be met, however based on recent history in how the last kickstarter went for them, every time they did an update pledges rose exponentionaly as we all know. So waiting doesn't seem to make any more sense since every day they lose from the point they announce the stretch plans, is equal to thousands of dollars in my opinion that could go to buying more games, hiring a part time worker, etc. So hopefully Farsight reads this and takes the criticism from us backers as they should and let us know what is going on, since all of us backers want your company to succeed and make good business decisions. We all make up your board of directors so to speak or at the very least, we are the conscience on your shoulders giving you ideas. Keeping us more updated would help the situation and help the kickstarter a lot. Maybe it doesn't need the extra, however what company doesn't need extra. Every little bit helps.
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New member
Feb 21, 2012
Under $1000 to go. 2 hours left in the kickstarter day. If it doesn't clear by then I am guessing it will cross the finish by the end of today's calendar day. It has gotten really strong support the last several days so assuming the update is provided in a timely manner, farsight will have a couple extra days to enjoy any bump that gives them.
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New member
May 10, 2012
I am in the twilight zone now. Scotty, please beem me up (sorry wrong series). We did it. yes, yes, yes.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Very exciting! You gotta love that surge as the goal is approached! Now we can only hope that update comes with the quickness.


New member
Jun 12, 2012
excellent!!! :cool:


(just can't resist with the picard memes :eek:)


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Very cool!
Now let's fund THE SIMPSONS!
$100 from me (or a box of chocolate donuts, with SPRINKLES) D'oh!


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