Steam summer Sale?


New member
Apr 4, 2012
It was to me - I still don't have my PC upgraded yet,but I went ahead & bought the launch pack & I'm seriously considering grabbing season 1.
I'd better get on newegg & get my vid card finally as well.

Yeah, I hope what I said didn't come off as sarcasm, I did mean it. I already got the high scores and standard goals completed for ToM and RBioN, still working on standard goals for Black Hole (That game is a B****). Thanks again for having the penny sale, Farsight. I hope we can look forward to some season pack sales on Steam during the Xmas sale.


New member
Feb 2, 2013
Yet because it's based around steam wallet, I have to deposit a minimum of £4 to get something that's 1p, wtf?

If you've picked up Steam Trading Cards from playing the launch pack or other tables you have (or even other games), you could sell one on the steam market & get somewhere around 5p, assuming I'm estimating the exchange rate correctly.

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