Steve Ritchie Pinball Pack Please


New member
Jul 9, 2013
I have been playing pinball for 33 years now. Over that time I have played a lot of different machines. Having dome this I tend to enjoy the machines designed by Steve Ritchie over any other pinball designer. I would like to see a Steve Ritchie pack released for The Pinball Arcade containing machines that he has designed over the years. I do realize that we already have some Steve Ritchie tables in previous packs. :) I really enjoy playing the tables we already have that are Steve Ritchie designs. :)


New member
May 10, 2012
There is still a lot of SR gems to be had and a dedicated pack sounds good to me. F14 and Black knight 2000 would be killer pack just for the music alone


New member
Jul 6, 2012
There is still a lot of SR gems to be had and a dedicated pack sounds good to me. F14 and Black knight 2000 would be killer pack just for the music alone

If you could split those two between two packs and pair each with one of the High Speeds, I'd be loving it. You'd get two epic Steve Ritchie packs.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I would die happy if Rollergames gets released.

Never knew Rollergames was a Steve Ritchie. You learn something new every day. Played this pin for the first time a few months ago and was blown away. Would be great to have in TPA.

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Y'know, I personally think that both BK2K and Rollergames are the games that introduced his brilliant flow designs. Particularly Rollergames in the magnet shot and the combos.

David Pannozzo

New member
Mar 6, 2012
How about No Fear, I love that Steve Ritchie game. It has a Skull on the playfield that kind of taunts you and also congratulates you if you did great. I also love his brother Mark Ritchie's games to, not too many people know Mark. Mark designed the games Fish Tales, Diner, Taxi, Indiana Jones: Pinball Adventure, and a few other games I can't think of off hand. I would also love a Pat Lawlor pack, I think he's made the most pinball games and some of the most memorable games, way too many to list off hand but to of my favorite games that Pat did are The Addam's Family and Family Guy. Well that's my two cents for now.


New member
Jul 9, 2013
I was 11 years old when High Speed came out and I saw it for the first time at my local mall in Space Port. I was raised around cars and racing so here was a car themed pinball machine. I played it for the first time and I was hooked on it. It is one of my favorite machines to this day. Then in 1987 I played F14 Tomcat. Loved it. The speed and the brutal kickback from the left side of the game was just sweet. For me if they add two Steve Ritchie machines I want High Speed and F14 Tomcat.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
Getaway/High Speed dual release.

Followed by No Fear/F-14.

Then finally Black Knight 2000/Jack*Bot. I know Jack*Bot isn't Richie, but this would be an awesome "sequels" pack.

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