Table of the Week Club...Week 15: CENTAUR

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New member
Apr 3, 2014
Got my last two wizard goals for maximum multiball and maximum bonus and a trophy(woohoo!), and finally took the top spot on the local high score list. Another of those tables that I learned to play in tournaments so never set any decent scores in the main game. I'm sure I've done a bit better than 3.8ish million in the tourneys, but that's not too bad for me considering it was all on one ball.

I do love this table though, good fun, shots that make sense and it never feels "cheap..." except perhaps when a ball that barely makes it to the outlane-inlane gate snaps through it. Don't think I'll complain about a game that actually cheats in my favor however.


New member
Jan 30, 2015
Love flailing on the multi-ball. Would u say it's all about the multi-ball? Fun cool game, I like it.


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
The sounds on this table remind me of Metroid 2 Return of Samus for the gameboy. All I do is try to get the orb targets down in order, even if ive already got 2 or more balls in play. Everything else just falls into place that way, queens chamber, bonuses from the dead end. Then I get lonely when I'm back to 1 ball
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